
Newsletter – December 5, 2019
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New Calls for Action: 
Shut down the illegal dog farms!
21 New Cities(Counties) Are Added!

For most of us, the holiday season is filled with joy and happiness. But for the Korean dogs in the dog meat trade, the harsh frigid winter just means even more suffering. Forced to live outside, not many of these poor animals survive the freezing temperature and snow. Please don’t let them endure such a cruel and terrible fate. Let your voice be the instrument of compassion. 
Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA) has a dog farm archive map which lists the dog farms throughout South Korea. Click HERE to learn more.
The list contains 2,861 dog farms. We will file e-People petitions for each of these dog farms, urging the Korean government to inspect and take immediate actions to shut them down. Click HERE for the status of our e-People petition filing.
We have added 12 more cities and will continue to add more.  Please click HERE or the city name links below to do your part by taking quick and simple actions. Thank you!

The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea
👉 4. Yangju
👉 8. Wonju
👉 14. Inje
👉 17. Daegu
👉 19. Busan

Photos: South Korea’s dog farms and slaughtershouses.  The Korea Observer.

Help The Little Ones Stay Warm This Winter!


A private animal shelter in Yangsan, operated by Ms. Hyeon-Suk Seo, is moving to a new location and your help is urgently needed. In order to keep the little ones warm this winter, it is essential that 2 containers are purchased; see photos HERE.

The total cost for both containers is about $3,000 USD. Can you find it in your heart to help by donating whatever amount you are able to? Every little bit helps!

Donations can be sent to Busan KAPCA with the notation “Yangsan Shelter,” and they will deliver your donation to Ms. Seo. Going forward, Busan KAPCA will help in the daily operation of the shelter by giving advice on best practices as well as providing volunteer support.



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