Removing dogs from the same legal category as livestock. The necessary first step to revolutionizing animal rights and protection.
This is translation of News 1 article “[기고]반려동물 동물보호정책, 축산과 분리가 우선이다” published on May 19, 2017.
Click HERE to read this article in Korean.

Beloved fur children running wild and free without mechanical restriction in Seoul’s Boraemae Park located in Dongjak-gu.

Myeong Bo-Young, of the volunteer group VCAA (Veterinarians Caring for Abandoned Animals). Head of Zoozoo Pet Hospital in Gwangju.
Translated by Jihyeon Song 21/5/17.
Please remove dogs from the livestock list. This will be the first step in ending the horrific dog meat trade. I have seen screaming terrified dogs being dragged to their deaths. One particular dog was hung and beaten and stabbed. It was then skinned alive and thrown into a pot of boiling water. It still struggled. Trying to cling onto life. I cried so much and it still haunts me today. Please do the right thing and end this horrific cruelty. It is not culture. It is torture and happens every minute. Thankyou
I guess people can say but other animals are eaten but I’m a proud vegetarian and don’t see the need or want! It’s the barbaric cruelty that goes on that everyone is shocked and against!!!! It’s beyond evil and any animal doesn’t deserve this!!!! Abusers pedophiles and murders are the on thing that this kind of torture should be given to!!!!