Seoul Seocho District’s Response to Animal Neglect Petition: Incomplete and Unsatisfactory
Below is the response from the Seoul Seocho District to our e-People petition regarding our campaigns, 👉 Cheonggyesan Rescue: A Difficult Decision, But We Need Your Help
👉 Demand Action: End Animal Neglect and Protect Dogs from Freezing Temperatures in Seoul!
Their response is insufficient and offers no real solution to the animals’ plight. Please continue to support our efforts. Thank you.
Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 서울특별시
staff in charge contact
processing date 2025-03-06
result 1. 반려동물 문화개선을 위한 귀하의 신고와 관심에 깊이 감사드리며, 귀하께서 접수하신 민원에 대해 아래와 같이 답변합니다.
2. 청계산 동물학대 의심 신고와 관련하여, 사실관계 확인을 위해 반려견 견주의 거주지에 직접 가서 견주와 상담결과, 견주(92세 고령자)가 제보자와 케어 단체 직원들의 의도를 오해한 결과로 동물보호법에 규정된 동물학대 등 위반사항에 저촉되지 않게 반려견의 사육환경 개선을 위해 노력하겠다는 대답과 먼저 방문했던 동물보호 전문가 등이 앞으로도 정기적으로 견주의 반려견을 돌보기 위해 추가로 물과 먹이를 주거나 담요 등을 제공하는 것에 방문 허락을 받았습니다.
3. 우리구는 매년 동물 관련 사업을 운영하며 동물보호를 위해 주민들을 계도하고 관리하는 일에 힘쓰고 있으나 더욱 신경써 많은 구민들이 동물의 생명을 존중하고 서로 공존할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.
4. 동물복지에 관심을 가져주셔서 다시한번 감사드리며, 기타 문의사항은 체육진흥과 동물복지팀 김SR 주무관(☎02-2155-5354)에게 연락주시면 성실히 답변드리겠습니다. 감사합니다. 끝.
End date 2025-03-07 18:00:00
Extended once
End date : (Before)2025-02-25 18:00:00, (After) 2025-03-07 18:00:00
– Reason : 관련 법령 확인 및 검토에 시간이 추가로 필요해 민원처리기한을 연장하오니 양해바랍니다.
Checking the relevant laws/regulations is taking time and thus we must extend the time limit for handling your petition. Please understand.
– Extended date for handling : 2025-02-25 15:26:41
Civil Petition Results (English Translation)
Result: 1. We deeply appreciate your report and interest in improving pet culture, and we respond to your civil complaint as follows.
2. Regarding the report of suspected animal abuse at Cheonggye Mountain, to confirm the facts, we went directly to the pet owner’s residence and consulted with the owner. As a result of the owner (a 92-year-old senior citizen) misunderstanding the intentions of the informant/advocate and CARE organization staff, and to ensure that there are no violations of animal abuse etc. as stipulated in the Animal Protection Act, the owner agreed to make efforts to improve the pet’s living environment. Also, he gave permission for additional visits by animal protection experts who had previously visited, to provide additional water, food, blankets, etc., to regularly care for the dogs.
3. Our district operates animal-related projects every year and strives to educate and manage residents for animal protection, but we will make greater efforts to ensure that more residents respect animal life and coexist with animals.
4. Thank you once again for your interest in animal welfare. For other inquiries, please contact Ms. Kim SR, staff member of the Sports Promotion Division, Animal Welfare Team (☎02-2155-5354), and we will provide a sincere response. Thank you. End.
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