
Newsletter – February 25, 2017

Animal Protection Law Passes | Sisters don’t let sisters kill dogs!

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Great News!
Animal Protection Act Amendment Passes the National Assembly Standing Committee.

On February 23, News 1 in Korea reported that the amendment to the Animal Protection Act, which includes strengthening the punishment for animal abuse to a 2-year prison term, has passed the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.

This is a great victory for the animal rights activists in Korea and abroad who have been campaigning on behalf of Korean animals for many years. While this does not end the dog and cat meat trade, which is what we desperately want, it’s definitely proof that the Korean government is starting to feel the heat. 

Animal Protection Act Amendment Passes the National Assembly Standing Committee.

It’s both a step in the right direction and encouragement for us to work that much harder. So let’s keep up our campaign to bring an end to the dog and cat meat trade!

The news was reported as follows:

Possibly as early as March of next year, puppy mills will have to be licensed and punishment for animal cruelty will carry a prison sentence of up to 2 years or a fine of 20 million won.

At its general meeting on February 23rd, the National Assembly’s Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Food and Fisheries Committee passed the amendment of the Animal Protection Act for the prevention of animal abandonment and abuse that includes these conditions. The amendment, passed by the standing committee, will be presented to the legislative and judiciary committee and then brought to the plenary session on March 2. If it passes the plenary session, the law will go into effect one year later.

Under current law, animal abuse is punishable by imprisonment for up to one year or a fine of up to 10 million won. However, if the amendment is passed, punishment is reinforced by “imprisonment of up to 2 years or fine of up to 20 million won.” To address the puppy mill issue, which caused a social outcry for changes in the animal production industry, the current notification system will be converted to a licensing system.

Click HERE to learn more.

Sisters don’t let sisters kill dogs!
New sister city campaigns – Please take action TODAY!

Please continue to take action on our Sister City Campaigns. You can make a difference for the millions of dogs and tens of thousands of cats horribly abused in South Korea every year. Compassion Through Action!

Friendship City Campaign – Jeonju, South Korea – Honolulu, Hawaii

Friendship City Campaign – Cheongyang, South Korea – Macomb, Illinois

Sister City Campaign – Dangjin, South Korea –Bergen County, New Jersey

Photo: Dog Meat Market/Slaughterhouse in South Korea.

Sister City Campaign – Dangjin, South Korea –Bergen County, New Jersey
We have many Sister/Friendship City Campaigns going on now.
Please add your voice TODAY to help the Korean dogs.
“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”
 – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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