Campaign updated on 3/11/2023.

Photo: Documentary-The Dog Meat Professional. The Korea Observer.
Please write to your government representatives and request that they urge South Korea to ban dog and cat meat cruelty!
Albert Einstein said, “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” Evil is taking place in South Korea right now, and we can no longer look on and do nothing. This evil is the South Korean dog and cat meat industry, and it is the responsibility of the world community to speak out against this horrific cruelty perpetrated against millions of helpless dogs and cats.
How can you help? One way is to contact your government representatives and urge them to speak out on your behalf. In the UK, animal rights communities and advocates successfully persuaded their government to listen and, ultimately, to pledge their support in fighting the atrocity of the Asian dog and cat meat trade.
The millions of dogs and cats in South Korea who are horribly abused and brutally slaughtered don’t have a voice, but you do. Please be their voice. It is possible to make your government listen. Contact your representatives today and urge their support in ending this barbaric cruelty in South Korea.
Call for Action
🇺🇸 United States
👉📬 Write to the United States President.
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
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🇬🇧 United Kingdom
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🇦🇺 Australia
👉📬 Write to the Australian Prime Minister.
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The Hon Anthony Albanese MP
Prime Minister
Parliament House
👉📝 Sign and share the petition to the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Penny Wong.
👉 Contact info for Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Penny Wong.
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🇨🇦 Canada
👉 Contact the Prime Minister.
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Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
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🇨🇴 Colombia
President Gustavo Petro
Address: Calle 7 #6-54 Primer piso, oficina de correo, Colombia.
Phone number: (+57) 601 562 9300 – 601 382 2800 – (+57) 01 8000 913666
📧 [email protected]
🇩🇰 Denmark
👉 Foreign Affairs Committee 📧 [email protected]; [email protected];
👉 Foreign Policy Committee 📧 [email protected]; [email protected];
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👉 The Danish Parliament 📧[email protected]; [email protected];
🇩🇪 Germany
👉 Click HERE for Germany’s federal government.
👉 Click HERE to send an online message to Germany’s federal government.
- Olaf Scholz (Social Party, SPD), the Federal Chancellor 📧 [email protected]
- Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the federal president 📧 [email protected]
- Robert Habeck (Green Party), the Federal Minister for Economic and Climate Affairs 📧 [email protected]
- Christian Lindner (Federal Party, FDP), Minister of finance 📧 [email protected]
- Nancy Faser (SPD), Minister of the Interior and Community 📧 [email protected]
- Annalena Baerbock (Greens), Minister of Foreign Affairs 📧 [email protected]
- Marco Buschmann (FDP), Minister of Justice 📧 [email protected]
- Hubertus Heil (SPD), Minister of Labour and Social Affairs 📧 [email protected]
- Boris Pistorius (SPD), Minister of Defence 📧 [email protected]
- Cem Özdemir (Greens), Minister of Food and Agriculture 📧 [email protected]
- Lisa Paus (Greens), Minister for Family Affairs, SeniorCitizens, Women and Youth 📧 [email protected]
- Karl Lauterbach (SPD), Minister for Health 📧 [email protected]
- Volker Wissing (FDP), Minister for Digital and Transport 📧 [email protected]
- Steffi Lemke (Greens), Minister for Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety, and Consumer Protection 📧 [email protected]
- Bettina Stark-Watzinger (FDP), Minister for Education and Research 📧 [email protected]; [email protected]
- Svenja Schulze (SPD), Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development 📧 [email protected]
- Klara Geywitz (SPD), Minister for Housing, Urban Development and Building 📧 [email protected]
- Wolfgang Schmidt (SPD), Head of the Federal Chancellery and Federal Minister for Special Tasks 📧 [email protected]
- Claudia Roth (Greens), Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media 📧 [email protected]
- Reem Alabali-Radovan, Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration 📧 [email protected]
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👉 📧 Email addresses for all of the above officials:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
🇮🇹 Italy
👉 Click HERE for the Italian government.
