Newsletter – May 9, 2017
posted by team on May 10,2017 in Action Alert, Campaign, News, Newsletter
Korea has a new president | Team Turkey, Belgium, Austria
Click HERE to see this newsletter from our homepage.
Team Turkey, Belgium, Austria: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog/cat meat trade!
Clock is ticking!! Let’s ask the Olympic Committees of Turkey, Belgium and Austria to take a stand and speak out against this shameful trade.
You can help by signing and sharing our petition, sending out letters and emails, and raising awareness of this brutal and barbaric practice and calling for an end to the trade by exposing this issue in social media.
Turkey: Click HERE. Belgium: Click HERE. Austria: Click HERE.
South Korea has a new president!
South Korea has a new president. Moon Jae-In, a person with empathy toward animals and the environment, has won the election. This is welcome news indeed, but don’t pop the champagne cork, yet. This doesn’t mean that the dog meat trade is going to end soon in Korea. With Mr. Moon in office, we have a better chance of having our messages heard. However, it will require a lot more pressure from both within and outside Korea to make their government take steps to end the dog meat trade. So, we must continue our campaigns. Click HERE to learn about Moon’s plans for Korean animals.
Click HERE to read the New York Times news.
Our homepage is now in 19 languages!
A big thank you to our volunteers around the world, we just added Slovenian, Swedish, Turkish and Hebrew pages to reach a total of 19 languages. We want to spread our message to as many people as possible across the globe and pages translated to different languages helps us do just that. Would you like to help save the Korean dogs by translating our homepage into your language? If you would like to volunteer, please contact us. Click below to see our pages in these languages:
New Thunderclap Campaign – Join us!
Join us in San Francisco, in New York or right from your home!
Summer is an especially brutal season for the animals in the Korean dog meat trade. We have events this summer to speak out against the horrific South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty. Please join us in San Francisco, New York or right from your own home! All you need is a few minutes of your time and compassion for these poor animals.
“The proof that one truly believes, is in action.” ~Bayard Rustin.
Categories: Action Alert, Campaign, News, Newsletter
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