US Ambassador to Korea Mark Lippert: Urge the South Korean Government to end the brutal dog meat trade.

US Ambassador to Korea Mark W. Lippert
Campaign created by Tina Overgaard.
Mark W. Lippert was appointed the United States Ambassador to the Republic of Korea in 2014. Seoul maintains diplomatic relations with 190 states. However, few are as important as that of the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, who has played a key role during pivotal moments in the country’s 68 year history. Ambassador Lippert declared that his beloved Bassett Hound, Grigsby, “will be a key part of our embassy team in Seoul.” Grigbsy even has his own Twitter account and Facebook page. Although Ambassador Lippert is a self declared and evidenced dog lover, no attempts have been made to raise the issue of the severe torture and cruelty inflicted upon dogs and cats in South Korea. Please ask Ambassador Lippert to urge the South Korean government to end this cruel trade, immediately! Thank you for acting on this urgent matter.
Video: Media Triage: The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea.
Please sign petition, call and email Ambassador Mark Lippert, TODAY!
To make this easy we’ve included text for your call and emails below.

Ambassador Mark Lippert with Grigsby.
- No matter where you live, please SIGN OUR PETITION
- Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
- Call: Intl. access code (US is 011) + 82-2-397-4114
- Click HERE to send message through US Embassy in Seoul’s Facebook page.
- Click HERE to send message through Ambassador Lippert’s Facebook page.
- Click HERE to send message through Ambassador Lippert’s blog.
- Send letter (Use the below-suggested message or petition):
International Mailing Address:
Ambassador Mark Lippert
US Embassy in Seoul, Korea
188 Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu, Postal Code 03141
Seoul, KoreaU.S. Mailing Address:
Ambassador Mark Lippert
United States Embassy
9600 Seoul Place
Washington, D.C. 20521-9600
USA - Send a Twitter message!
.@usembassyseoul .@mwlippert .@MOFAkr_eng .@mofa_kr Ambassador Lippert, Plz urge Korea-Stop Killing and eating Dogs!
Suggested message to the Ambassador
Dear Ambassador Lippert,
Would you please watch the undercover videos from South Korea’s dog meat industry:
We know how loyal and faithful our dogs across the world are; and we all ask a lot of them – they serve us in innumerable ways: farm work, war work, police and guard duties, search and rescue, help for the disabled, guiding and guardianship, and, of course, as our loving and trusting companions, such as Grigsby. Please take immediate action and help us bring attention to the horrendous torture and slaughter of dogs and cats in S. Korea and urge their government to end this brutal trade once and for all.
An online petition calling for your support in ending the horrendous South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty is in progress:
The favor of your reply is requested.
Thank you,
[Your Name & City/Country]
Please do something to stop the brutal treatment of dogs and cats.
VEGANISM is the Only Logical ad Moral response.
Pease put an end to this hell.
My letter to him and his co-workers, posted on the above-listed links:
“Dear Ambassador Lippert,
Animals lovers around the world like you and I know how loyal and faithful our dogs are.
We ask a lot of them, and they willingly serve us in innumerable ways.
Dogs work on our farms, they serve us in times of war, acting as police and guard dogs, serving in search and rescue missions, as helpers for the disabled, offering guidance and guardianship … and, of course, as our loving and trusting companions, just like your dear Grigsby.
That is why animal lovers the world over agonize over the HORRIFIC undercover videos from South Korea’s thriving dog meat industry:
And that is why we call on you to please take immediate action and help us bring attention to the horrendous — and illegal — torture and slaughter of dogs and cats in South Korea! We implore you to urge its government to rigorously prosecute and end this brutal trade once and for all.
Please notify your South Korean colleagues of your awareness of the worldwide protests against this horrific (and supposedly illegal) industry in their country and vehemently urge them to close down ALL dog and cat farms and slaughterhouses, markets, truckers and restaurants who serve their products as soon as humanly possible. 12 brand new animal welfare laws empower them to do this – all they have to do is enforce them.
There are a number of rescue organizations like Soi Dog or Animals Asia and local others who are ready and willing to help rescue, rehabilitate and rehome the many thousands of dogs and cats trapped and victimized in this hell on earth.
An online petition calling for your support in ending the horrendous South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty is in progress:
Horrified animal lovers here and in Korea implore you not to look the other way in the face of this evil industry. Diplomacy must not take priority over courage when it’s on behalf of suffering innocents.
Many consumers and travelers all over the world (like me) are boycotting all things Korean in protest of these atrocities against innocent animals, which take place in broad daylight, on public streets and markets without a shred of kindness or humane treatment. On the contrary — ignorant peasants are sold on the “medicinal” properties of the meat of a dog or cat that has been tortured to death by burning, boiling, strangling, beating and other deliberately diabolical agonies. All to avoid ailments like heat stroke or impotence … sickening and uncivilized.
This abhorrent slaughter is not carried out by starving families with no other recourse — it is an illegal yet thriving trade that profits from cynical lies and bloodthirsty cruelty while the world looks on in outrage and despair.
We would thank you for your time and attention to this urgent matter!
And please also give Grigsby a hug from the world! As you can well imagine, he would make the perfect ambassador for the long suffering dogs (& cats) of Korea.
All the best to you and yours!”
Great letter Beth! Thank you for taking action and loving our companions !
Please speak out for the dogs and cats of South Korea! DOGS & CATS R FAMILY NOT FOOD! As a fellow animal lover how do u stand by and not speak out! Dogs and cats are brutally tortured for a asinine belief that their meat will taste better and be more tender! Please help the animals of South Korea!
lettre envoyée en français