📬Postal mailing address:
Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri
On. Giorgia Meloni
Palazzo Chigi, Piazza Colonna 370
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🇯🇵 Japan
👉 Click HERE to send a message to the Japanese government.
👉 Click HERE for a suggested message to the Japanese government.
🇳🇿 New Zealand
🇪🇸 Spain
👉 Click HERE to send an online message to the Spain government.
📬 Postal mailing address:
Unidad de Comunicación con la CiudadaníaGabinete del Presidente del GobiernoEdificio Semillas, Complejo de la MoncloaAvda. Puerta de Hierro, s/n. 28071, Madrid.
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📌 If you would like to add your country to this campaign, you can send me the name, address, email and contact homepage of your president/prime minister.
Subject: Please urge South Korea to ban dog and cat meat cruelty!
We ask you to please watch this video:
Animal welfare organizations and animal lovers worldwide strongly feel that this unprecedented cruelty towards animals in South Korea can no longer be tolerated, and our government’s moral duty is to intervene on our behalf. Our government should urge the South Korean government to respect and enforce its own and the Global Animal Protection Laws. We oppose this cruelty on ethical, health, environmental, and moral grounds. The issue concerns all of us as world citizens because nations from around the world sacrificed their loved ones to protect the South Koreans in the Korean war of the 1950s. Even today, we spend our hard-earned money to ensure their freedom and safety every year. It is unconscionable for our government to ignore the huge, growing shock and outcry on social media sites worldwide about this barbaric practice.
South Korea is the world’s 14th largest economy, yet an estimated 2.5 million dogs and thousands of cats are brutally slaughtered and eaten yearly. Forced to endure extreme deprivation and unimaginable torment from birth until they are savagely killed, the cruelty perpetrated on the helpless animals is unspeakable. It’s time for the Korean government to take moral leadership for their citizens. Not only does this protect Korean animals from unimaginable suffering, but it will also further Korea’s economic interest in the global business community.
Mahatma Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
We urge you to take a firm stand and boycott South Korean businesses until the Korean government bans this atrocity. As our Government has been elected to listen to the voices of its people, we sincerely hope that you will use your power and position to urge Korea to ban dog and cat meat consumption once and for all.
For more information on the South Korean Dog Meat Cruelty
Subject: Please urge South Korea to ban dog and cat meat cruelty!
Dear _____________,
We ask you to please watch this video:
Animal welfare organizations and animal lovers worldwide strongly feel that this unprecedented cruelty towards animals in South Korea can no longer be tolerated, and it is the moral duty of our government to intervene on our behalf. Our government should urge the South Korean government to respect and enforce its own and the Global Animal Protection Laws. We oppose this cruelty on ethical, health, environmental, and moral grounds. The issue concerns all of us as world citizens because nations from around the world sacrificed their loved ones to protect the South Koreans in the Korean war of the 1950s. Even today, we spend our hard-earned money to ensure their freedom and safety every year. It is unconscionable for our government to ignore the huge, growing shock and outcry on social media sites worldwide about this barbaric practice.
South Korea is the world’s 14th largest economy, yet an estimated 2.5 million dogs and thousands of cats are brutally slaughtered and eaten as “health food” yearly. Forced to endure deprivation and unimaginable torment from the moment they are born till the day they are killed, dogs are imprisoned in cramped, rusty, raised cages all their lives with no protection from extreme weather and no water, exercise, companionship, or medical care. Their eardrums are often burst to prevent them from barking! In broad daylight, often in the presence of other live dogs, they are electrocuted, hanged, beaten, or burnt to death. People’s beloved pets are also lured and caught and end up as meat! This profit-driven, tax-free, unregulated industry aggressively promotes the myth that eating a dog (especially the dog’s penis) enhances male virility and gives men energy. Koreans genuinely believe that the more the dogs suffer, the more the consumer will enjoy the health benefits and taste of the meat. Many dogs are sadistically made to experience extreme fear and suffering before death. Cats are frequently boiled alive to make tonics believed to treat rheumatism! The demand is so high in South Korea that 20% of the dog meat is now imported from China.
