
Newsletter – April 26, 2019

Help Shut Down Dog Farm in the Livestock Farming Restricted Area!
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New Call for Action
Gochang, Korea, Shut down the Illegal Dog Meat Farm located in the Livestock Farming Restricted Area!

A dog farm located next to Gochang Country Club in Gochang-gun Simwon-myeon remains in operation, despite years of complaints filed against it by the Gochang Country Club. This illegal dog farm is located within the Livestock Farming Prohibited Area and behind the dog farm is a seashore area, which connects to a walking path. It is also suspected that the dog farm is sitting on public land. But the county of Goyang continues to respond to those complaints with the same old excuses. The only way to shut down this dog farm is with a massive petition campaign. Please help by taking action now.

Video: Dog Farm in Gochang, South Korea. Jung Jin Woo.

New Calls for Action
Campaigns to urge Township Governments
to end the dog and cat meat cruelty!

The Korean internet searches resulted in 321 Health Food Shops and 208 dog meat restaurants in the vicinity of Namyangju. Namyangju has a massive dog meat industry and we must take actions to speak out against this horrific industry, profiting from the suffering and slaughter of companion animals.  Click each of the towns to take actions now.  Thank you!

Call for Action
Heartless owners leave their dogs in chains
and cages to suffer and die in flames.

South Korea has declared a national emergency in response to one of the largest wildfires on record in the east coastal cities in Gangwon-do province. 4,000 people were evacuated in the fire that destroyed several hundred buildings. But the biggest victims of this massive fire are the animals left behind without the ability to escape this deadly flames because they are chained or trapped in wire cages. Please take action now to urge the Korean Government to punish those responsible for leaving these dogs to suffer the fire.

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