
Newsletter – July 29, 2017

Dogs in Korea are waiting desperately for your help…

Click HERE to see this newsletter from our homepage.​
Seoul Guro and Silicon Valley Friendship City Campaigns

The Guro District in Seoul is very aggressive in trying to form a Friendship agreement with the Silicon Valley. They formed this agreement with Union City just a couple of years ago, and in March of this year, with Cupertino, the heart of Silicon Valley where Apple is based. Are these cities aware of the Seoul Guro district’s dark secret? Let’s ask for support from Guro’s new Friends to help put an end to the dog and cat meat trade. Campaign urging Guro’s Canadian Friendship City, District of North Vancouver in the City of North Vancouver is also added. Take action now.

Seoul Guro District – District of North Vancouver, Canada

Seoul Guro District – Cupertino, California

Seoul Guro District – Union City, California

Glitzy metropolis Seoul is also the capital of
unimaginable cruelty and profound indifference.

Seoul – Over 400 dog meat restaurants and hundreds more so-called “Health Food Shops” which commonly sell “dog elixir”, are in this capital city of South Korea. We have added many new Friendship Citycampaigns. Take the action today to speak out against their profound indifference. Speak up for the voiceless animals. Thank you!!

Seoul Gangbuk District – Chatham-Kent, Canada

Seoul – Ottawa, Canada

Seoul – Montreal, Canada

Seoul – London, United Kingdom

Seoul Gwanak District – The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, London, United Kingdom

Seoul Gangseo District – Nottingham, United Kingdom

[Call for Action] Dog meat farmers trading
​hundreds of dogs in the hillside in Yangsan

Busan Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Busan KAPCA)and Kookje newspaper reported the below story:

A scene has been recorded of dog meat farmers from across the country trading hundreds of dogs at a hillside of Yangsan(Gyeongsangnam-do Province). On July 11th, the Busan KAPCA exposed video of dogs, raised for consumption, being secretly traded on July 4th at a hillside in Yangsan. Dog farmers from across the country were trading these dogs.

The footage contains pictures of seven or eight large Dosa dogs in a tiny and rusty metal cage with no space in which to move. During the course of the trade, dogs that were not cooperating were jabbed with iron sticks. One struggling dog is shown being grabbed by the collar. It is estimated that there are several hundreds of dogs in metal cages that are lined up in vacant lot. The dogs were being sold for 400,000 to 600,000 Korean won each, and it was estimated that up to 250 dogs were being sold daily.  
Click HERE to learn more and take action.

Only 2 days left!
Thunderclap against Cruelty! Join all today!

Please click the below photo to join.

Click HERE to join all Thunderclap campaigns.

Attention New York Area Activists!
Please Join The Animals’ Battalion
​for the Final 2017 ‘Boknal’ Demonstration in New York

These photos are of the ‘Boknal’ demonstrations, organized by The Animals’ Battalion, at the Korean Consulate Generals Office in New York. The first photo is from the day 2 of this year’s demonstration while the second photo shows day 2 of the demonstration last year. Can you tell the difference in the attendance? It’s noticeably smaller this year, which is very sad as the demonstration should be bigger this year, not smaller.

New York area activists, please stand up and speak out on behalf of the Korean animals in the dog and cat meat trade! If you don’t speak out, who will??

Day 3 of this year’s demonstration will be on Friday, August 11, from 3 – 6 pm. Please note the time has been changed in an effort to reach Consulate General Gheewhan Kim who has not acknowledged us yet. Click HERE for more information about the event.

Where: Consulate General of the Republic of Korea
460 Park Ave, 57th Street, New York, NY 10022

Time: 3 pm – 6 pm
(Consulate Hours: Open • 9 am – 12 pm, 1:30 pm – 4 pm)

Those of you not in New York can still help out and add your voice by picking up the phone and making a call. Please give your 2 minutes. It could save a life.

Click HERE to join the Phone Blitz.

Posters and brochures will be provided but homemade posters, props and other materials are encouraged! We also have petitions to be signed and sent to the Ambassador of South Korea.  

Free t-shirts for the volunteers (while supplies last).

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