
Muan-gun’s response to our e-People petition asking to shut down their dog farms

Application No.: 1AA-2011-0951709
Application Date: 2020-11-28
Request to Muan-gun, South Korea, to take administrative action against illegal dog farms.
무안군에 불법 개농장, 개도살장 행정처분 시행과 즉각적인 폐쇄를 강력히 촉구합니다.

📌 Please note: The South Korean government continues to deceive us with lies and excuses. Click HERE to learn more.

Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 전라남도
staff in charge 김자희
contact 061-450-5444
processing date 2020-12-23
result 1. 귀하의 국민신문고 민원(신청번호1AA-2011-0951709 )에 대한 검토결과를 다음과 같이 안내드립니다.
We will inform you of the review results of your civil complaint as follows.

2. 본 민원은 불법 개사육 및 도축, 개고기 식용에 대한 단속 및 조치 요청에 관한 내용으로 판단됩니다.
This complaint is judged to be about the request for enforcement and action against illegal dog breeding and slaughter, and dog meat consumption.

3. 귀하의 질의사항에 대한 검토결과는 붙임문서를 참고하시기 바라며, 답변내용에 대하여 궁금하신 사항은 해당 부서로 문의주시기 바랍니다.
Please refer to the attached document for the review result of your inquiries, and if you have any questions about the contents of the answer, please contact the relevant department.

□ 문 의 처
가. 환경과 환경지도팀 조 가 을 061-450-5570
Environment and Environmental Guidance Team
나. 축산과 축산자원팀 박 애 연 061-450-4059
Livestock and Livestock Resource Team

붙임 1. 답변서(Petition Results) 1부. 끝.
petition_result_ENG.pdf 다운로드

Petition Results
1. Information on Civil Petitioner
Name Katharine M____ and 44 others
Application No. 1AA-2011-0964273
Date of Application 29/11/20
2. Civil Petition Results
Summary of requested petition
Request to Muan-gun, South Korea, to take administrative action against illegal dog
We will inform you of the answers to your petition on e-People portal as follows.
A. For livestock and related matters, we will answer as follows.
1. Your complaint is understood to be about ‘Illegal Breeding and Slaughter of Dog Meat’, and the opinions reviewed on the inquiry are as follows.
-First of all, dogs are not considered livestock according to Article 2 of the Livestock Hygiene Management Act. Therefore, dogs are not subject to punishment for illegal breeding and slaughter.
In addition, in relation to Article 8 (1) 4 of the Animal Protection Act, the grounds for punishment because slaughter of dogs for food is not specified in the acts prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Article 4 (Prohibition of Abuse) of the Enforcement Regulation of the same Act. It is not a regulation.
2. We hope that your question has been answered satisfactorily, and if you need further explanation on the content of the answer, please contact us and we will be happy to guide you.
Thank you. Muan County Livestock Department Park Ae-yeon (☎061-450-4059)
B. We respond to the environment and related matters as follows.
1. Thank you for your deep interest in preserving the natural environment and creating a comfortable living environment.
2. The complaint you have requested is related to confirmation of violations of the 「Livestock Manure Management and Utilization Act」 and 「Waste Management Act」 and administrative disposition for dog breeding facilities located in 28 districts, including 325 Daechiri, Mongtan-myeon, Muan-gun. I understand and I will answer you.
3. First of all, as a result of checking the site (28 lot numbers, including 325 Daechi-ri, Mongtan-myeon), we inform you that we have not found the fact that dogs were bred in violation of the “Livestock Manure Management and Use Act”.
4. In addition, persons who recycle food waste as their own livestock are subject to report on waste treatment in accordance with Article 46 of the Waste Management Act and Article 66 (2) of the Enforcement Regulations of the same Act, and can be recycled after reporting waste treatment accordingly. As a result of confirming the relevant lot number, it was confirmed that the farmhouses raising dogs are operating after reporting waste treatment.
5. Regarding illegal dumping and loading of domestic waste, As a result of on-site verification of some of the complaints on Dec. 18, we have not found any illegal matters, and we plan to visit some sites in the future and take administrative measures and instructions according to the 「Waste Management Act」.
6. We hope that your complaint has been answered satisfactorily, and if you need additional clarification in the response, please contact the Environment Division (livestock manure 061-450-5570, waste 061-450-5574, 5550) and we will be happy to inform you. End.
Organization Jeonnam Muan-Gun
Department Civil-Land service Department
Date of processing 23/12/20
Staff in Charge Ja-hui Kim ([email protected])

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