It is hard to believe that a nation such as South Korea, one of the major economic powers in the world and boasts one of the highest educational levels in the world, is still committing this barbaric and despicable brutality in this day and age. But for millions of dogs and cats being slaughtered each year in South Korea’s markets, slaughterhouses, restaurants, dog farms, and backyards, it is a tragic reality and a nightmare they can’t escape. If South Korea wants to join the civilized nations and be respected as a nation of conscience, they need to strengthen its animal protection laws and ban dog- and cat meat consumption. This has been going on far too long, and it’s time for the South Korean government to take moral leadership for their citizens. Not only does this protect Korean animals from unimaginable suffering, but it will also further South Korea’s economic interest in the global business community. People will not stop condemning South Korea’s cruelty towards their defenseless animals.
Mahatma Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
We urge you as our government to take a firm stand on this and boycott South Korean businesses until the South Korean government takes the necessary steps to ban this atrocity. As our Government has been elected to listen to the voices of its people, we sincerely hope that you will not turn a blind eye to this tragic situation and use your power and position to urge South Korea to ban dog- and cat-meat consumption once and for all.
For more information on the South Korean Dog Meat Cruelty
Betrifft: Bitte fordern Sie Südkorea auf, die Grausamkeit von Hunde- und Katzenfleisch zu verbieten!
Sehr geehrter _____________,
Wir bitten Sie, sich dieses Video anzusehen:
Tierschutzorganisationen und Tierliebhaber weltweit sind der festen Überzeugung, dass diese beispiellose Tierquälerei in Südkorea nicht länger toleriert werden kann, und es ist die moralische Pflicht unserer Regierung, in unserem Namen einzugreifen. Unsere Regierung sollte die südkoreanische Regierung nachdrücklich auffordern, nicht nur ihre eigenen, sondern auch die globalen Tierschutzgesetze zu respektieren und durchzusetzen. Wir lehnen diese Grausamkeit aus ethischen, gesundheitlichen, ökologischen und moralischen Gründen ab. Das Problem betrifft uns alle als Bürger der Welt, weil Nationen aus der ganzen Welt ihre Lieben geopfert haben, um die Südkoreaner im Koreakrieg der 1950er Jahre zu schützen, und wir auch heute noch unser hart verdientes Geld ausgeben, um ihre Freiheit und Sicherheit jedes Jahr zu gewährleisten. Es ist für unsere Regierung unverständlich, den großen, wachsenden Schock und Aufschrei auf Social-Media-Websites weltweit über diese barbarische Praxis zu ignorieren.
Südkorea ist die 14. größte Volkswirtschaft der Welt, doch geschätzte 2,5 Millionen Hunde und Tausende von Katzen werden jedes Jahr brutal geschlachtet und als „Biolebensmittel“ gegessen. Hunde sind gezwungen, vom Moment ihrer Geburt bis zum Tag ihrer Schlachtung Entbehrungen und unvorstellbare Qualen zu ertragen. Sie sind ihr ganzes Leben lang in engen, rostigen, erhöhten Käfigen eingesperrt, ohne Schutz vor extremem Wetter und ohne Wasser, Bewegung, Kameradschaft oder medizinische Versorgung. Ihr Trommelfell ist oft geplatzt, um ein Bellen zu verhindern! Am helllichten Tag, oft in Gegenwart anderer lebender Hunde, werden sie durch Stromschlag getötet, gehängt, geschlagen oder verbrannt. Die geliebten Haustiere der Menschen werden ebenfalls angelockt und gefangen und enden als Fleisch! Dies ist eine gewinnorientierte, steuerfreie, unregulierte Branche, die aggressiv den Mythos fördert, dass das Essen eines Hundes (insbesondere des Penis des Hundes) die männliche Männlichkeit erhöht und Männern Energie gibt. Koreaner glauben wirklich, dass je mehr die Hunde leiden, desto mehr wird der Verbraucher die gesundheitlichen Vorteile und den Geschmack des Fleisches genießen. Viele Hunde sind sadistisch dazu gebracht, vor dem Tod extreme Angst und Leiden zu erfahren. Katzen werden häufig lebendig gekocht, um Tonika herzustellen, von denen angenommen wird, dass sie Rheuma behandeln! Die Nachfrage in Südkorea ist so hoch, dass jetzt 20% des Hundefleisches aus China importiert werden.
