Major Victory! Another dog farm shutting down and 300 puppies to be saved by the Nami Kim Team.
It is heartening to be able to report some breakthrough (good!) news: as a direct response to our Sister City Campaign to Bakersfield and Mayor Harvey Hall, who then contacted Bucheon City, and – of course – also as a result of all Nami’s hard work, Bucheon has taken positive action to try and end the dog meat trade in their City.
This is such important news, as we are hoping for the ‘snowball’ effect, in that Bucheon will lead the way for other cities to follow up with similar action.
Nami has posted several videos of their rescue with the City’s Animal Welfare Official on site with them, at the closing down of this dog farm. To learn more, CLICK HERE.
To get the latest update from the Nami Kim Team, CLICK HERE.
Nami Kim’s team set out to an illegal dog meat farm in Bucheon, south of Seoul, where 300 dogs were kept for meat. After firm negotiation with the farmers, they agreed to shut their farm down, on condition that her team buys over the dogs from them, to allow them to have enough money to start a new trade.
We are now racing against time to raise the funds needed to redeem the dogs from slaughter, and to house and treat them while permanent homes are sought for them.
Right now, we urgently need your help to save the dogs in this farm. Nami Kim’s team cannot do it alone, but your support will give these 300 beautiful dogs a second chance to live the life they have never known.
This is YOUR chance to have a lasting impact for the innocent victims of this horrifically inhumane trade. No amount is too small to help. Donations will be used to save as many dogs as possible, in addition to funding education materials to change the hearts and minds of Korean dog eaters. Please DONATE what you can and share this page. Thank you!
To donate, CLICK HERE!
This fundraising is organized by Soi Dog for Nami Kim Team and your donation is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law in the United States.
The two faces of Seoul: prosperity and shame. Seoul’s Brutality against Helpless Animals and Profound Indifference!
Seoul Metropolitan City is the largest dog meat consumption area in South Korea: Chosun TV News recently reported that there are more than 1,000 businesses within Seoul that sell dog meat. This is a shocking number, especially when you consider the ‘behind the scenes’ housing and treatment of the dogs going into this end product – how many farms (containing countless numbers of cages) must there be inside, or on the periphery of this ‘soulless’ City?
Seoul is home to many global, well-known brands such as Samsung, Hyundai, LG, Kia, SK, Daewoo, which must mean it a prosperous one, too; which is why it is so shameful that this City shows such a profound indifference towards the millions of dogs – man’s best friends – which are brutally killed each year!!
So far our Sister City Campaigns have won FOUR victories, but Seoul is not one of them; and as an international city, we want them to change that and do the right thing now.
To help speak out against Seoul’s horrendous cruelty and its profound indifference, by urging its Sister/Friendship cities to speak out about this, to their counterparts, visit the links below to the various pages and take action:
Friendship City – Hokkaido, Japan.
Sister City – Tokyo, Japan.
Sister Cities – San Francisco, Washington DC, Honolulu.
Photo: Seoul GyeongDong Dog Meat Market. Nami Kim Team.
Speaking to the World: Many languages – one ‘voice’!
With the help of many dedicated volunteers from around the world (for which we are very grateful!), KoreanDogs.org has been able to spread the word about the plight of the dogs in South Korea in 14 languages: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, French, Russian, Greek, German, Dutch, Danish, Hungarian, Arabic, Finnish – and, of course, English.
The translated text appears on the individual homepages as well as the petition and ‘calls for action’ pages; and you can find all of this information by either clicking on the drop-down menu on the ‘languages’ button (at the top of the main homepage), or by clicking on the specific language icon at the top, which takes you to that particular home page.
We would love to be able to ‘spread the word’ in even more languages, so that we can reach as many people in as many countries as we possibly can. Perhaps you can help? If you are able to volunteer some time to translate our homepage into your language, we would love to hear from you. CLICK HERE to contact us.
Call for Action: PyeongChang 2018 – Honorary Ambassadors
PyeongChang, in South Korea, has appointed Honorary Ambassadors for their 2018 Winter Olympics; for example: Min-ho Lee (actor); Seung-hwan Jung (Ice Sledge Hockey Player), Sei-hon Cho (Celebrity Photographer), and Sue-jin Kang (Artistic Director of the Korean National Ballet), to name but a few.
They are all ‘bright stars’ in their own field, and now proud to be representing these Games as ambassadors.
Ms Kang, in her own words, states: “I will do my best to let the world know about the PyeongChang Winter Olympics and touch their hearts with Korean culture and colors.”
Please let these shining ambassadors know that the best way to touch the hearts of the world would be to immediately, and permanently, end the dog and cat meat trades.
CLICK HERE to take action.
“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”
-Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
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