Response from Rural Development Administration regarding dog cloning and Lee Byeong-Chun
We received the below response from Rural Development Administration regarding our campaign/petition: Dismiss veterinary professor Lee Byeong-Chun from Seoul National University! The government authorities need to take responsibility! Click HERE to see our campaign.

Response from the Rural Development Administration:
Summary of requested petition
A request for the disclosure of information concerning the inappropriate project of cloning dogs and the immediate dismissal of Professor Byeong-cheon Lee from the post of director of the Companion Animal Research Project of RDA.
1. Greetings! This has reference to the petition you submitted through the e-People portal (No. 1AA-1905-191303).
2. Your petition is understood to be a request for the disclosure of information concerning the inappropriate project of cloning dogs and the immediate dismissal of Professor Byeong-cheon Lee from the post of director of the Companion Animal Research Project of RDA.
3. Based on our review of your questions, hereunder is our reply:
A. Regarding the disclosure of information concerning the dog cloning project
○ We are not supposed to disclose the information pursuant to the Official information disclosure act (Article 9) as the case is currently under litigation.
B. Regarding the immediate dismissal of Professor Byeong-cheon Lee from the post of director of the Companion Animal Research Project
○ Professor Byeong-cheon Lee’s duties as director of the Companion Animal Research Project are currently suspended. Actions will be taken when the case is fully investigated by Seoul National University and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs.
4. I hope the foregoing is a satisfactory reply to your question. For further information, please contact the Research Management Division of the Rural Development Administration (Gil-won Jang, ☎ 063-238-0754), and we will be happy to assist you. Thank you. End.
Organization: Rural Development Administration
Department: R&D Coordination Division
Date of processing: 2019. 5. 21.
Staff in Charge: Gil-won Jang ([email protected])
Rural Development Administration

농촌진흥청 연구정책국 연구운영과
장길원 contact +82-063-283-0754
2019-05-21 10:22:49
1. 안녕하십니까? 귀하께서 국민신문고를 통해 신청하신 민원(1AA-1905-191303)에 대한 검토 결과를 다음과 같이 알려드립니다.
2. 귀하의 민원내용은 “타당성 없는 복제견 사업 정보를 공개하고, 농진청은 이병천 교수를 반려동물연구사업단장에서 즉각 해임하라”는 것으로 이해됩니다.
3. 귀하의 질의내용에 대해 검토한 의견은 다음과 같습니다.
가. 복제견 사업 정보 공개에 대하여 >
○ 현재 소송 중에 있는 사항으로 공공기관의 정보공개에 관한 법률(제9조)에 의하여 공개할 수 없습니다.
나. 이병천 교수의 반려동물연구사업단장 즉각 해임에 대하여 >
○ 이병천 교수가 수행하고 있는 반려동물연구 사업단장지위는 현재 직무정지 중이며, 서울대와 농림축산식품부의 조사가 완료되면 결과에 따라 조치를 취할 계획입니다.
4. 귀하의 질문에 만족스러운 답변이 되었기를 바라며, 답변 내용에 대한 추가 설명이 필요한 경우 농촌진흥청 연구운영과 장길원(☎063-238-0754)에게 연락주시면 성심껏 안내해 드리도록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다. 끝.
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