
"If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men." ~Francis of Assisi


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Shadow Trade – Trailer (By Soi Dog Foundation)

A British journalist working on a documentary investigation into what happens to animals that are supposedly freed from those involved in the illicit business finds that in three out of four cases a Vietnamese dinner plate is exchanged for a Thai grave
Watch the video!

Throughout Asia the dog meat trade is flourishing. In particular the town of Tha Rae in Sakon Nakhorn, north east Thailand has become a center for the export of dogs through Laos and into Vietnam. Dogs are collected in exchanged for a bucket in villages throughout Thailand and then brought to Ta Rae. In Ta Rae the dogs are separated into grades. The best grade are shipped to Vietnam the rest are slaughtered and eaten locally. Thousands of dogs are slaughtered and shipped across the Mae Kong river every month. The business is worth almost as much as the drug trade and this business is legal because Thailand has no animal protection laws for the welfare of domestic animals. We are creating a Hell on Earth for mans best friend.
More Info: “A call for Animal Rights” Walk Rally
Animal Activist Alliance (AAA) Thailand

Hell on Earth- Thailand’s Dog Meat Trade (By Animal Activist Alliance (AAA) Thailand)

International Dog Meat Trading 2012 A.D. (By Animal Activist Alliance (AAA) Thailand)

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