
Suggested letter to the Vietnamese Government

Vietnam, Shut down the dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets.

To the Vietnamese government,

We ask you to take immediate action to crack down on the dog farms, slaughterhouses, markets and restaurants that serve dog meat throughout your country.

Dogs are companion animals, a relationship formed over a long period of time with humanity, but they also have many other uses from providing key support and detection services to our key military and police personnel to guiding our blind and disabled citizens. Dogs have earned their place to be by our side and do not deserve to end up in the dog meat industry. The incredibly cruel treatment of dogs involved in this industry is well documented, these dogs are subject to unnecessary suffering in unhygienic and crowded conditions. Please act now to end this abhorrent practice.

The United States House of Representatives has formally passed H.Res. 401, “Calls for an end to the dog and cat meat industry and urges all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade.” (

International coverage of the brutal dog and cat meat trade in Vietnam has stained your country’s image in the eyes of the international community. The time to end this tragedy is now. Please make a change for good. The favor of your reply is requested.

  1. lindy hoppe
    lindy hoppeJuly 1,19

    Shut it down now!!!

  2. Ada E Medina
    Ada E MedinaJuly 1,19

    Please. Enough already to the abuse of dogs and cats for human consumption. Stop this

  3. Debra Cassiero
    Debra CassieroJuly 1,19

    Stop this insane cruel practice

  4. Heath St John
    Heath St JohnJuly 2,19

    The whole world of humane thinking is looking to you , and is waiting to congratulate you for releasing yourselves from this illusion that violence towards the defenceless is inevitable because it’s customary. It awaits the time when you are so wonderfully awakened , that you are , in your turn , able to witness to us , and suggest further reforms that we , ourselves , should make. Thank you for listening to this cry.

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