Victory! Incheon Munhank dog farm #4 forced to pay fine and closing down.
Sharing from Nami Kim and her team‘s Facebook post on April 23, 2016.
It is my turn to announce a victory today! Four dog farms in the city of Incheon had been under investigation and I had recently received an official letter from the city’s inspection bureau. I am more than happy to announce that this illegal dog farm will not only be going out of the dog meat business, but will also be paying huge fines for occupying the state and city lands. The Inspection Bureau had demanded that the dog farmer vacate and restore the land.
Click HERE to read!
Video: Nami Kim Team. Incheon Munhak Dog Farm #4.
Donate to help Nami Kim and her team continue their rescues and campaign!
Sister City Campaign – Goyang, Korea – San Bernardino, California
San Bernardino, California became Sister city to South Korea’s Goyang (Gyeonggi-do) in 2003.
Yet Goyang, South Korea is responsible for the ongoing horrendous torture and killing of dogs and cats. Goyang is one of the largest dog meat consumption areas as well as dog farm areas in South Korea. If you have ever wondered what hell would be like, just visit or watch the videos of dog farms and slaughterhouses scattered all throughout Goyang. There are countless dog farms from small to very large, markets, and restaurants where the dogs, who have been tortured their entire lives, end up being slaughtered in the most inhumane ways, such as by electrocution, hanging, or beating, and then thrown into boiling water – sometimes while they are still alive. Please watch the video of a typical dog farm in Goyang Click HERE for more info and call for action!
Video: Dog farm in Goyang, South Korea . KARA (Korea Animal Rights Advocates).
Call for Action: PyeongChang 2018: Effects of Hosting the Games.
PyeongChang, in South Korea, will be hosting the 2018 Winter Olympics, and they have now posted a list on their web site of ‘Effects of Hosting the Games’, for example: A Symbolic Opportunity to Join the League of Advanced Countries; Upgrading the National Brand; Promoting Inter-Korean Reconciliation, Cooperation, and Peace. Click HERE for PyeongChang 2018’s Effects of Hosting the Games.
Advanced Countries do not turn a blind eye to horrific and illegal animal cruelty; and their National Brand can only be darkened by the aberrant dog and cat meat trade. And, what better way to create peace and harmony amongst their own people than by stopping the ever-growing division that is happening, because many Koreans now realize that this cruel trade is wrong – and they, too, want it stopped.
Please let South Korea know how you think they could ensure a positive, and long-term, Effect from hosting these games. Click HERE to take action!
Photo: Nami Kim Team. Yangsan Dog Farm.
Join us in San Francisco – June 5, Sunday!
We will be displaying our banners/posters, handing out leaflets and collecting petition signatures against the extremely cruel South Korean dog meat trade, at this famous San Francisco tourist attraction and landmark.
Location: San Francisco, Fisherman’s Wharf located near the corner of Jefferson and Powell streets along the chain link fence.
Date/Time: June 5, 2016 Sunday. 9:30am – 4:30pm. Come when you can and stay as long as you can. RSVP on Facebook Event!
Click HERE to contact us if you can help.
Photo: Our volunteers at the April 24, 2016 event at the San Francisco Fisherman’s Wharf.
“I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man.” – Mahatma Gandhi
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