Newsletter – January 16, 2017
posted by team on January 17,2017 in Action Alert, Campaign, Newsletter
Victories – Palm Springs, Chapel Hill, World Veterinary Congress
Click HERE to see this newsletter from our homepage.
[Campaign Update] World Veterinary Congress 2017: Speak Out Against The Dog and Cat Meat Trade in South Korea.
We reached out to the participants of the World Veterinary Congress (WVC), by the World Veterinary Association (WVA), to help put an end to the dog meat trade in South Korea. The 33rd WVC is being held in South Korea from August 27 to 31 this year, a country which still farms and eats dogs. The host city, Incheon, is one of the highest dog meat consumption areas in Korea.
We are very pleased to receive a positive response from the World Veterinary Association regarding our campaign/petition.
They informed us, “Organizing Committee of the Second Global Animal Welfare Forum already introduced this issue to the program and invited a Korean Veterinarian to give an overview on the dog meat production in Asia covering the animal welfare aspects.”
We are grateful for the WVA’s initiative to address this issue and looking forward to seeing actions from the WVA community to help bring an end to this cruelty. Click HERE to learn more.
Supportive Palm Springs responds to call to action against the dog meat trade
Mayor Robert Moon of Palm Springs has replied to our Asan Friendship City campaign/petition that we sent to his office, and we are pleased to say that he has responded positively. He stated that he sent a letter to the city officials in Asan requesting that they cease this “reprehensible practice”.
We would like to thank him and the members of his office for listening to our concerns and taking action.
Click HERE to learn more and send the Mayor thank you letter.
[Our Campaign in the News] “California woman targets Spokane, other U.S. cities to help stop dog meat trade in Korea”
We are grateful to The Spokesman Review, and the reporter Kip Hill for covering our Sister City Campaign. This report will help to raise awareness about this urgent and important issue – South Korean Dog and Cat Meat Cruelty.
“A California woman who’s never traveled to Spokane is asking city leaders to pressure the South Korean government to end the practice of trading dog meat for consumption.
“I’ve always been a dog lover,” said Giny Woo, a native of the coastal city of Incheon who relocated to the United States 30 years ago. “I felt like I had to do something.” “ Click HERE to read.
Chapel Hill Mayor Pam Hemminger responds with compassion and affirmative action to Sister City Campaign
Despite not having communicated with the Seoul Guro since exchanging visits ten years ago, the Mayor of Chapel Hill Pam Hemminger responded to our Friendship City Campaign with compassion and, moreover, affirmative action.
We would like to sincerely thank her for listening to our concerns and taking action.
Click HERE to learn more and send the Mayor thank you letter.
273 Health Food Centers and 77 dog meat restaurants in the vicinity of Seongbuk District, Seoul
Let’s show the US Sister City, Buena Park, California, the truth about the dog and cat meat trades in Seoul Seongbuk District and ask them to take action. Click HERE to take action.
We have many Sister/Friendship City Campaigns. Please add your voice TODAY to help the Korean dogs.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Categories: Action Alert, Campaign, Newsletter
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