
Newsletter – May 25, 2016

Bucheon: a new light shines in the darkness | UPDATE: Rescue of 300 puppies

Bucheon: a new light shines in the darkness.
Bucheon: a new light shines in the darkness.

Bucheon City has a mayor to be proud of! Mayor Man-Soo Kim is actively working towards ending dog meat consumption in his City.

In addition to responding to the approach made by Mayor Harvey Hall, from their Sister City, Bakersfield, who contacted Bucheon – as a direct result of the pressure from our Sister City Campaign – Nami Kim has been talking to, and working together with, various city officials.

This is a very important step, as not only are those in charge willing to hear what Nami is saying to them about this ‘unacceptable’ trade, but the city has taken positive steps: passing new animal protection laws, and sending representatives from their offices, and the animal welfare department, out with Nami and her team, to support and coordinate rescue.

These are early days, and it is, of course, an uphill climb; but if Bucheon can become an entirely “Dog Meat Free Zone”, this would be a fantastic example to set for all other cities in Korea.

We really commend Bucheon on their action, and we applaud all of those within the city offices and other departments who were involved in this positive and inspiring action.

“One little light can light ten thousand”

To learn more, CLICK HERE.

Nami Kim Saving the Korean 'Meat Dogs'

Nami Kim’s team set out to an illegal dog meat farm in Bucheon, south of Seoul, where 300 dogs were kept for meat. After firm negotiation with the farmers, they agreed to shut their farm down, on condition that her team buys over the dogs from them, to allow them to have enough money to start a new trade.

We are now racing against time to raise the funds needed to redeem the dogs from slaughter, and to house and treat them while permanent homes are sought for them.

Right now, we urgently need your help to save the dogs in this farm. Nami Kim’s team cannot do it alone, but your support will give these 300 beautiful dogs a second chance to live the life they have never known.

This is YOUR chance to have a lasting impact for the innocent victims of this horrifically inhumane trade. No amount is too small to help. Donations will be used to save as many dogs as possible, in addition to funding education materials to change the hearts and minds of Korean dog eaters. Please DONATE what you can and share this page. Thank you!

To donate, CLICK HERE!

To get the latest update from the Nami Kim Team, CLICK HERE.

This fundraising is organized by Soi Dog for Nami Kim Team and your donation is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law in the United States.​

“Cowardice asks the question: Is it safe?
Expediency asks the question: Is it politic?
Vanity asks the question: Is it popular?
But, conscience asks the question: Is it right?
And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because one’s conscience tells one that it is right.”

– Martin Luther King, Jr. 

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