
Newsletter – July 30, 2018

It’s official! Jeonju is going “Dog Meat Free”. | Urgent Petitions

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It’s official! Jeonju is going “Dog Meat Free”.

Nami Kim ( has shared the uplifting news that her team held a further meeting with Jeonju’s Mayor Kim Seung-Su, and they have now received his official confirmation that Jeonju is going to be a “Dog Meat Free” city. And, action has already begun with a draft in place for a “Dog Meat Free” animal welfare master plan.

Jeonju will become the second “Dog Meat Free City” in South Korea, following in the steps of Bucheon, which, under the progressive leadership of Mayor Kim Man-Soo, last year began the process of shutting down its dog meat industry. Jeonju’s transition into a “Dog Meat Free” city, Nami feels, will be a much quicker process than that of Bucheon; we certainly hope so.

It was by no means an easy decision for Mayor Kim to make; he will have to face tough and potentially violent resistance from many of his constituents – those involved in the dog meat industry and those dog meat consumers. But Mayor Kim has shown that he is brave and patriotic to his country by making this right decision, one that will not only protect the animals from cruel treatment, but will further progress South Korea. We salute you, Mayor Kim!

We previously held campaigns calling for action from Jeonju’s Sister cities and Friendship cities, to speak out against Jeonju’s dog meat industry: Hawaii, San Diego, and Florence, Italy. And now we are extremely happy to be able to update all of our supporters who took action on these petitions, by sharing this wonderful news with them.

As a “Dog Meat Free City”, Jeonju is closer to becoming a world class and ethical city, with no barriers to forming beneficial and strategic partnerships with other cities around the world.

Mayor Kim, we love you and support you, from all across the world. We also want to send a big ‘thank you’ to all of the following people in: Mayor Kim’s staff,, and Action for Animals, for making this momentous event happen. And, many thanks to Jess Avilla Gilroy for volunteering with and attending this important meeting to show support.

Click HERE to learn more.

URGENT Petitions need your signatures!

Nami Kim ( will be meeting with the Ansan mayor’s assistant next week and she needs our petition signatures to hand deliver at the meeting to urge Ansan to close down their dog meat industry.
Click HERE to sign and share this and other urgent petitions today!  Also please send postal letters to the mayors.  Mailing addresses and sample letters are in the petition.  

Photo: Dog farm in Ansan, Korea.

Adopt dogs rescued from dog meat industry by

Dogs rescued from dog meat industry in South Korea by Nami Kim and her team are waiting for their loving and caring forever homes. Thank you for opening your heart and your home to these angels!

Click HERE to see the dogs available for adoption.
Click HERE to follow on Facebook for the latest updates.

Photo: From Nami, “This is Mina, one of the four we pulled out from Bong’s slaughterhouse last May. Mina was very traumatized but making progress every week. This was her first walk early July. She just started wagging tail at me.”!_Jeonju_is_going_Dog_Meat_Free__Urgent_Petitions&utm_medium=email

Please donate to team so that they can continue to rescue these angels and continue their fight to end the horrific dog meat trade.  Thank you!!


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