
Newsletter – November 24, 2017

South Korea’s filthy dog meat trade #noshopit2stopit

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South Korea’s filthy dog meat trade #noshopit2stopit

Christmas is nearly here. And, whether you celebrate Christmas, or not, it is surely a time for compassion. Let’s show our united compassion for the dogs and cats in the South Korean meat trade: by NOT supporting the South Korean economy – let’s STOP buying their products: let’s BOYCOTT South Korea.

The big bosses of these profitable South Korean Companies have been told, and asked to do what they can to stop these abominable trades. They have chosen to do nothing – they are not interested in our words, so let’s make it clear with our (withheld) buying power – let’s stop buying South Korean products; go into your local outlets (or on-line) and tell them that you will not buy any South Korean Products until the South Korean Government commits to ending the brutal dog and cat meat trades – tell them: #noshopit2stopit . Or, simply send a flash tweet or e-mail to any place that sells South Korean products , no other message needed!

The big bosses of the big companies don’t seem to care, but the salesmen in your local outlets will care. No sale, no profit – no profit, no job.

Come on everyone: Let’s #noshopit2stopit 

Click HERE to learn more and take action.

Call for Action:
Friendship City Campaign – Muju-gun, Korea – Evian, France

Our campaign is making a difference one city at a time. We recently received responses to our Sister/Friendship campaigns from New South Wales, Australia, Tauranga, New Zealand, Victoria, Australia, and Parramatta, Australia.

And even though we may not get a response from many cities that we are contacting, they are now aware of the atrocities being committed by their South Korean counterparts. Raising awareness about the horrific cruelty in South Korea will continue to put pressure on the Korean government to take action to end this barbaric practice.

Click HERE to take action on our new campaign: Friendship City Campaign – Muju-gun, South Korea – Evian, France.

Click HERE for the US Sister Cities.
Click HERE for the Non-US Sister Cities.

Photo: The Korea Observer’s documentary “The Dog Meat Professional: South Korea”

Thunderclap – “Boycott PyeongChang 2018 Campaign”!

Please join us to speak out against the South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty. Join our Thunderclap campaigns to say “Boycott PyeongChang 2018 Olympics in South Korea”! We will launch the Thunderclap twice a month until February 2018, when the Olympics will be taking place. We must not let this rare opportunity pass by for saving millions of Korean dogs each year from horrendous cruelty.  Click HERE to learn more and take action!

Photo: The Korea Observer’s documentary “The Dog Meat Professional: South Korea”, Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth.

Adopt dogs rescued
from dog meat industry
All I want for Christmas
is a loving family. Woof!  
Dogs rescued from dog meat industry in South Korea by Nami Kim and her team are waiting for their loving and caring forever homes. Click the below button to learn about how you can adopt them.  Thank you for opening your heart and your home to these angels! 

Click HERE to see the dogs available for adoption.

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