
Uljin County’s NON-response to our e-People petition regarding the dogs burned to death in the Uljin forest fire 3/12/22

Application No.: 1AA-2203-0193338
Application Date: 2022-03-07
South Korea, punish the dog farmers in Uljin and Samcheok who abandoned their dogs in raised wire cages to be burned to death or injured in the fire!, Petition:
대한민국은 개들을 뜬장에 가둔채로 방치하여 불에 타 죽고 다치게한 울진군과 삼척지방의 개농장주인들을 처벌하라!, 청원:

👎🏼 Shameful Uljin County is deceiving us and refusing to respond to our petition by falsely stating that we are not a valid petitioner. Unfortunately, Uljin County’s profoundly indifferent and callous attitude towards living, breathing, and sentient beings such as dogs are shared by the majority of those in the South Korean government who are trying to avoid their responsibility to enforce their laws and instead protect the pockets of criminals.

CIVIL PETITIONS TREATMENT ACT, Article 2, Paragraph 2 below describes the definition of “civil petitioner,” According to the law, we are a valid “civil petitioner” because we don’t fall into any of these exclusion categories listed in the paragraph, and the name and address of the petitioners are clearly provided.

2. The term “civil petitioner” means an individual, corporation, or organization filing a civil petition with an administrative agency: Provided, That a person prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as an administrative agency (excluding cases of filing a civil petition as a subject of private economy), a person who is in a contractual relationship with an administrative agency under civil law (only referring to the contractual relationship directly related to the civil petition), and a person whose name, address, etc. is unclear; (This is copied from Korea’s law page. There is an error in translation. English translation should state “…address, etc. is unclear are excluded from “civil petitioner.”)

민원처리에 관한 법률

2. “민원인”이란 행정기관에 민원을 제기하는 개인ㆍ법인 또는 단체를 말한다. 다만, 행정기관(사경제의 주체로서 제기하는 경
우는 제외한다), 행정기관과 사법(私法)상 계약관계(민원과 직접 관련된 계약관계만 해당한다)에 있는 자, 성명ㆍ주소 등이
불명확한 자 등 대통령령으로 정하는 자는 제외한다.

Despite our request for English translation, an English translation was not provided.

📌 Please note: The South Korean government continues to deceive us with lies and excuses. Click HERE to learn more.

Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 경상북도
staff in charge 강대규
contact 054-789-6793
processing date 2022-03-12
result 본 민원은「민원처리에 관한 법률」제2조제2항에 따른 ‘민원인’ 정의에 해당되지 않는 자[국내에 주소 혹은 사는 곳을 두고 있지 않은 민원인(외국인)]의 민원이므로「민원 처리에 관한 법률」에 따라 내부 종결 처리코자 함.

붙임 민원신청서 1부. 끝.
End date 2022-03-17 23:59:59

Translation by Google translate (Google translate does not translate with complete accuracy.):

Since this complaint is a complaint of a person who does not fall under the definition of a ‘person of a civil complaint’ pursuant to Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the 「Act on the handling of complaints」 In accordance with the Act, we intend to process internal closing.

Video: CARE team pleaded with Uljin County officials to relocate the dogs at the dog farm burned by the forest fire to the county animal shelter so they won’t be slaughtered as meat. It just isn’t possible for CARE to take all the dogs from the dog farms they shut down and provide care for them. Uljin County officials refuse to take responsibility for protecting these victims of horrific abuse and are attempting to put the responsibility onto CARE. They even brought in a vulgar animal shelter employee who knows nothing about animal protection law to stalk and intimidate the CARE team during their visit to the Uljin County office. [케어TV] 울진 군수실 면담에 동물보호센터 직원이 와서 스토킹

  1. Jane
    JaneMarch 27,22

    It is so disappointing. I have already logged an e-petition on this, but I suspect I will have the same response. Is it worth logging an another e-petition do you think, just so they keep receiving them? Or is there any other online action that can be taken? Thank you for all your hard work on behalf of the poor dogs of South Korea.

    • team teamMarch 27,22

      Hi Jane,
      We must continue to file e-People petitions.
      Thank you.

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