Newsletter – March 2, 2017
posted by team on March 2,2017 in Action Alert, Campaign, Newsletter
Korea’s Presidential Candidate and his puppies
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Soon, there will be a Presidential election in South Korea, 60 days after the final ruling by the Constitutional Court, impeaching their current president, Geun-Hye Park (the first female president in Korea) who is accused of corruption. Even if the court rules in her favor, Park’s term will come to an end in just one year. Right now in Korea, the presidential hopefuls’ campaigns are in full swing. The unchallenged frontrunner in the poll is Mr. Moon Jae-In and he is the most likely candidate to strengthen the Animal Protection Law and help the animals in Korea. We support him and his pledge to lead his nation into a more ethical and compassionate society by improving the welfare of animals.
He has posted a story about a stray dog who came into his life and what he had learned from that experience. Click HERE to read and please share.
Just a few Clicks for Thunderclap.
Please join us to speak out against the South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty. Join our Thunderclap campaign to say “Boycott PyeongChang 2018 Olympics in South Korea”!
Click HERE to join TODAY. Click HERE for more Thunderclap Campaigns you can join.
Michigan Governor’s Office replies, but declines to take action.
We received a response from the offices of Governor Rick Snyder, in Michigan, regarding our campaign asking them to take action over the dog-meat trade in Gyeonggi Province in South Korea, who they have business-related agreements with. And, whilst we are grateful for a response from Governor Snyder’s Office (on so many occasions we fail to get any sort of response from the many people and offices contacted across the globe), we are disappointed to hear that all they advise is for us to contact ‘the entities in question directly’ in South Korea.
The Governor’s representative also states that Michigan does not have a friendship agreement with South Korea, only various agreements for the benefit of economic growth etc., from which we infer that they feel unable to address the dog-meat issue with their counterparts.
We feel that they could have taken simple action, like many Mayors have done, but they declined to do so and have chosen to look the other way, putting their economic interests first and ignoring the immense suffering and terrible injustice inflicted on these animals.
Click HERE to learn more.
Click HERE for up to date status of our Sister City Campaigns.
Adopting a dog is a life time commitment. Please think 10 times before contacting SaveKoreanDogs. Read the complete adoption info before sending inquiries. Thank you!
“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.” – Elie Wiesel
Categories: Action Alert, Campaign, Newsletter
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