Es ist kaum zu glauben, dass eine Nation wie Südkorea, die eine der größten Wirtschaftsmächte der Welt ist und über eines der höchsten Bildungsniveaus der Welt verfügt, diese Art von barbarischer und verabscheuungswürdiger Brutalität auch heute noch begeht. Aber für die Millionen von Hunden und Katzen, die jedes Jahr auf den Märkten, Schlachthöfen, Restaurants, Hundefarmen und Hinterhöfen Südkoreas geschlachtet werden, ist dies eine tragische Realität und ein Albtraum, dem sie nicht entkommen können. Wenn Südkorea sich den zivilisierten Nationen anschließen und als Nation des Gewissens respektiert werden will, muss es seine Tierschutzgesetze stärken und den Verzehr von Hunde- und Katzenfleisch ein für alle Mal verbieten. Dies hat viel zu lange gedauert und es ist Zeit für die südkoreanische Regierung, im Namen ihrer Bürger die moralische Führung zu übernehmen. Dies schützt nicht nur die koreanischen Tiere vor unvorstellbarem Leid, sondern fördert auch das wirtschaftliche Interesse Südkoreas an der globalen Geschäftswelt. Die Menschen auf der Welt werden nicht aufhören, Südkoreas Grausamkeit gegenüber ihren wehrlosen Tieren zu verurteilen.
Mahatma Gandhi sagte: “Die Größe einer Nation und ihr moralischer Fortschritt können daran gemessen werden, wie ihre Tiere behandelt werden.”
Wir fordern Sie als unsere Regierung dringend auf, diesbezüglich eine starke Position einzunehmen und südkoreanische Unternehmen zu boykottieren, bis die südkoreanische Regierung die notwendigen Schritte unternimmt, um diese Gräueltaten zu verbieten. Als unsere Regierung, die gewählt wurde, um auf die Stimmen ihres Volkes zu hören, hoffen wir aufrichtig, dass Sie diese tragische Situation nicht ignorieren und Ihre Macht und Position nutzen, um Südkorea zu drängen, den Verzehr von Hunde- und Katzenfleisch ein für alle Mal zu verbieten.
Weitere Informationen zum südkoreanischen Handel mit Hundefleisch finden Sie unter:
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Oggetto: Esortiamo per favore la Corea del Sud a vietare la crudeltà della carne di cane e gatto.
Signora Presidente del Consiglio,
Le chiediamo cortesemente di guardare questo video:
Organizzazioni per il benessere degli animali ed amanti degli animali di tutto il mondo sono fermamente convinti che questa inaudita crudeltà verso gli animali in Corea del Sud non possa più essere tollerata e che sia dovere morale dei governi intervenire in loro nome. Il nostro governo dovrebbe sollecitare il governo della Corea del Sud a rispettare e far rispettare le sue proprie leggi a protezione degli animali e in generale le idee più avanzate sul tema in ambito internazionale. Ci opponiamo a questa crudeltà a livello etico, sanitario, ambientale e morale. Questa materia ci riguarda tutti in quanto cittadini del mondo poiché nazioni di tutto il mondo affrontarono gravi lutti per proteggere i sudcoreani nella guerra di Corea degli anni ’50. È inconcepibile che il nostro governo ignori shock e indignazione fortissimi e crescenti palesati sui social media di tutto il mondo circa questa pratica barbarica.
