CARE: Mother and daughter – Pepper and Minka rescued from a slaughterhouse.
Sharing for Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)/Watchdog
A pregnant Jindo dog was stolen and confined in a raised wire cage at the slaughterhouse near Biennale international exhibition in Gwangju. The cage was too old, rusty, and broken. There was a huge space between the wires on the cage floor. The newborn puppies who tried to crawl toward their mother fell through the hole and died. Only one puppy, Minka, managed to survive. Thanks to our team of dedicated animal rescuers, Pepper and Minka have been receiving the love and care they deserve at the Run Shelter.
Minka, the beloved daughter of Pepper, is embarking on a new journey. She will soon be going abroad for adoption. It’s an exciting time for Minka, as she will finally have the opportunity to find a loving forever home, but it also means saying goodbye to her mother, Pepper. While Pepper hasn’t been well, as she is undergoing heartworm treatment, Minka has grown and has become more playful and energetic. Thanks to many of the larger dogs at the Run Shelter who have become the mother figure and nurtured Minka on behalf of her ill mother.
We will find a new family for Pepper as well. We are short of funds for their medical treatment and the cost of overseas adoption. Your generosity and support will make a huge difference in the lives of these deserving dogs. Thank you for considering making a difference.
🌈 You can donate for medical treatment, fostering, or overseas adoption of rescue dogs by making a one-time or monthly donation via PayPal. 👉
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이제 아기 ‘민카’가 점점 커 가고, 엄마는 아직도 사상충 치료를 하고 있기에 아기 먼저 해외 입양 길에 올라야 합니다. 점점 천방지축이 되어 가는 민카를 엄마가 감당하기에는 몸도 성치 않고요.
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They should be adopted together as a pair, not separated.
And please don’t use the usual human response to this which is, oh the mother dogs don’t mind too much when their babies are separated from them!