
Newsletter – February 24, 2020
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New Friendship City Campaigns 
Will Copenhagen and Sintra Speak for the Korean Dogs?

Sister and Friendship City Agreements are formed between two cities with the aim of being mutually beneficial (for trade, cultural exchanges, business links etc., and to foster friendship), and many cities throughout the United States and around the world have such ‘twin cities’ all over South Korea. We can bring the unacceptable practices of South Korea’s dog meat trades to the attention of the relevant City Mayors and their Offices, and to urge them, in the spirit of friendship and for the good of the Korean people, to reach out to their counterparts in South Korea, asking them to enforce their laws and to put an end to the cruel dog and cat meat trades. Click below buttons to take actions today.
Click HERE for Sister City Campaign Center (US).
Click HERE for Sister City Campaign Center (Non-US).

“Visit Korea” Facebook Campaign

Money is a major motivator for change. If we impact Korea’s tourism industry, it will help put the pressure on the Korean government to bring an end to their cruel and vile dog and cat meat industry.
We have set up “Visit Korea” sites to help prospective visitors to learn more about Korea to help them make the right decisions. Please visit and “Like”. Feel free to post and comment on the pages. Thank you!

CARE: Put the Cheonan Dog Slaughterer on Trial!

On January 29th, CARE held a press conference in front of the Cheonan branch of the Daejeon District Court and demanded that the Cheonan Dog Slaughterer who had been burning dogs alive for 20 years be put on trial.


After submitting a testimonial to the Cheonan Seobuk Police Station from one of the rescued dogs, Nova (the first time in South Korea that a dog has submitted a testimonial as a witness,) along with a petition signed by citizens urging the severest appropriate punishment, the prosecution merely fined him 3 million Korean Won (Approx. $2,500 US) without the need for a trial. That outcome was unacceptable.

According to Article VIII of South Korean Animal Protection Act, the following are considered acts of animal abuse and are prohibited:
  • Cruel slaughter methods, such as hanging
  • Performing the slaughter in places visible to other animals or passersby

It is evident that the slaughterer had grossly violated animal protection laws. Witnesses reported that he had committed such acts for over 20 years, which brings us to an estimate of tens of thousands of dogs brutally killed by his hand. 


🧡 Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE) is funded entirely by donations.
To support & donate to CARE, please click this link.


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