La Corea del Sud è la 14ª economia del mondo e tuttavia si stima che ogni anno 2,5 milioni di cani e migliaia di gatti vi vengano brutalmente macellati e mangiati come “alimento salutare”. Costretti a patire privazioni e tormenti inimmaginabili dal momento in cui nascono al giorno dell’uccisione, i cani sono imprigionati tutta la loro vita in gabbie anguste, rugginose, staccate dal suolo, con acqua da bere scarsa o nulla, senza protezione dagli estremi climatici, e senza moto, compagnia e cure mediche. I loro timpani vengono spesso perforati per impedire che abbaino! In piena luce, frequentemente in presenza di altri cani vivi, essi vengono folgorati, impiccati, picchiati o bruciati a morte. Anche amati animali da compagnia vengono adescati e catturati e finiscono come carne! Quest’industria mossa dal profitto, esente da imposte e sregolata promuove aggressivamente il mito che mangiare un cane (specialmente un pene di cane) incrementi la virilità maschile e dia energia all’uomo. I coreani credono davvero che quanto più un cane soffre tanto più il consumatore si gioverà dei benefici salutari e del sapore della carne. Molti cani devono sadicamente subire estremo terrore e sofferenza prima della morte. Gatti sono spesso bolliti vivi per ricavarne tonici ritenuti giovevoli per i reumatismi! La richiesta è così alta in Sud Corea che attualmente il 20 per cento della carne di cane è importata dalla Cina.
È difficile credere che una nazione come la Cora del Sud, che è una delle maggiori potenze economiche e che vanta uno dei più alti livelli di istruzione al mondo, ancora commetta al giorno d’oggi questa barbarica ed ignobile brutalità. Ma per i milioni di cani e gatti macellati ogni anno in mercati, mattatoi, ristoranti, allevamenti e cortili della Corea del Sud è una tragica realtà ed un incubo cui non possono sfuggire. Se la Corea del Sud vuole unirsi alle nazioni civilizzate ed essere rispettata come una nazione con una coscienza, occorre che rinforzi le sue leggi sulla protezione degli animali e bandisca il consumo della carne di cane e gatto. Questo consumo è durato già troppo, ed è tempo che il governo della Corea del Sud prenda la leadership morale dei suoi cittadini. Non solo ciò proteggerà animali coreani da inimmaginabili sofferenze, ma favorirà anche l’interesse economico della Corea del Sud nella comunità globale del commercio. La gente non smetterà di stigmatizzare la crudeltà della Corea del Sud verso suoi animali indifesi.
Il Mahatma Gandhi diceva “La grandezza di una nazione ed il suo progresso morale si possono giudicare da come essa tratta gli animali”.
Le raccomandiamo che il nostro governo prenda una ferma posizione su questo punto e boicotti le aziende sudcoreane sinché il governo sudcoreano intraprenderà i passi necessari per bandire questa atrocità. Quale governo eletto per dare ascolto alle istanze popolari, speriamo sinceramente che non ignorerete questa tragica situazione ed userete le vostre facoltà e la vostra posizione per spingere la Corea del Sud a bandire una volta per tutte il consumo della carne di cane e gatto.
Per ulteriori informazioni sull’argomento preghiamo consultare:
Distinti saluti.
Asunto: ¡Por favor, inste a Corea del Sur que prohíba el cruel mercadeo de carne de perros y gatos!
