
Team Brazil: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog and cat meat trade!

Countdown to PyeongChang 2018

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Team Brazil

PyeongChang, host to the 2018 Winter Olympics – the world will be watching South Korea, which is why this is the perfect time for you take action to support our campaign to end the horrific dog and cat meat trade in South Korea for good!

Let’s ask Team Brazil to take a stand and speak out against this shameful trade. You can help by signing and sharing our petition, sending out letters and emails, and raising awareness of this brutal and barbaric practice and calling for an end to the trade by exposing this issue in social media.

Click HERE for the Team Brazil Homepage.



Please sign petition, call, write and email the Comitê Olímpico do Brasil TODAY!

To make this easy we’ve included text for your call and emails below.

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Send letter (Use the below-suggested message or petition):

    Comitê Olímpico do Brasil
    Avenida das Americas 899 – Barra da Tijuca Rio de Janeiro RJ 22631-910

    Send a copy of your letter to the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Organizing Committee:
    President & CEO Hee-Beom Lee
    PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Organizing Committee
    108-27, Olympic-ro, Daegwallyeong-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do
    Postal Code 25347
    South Korea

  • Send a message through Facebook page: Comitê Olímpico do Brasil
    PyeongChang 2018

    Suggested message

    Comitê Olímpico do Brasil: Take a stand in PyeongChang 2018 against the dog and cat meat trade!

    Dear Comitê Olímpico do Brasil:

    PyeongChang, South Korea, set to play host to the world in the 2018 Winter Olympics. An international gathering of elite athletes, sports fans, governments and businesses on such a grand scale is a unique platform for taking a meaningful stand against the widely condemned, barbaric and inhumane dog and cat meat trade in South Korea.

    We know you are busy preparing for this epic sporting event. However, we urge you to spare just a few minutes of your time to watch this video, as fellow people with compassion for animals, whether they are raised for our consumption or as our companions, working partners and guardians, we know you will agree that the current practice and attitude of those involved in this medieval industry is completely unacceptable and abhorrent.

    No living being deserves such a torturous existence. Forced to endure the most extreme deprivation and unimaginable torment from the moment they are born until the day they are brutally slaughtered; dogs (our best friends) are battery farmed – imprisoned in cramped, rusty, raised cages all their lives with no protection from extreme elements. They have no access to water, exercise, or medical care. Their eardrums are often burst to prevent them from barking. Until, often in front of other live dogs, they are electrocuted, hanged, beaten skinned or burnt alive in the ignorant belief that such suffering will improve their taste. Could you imagine this happening to your best friend?

    This industry is by no means small scale, thousands upon thousands of dogs are factory farmed in this way every day, there is no emphasis on even the most basic and cheapest humane farming methods in this operation. This trade has no basis in promoting “culture” or tradition of the Korean people, it is purely driven by greed and the profits that can be made in this severely under-regulated, tax free sector which in itself is highly unsanitary and a severe risk to both human and animal health.

    Please do not look the other way, please do not see this issue as a ‘cultural difference’, we urge you to look at this issue with unbridled compassion and to use whatever means or methods you can to add your voice to the many already calling for change in south Korea. This petition is just a start, we urge you to add your voice to social media and other campaigns. Please use this unique opportunity to help change the lives of so many dogs and cats condemned to a life in the meat trade. If South Korea knows the world is watching and is asking for change, and if South Korea wants to be respected as a nation of conscience, South Koreans need to strengthen their abysmal and outdated animal welfare laws and permanently ban dog and cat consumption. Please help us to bring about this change!

    An online petition calling for your support in ending the horrendous South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty is in progress:
    The favor of your reply is requested.
    Thank you,

    [Your Name & City/Country]

    Suggested message – Portuguese

    Comitê Olímpico do Brasil: pelo fim da indústria de carne de cão e de gato!

    Comitê Olímpico do Brasil:

    Os jogos olímpicos são um evento que envolve atletas, entusiastas do desporto, governos e empresários em larga escala. A dimensão do evento, pelo impacto que pode provocar, torna-o propício para fazer levantar mais vozes contra a indústria sul-coreana de carne de cão e de gato.

    Apelamos a que os atletas nacionais e os membros do comité vejam o vídeo que se segue, que se informem e se envolvam na contestação daquela que é uma indústria ilegal e abominável.

    Independentemente do tipo de relação que temos com os animais, é inegável que todos eles merecem viver do modo mais condigno possível. Os animais da indústria de carne de cão e gato vivem com carências extremas e sofrem tormentos indescritíveis. São removidos os tímpanos aos cães para que sejam impedidos de latir ou ladrar. É-lhes negado o acesso a água ou a qualquer tipo de cuidado médico. São electrocutados, enforcados, esfolados e queimados vivos – os sul-coreanos acreditam que quanto maior for a brutalidade da morte do animal melhor saberá e mais propriedades terá, quando preparado como refeição.

    Não falamos de uma indústria insignificante ou marginal. São milhares os animais sujeitos à tortura. É uma indústria ilegal, que apenas se mantém por causa dos lobbies que pressionam os órgãos políticos.

    O apelo internacional certamente terá impacto. Quando a comunidade internacional se fizer ouvir, os políticos sul-coreanos serão obrigados a ouvir os apelos nacionais e internacionais para acabar com a barbárie. Os atletas e todo o comité olímpico, sentindo-se afectado pelas imagens que vê, não deve ignorar a importância que a sua acção pode ter. O contributo de cada um dará força ao conjunto daqueles que querem impreterivelmente proibir o consumo de carne de cão e de gato, na Coreia do Sul.

    Há, atualmente, uma petição on-line pedindo seu apoio para o fim da terrível crueldade do comércio sul-coreano de carne de cães e gatos:
    Por favor, confirme sua participação.

  • Call: Tel.: 55 21 3433 5777
    Fax: 55 21 2494 2090
  • Send a Twitter message!

    Suggested Twitter text

    .@pyeongchang2018 .@iocmedia .@timebrasil Take a stand in #Pyeongchang2018 against #dogmeat #catmeat #cruelty!

No matter where you live PLEASE SHARE these actions with your friends!

Video: The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea. The Korea Observer.

  1. Meshell bailey
    Meshell baileyMay 15,17

    So bloody wrong

  2. Corinne
    CorinneMay 15,17

    please stop this cruel and really disgusting practice

  3. Katie
    KatieMay 15,17

    Please help give a voice to this senseless and violent “meat” trade. These animals are companion animals that are sensitive and compassionate. They live in filthy and horrific conditions that only inflict misery and pain. They deserve for this industry to be put out of business so that no more dogs and cats are kept in cages to be butchered and tortured. They should be man’s best friend, not dinner! Disgusting. Please, give them a voice and do the ethical and humane thing and use your power for good to help end suffering! Thank you.

  4. Lígia Cabral
    Lígia CabralMay 17,17

    Please take the simple and effective actions today asking the Olympic teams to speak out against the horrendous cruelty of the South Korean dog and cat meat trade!

  5. J.A.Brown
    J.A.BrownJanuary 12,18

    Disgusting. horrible practice that needs to condemned and enforced in S. Korea.

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