Excmo. Sr. / Excma. Sra. _____________,
Le rogamos que vea este vídeo:
Las organizaciones de protección animal y los amantes de los animales de todo el mundo creen firmemente que esta crueldad sin precedentes hacia los animales en Corea del Sur ya no puede ser tolerada, y es el deber moral de nuestro Gobierno intervenir en nuestro nombre. Nuestro Gobierno debería instar al Gobierno de Corea del Sur a respetar y hacer cumplir sus propias leyes y las Leyes Mundiales de Protección Animal. Nos oponemos a esta crueldad por motivos éticos, de salud, ambientales y morales. El problema nos concierne a todos como ciudadanos del mundo porque naciones de todo el planeta sacrificaron a sus seres queridos para proteger a los surcoreanos en la guerra de Corea de los años 50. Sería inadmisible que nuestro Gobierno ignorara la enorme y creciente conmoción y protestas en numerosas redes sociales de todo el mundo sobre esta práctica barbárica.
Corea del Sur es la 14ª economía mundial. Sin embargo, se estima que anualmente se sacrifican y se consumen de forma brutal unos 2,5 millones de perros y miles de gatos como “alimento saludable”. Obligados a soportar privaciones y tormentos inimaginables desde el momento en que nacen hasta el día en que son sacrificados, los perros son encerrados en jaulas elevadas, oxidadas y estrechas durante toda su vida sin protección contra el clima extremo, sin agua, ejercicio, compañía ni atención médica. ¡A menudo se les revientan los tímpanos para evitar que ladren! A plena luz del día, a menudo en presencia de otros perros vivos, son electrocutados, colgados, golpeados o quemados vivos. Incluso las queridas mascotas de la gente también son atraídas y capturadas para terminar como carne para consumo humano. Esta industria, carente de regulación, que no tributa y cuyo único objetivo es la obtención de beneficios, promueve agresivamente el mito de que comer carne de perro (especialmente el pene del perro) aumenta la virilidad masculina y da energía a los hombres. Los coreanos realmente creen que cuanto mayor sea el sufrimiento que padezcan los perros, más disfrutarán los consumidores de los beneficios para su salud y del sabor de su carne. De tal manera que muchos perros son sádicamente torturados para que experimenten miedo y sufrimiento extremos antes de la muerte. ¡Los gatos son frecuentemente cocidos vivos para hacer tónicos que creen tratan el reumatismo! La demanda es tan alta en Corea del Sur que el 20% de la carne de perro es ahora importada de China.
Es difícil creer que una nación como Corea del Sur, una de las principales potencias económicas mundiales y con uno de los niveles educativos más altos del planeta, todavía esté cometiendo esta bárbara y despreciable brutalidad en pleno siglo XXI. Pero para millones de perros y gatos que son sacrificados cada año en los mercados, mataderos, restaurantes, granjas y patios traseros de Corea del Sur, es una realidad trágica y una pesadilla de la que no pueden escapar. Si Corea del Sur quiere unirse al resto de naciones civilizadas y ser respetada como una nación de conciencia, debe fortalecer sus leyes de protección animal y prohibir el consumo de carne de perro y gato. Esto ha estado sucediendo durante demasiado tiempo y es hora de que el Gobierno surcoreano tome liderazgo moral para sus ciudadanos. No solo protegerá a los animales coreanos de un sufrimiento inimaginable, sino que también beneficiará los intereses económicos de Corea del Sur en la comunidad empresarial global. La gente no dejará de condenar la crueldad de Corea del Sur hacia sus indefensos animales.
Mahatma Gandhi dijo: “La grandeza de una nación y su progreso moral, pueden ser medidos por la manera en la que son tratados sus animales”.
Le pedimos a nuestro Gobierno que tome una postura firme en este asunto y boicotee los negocios surcoreanos hasta que el Gobierno surcoreano tome las medidas necesarias para prohibir esta atrocidad. Como nuestro Gobierno ha sido elegido para escuchar las voces de su pueblo, esperamos sinceramente que no ignore esta trágica situación y utilice su poder y posición para instar a Corea del Sur a prohibir el consumo de carne de perro y gato de una vez por todas.
Para obtener más información sobre la crueldad de la carne de perro en Corea del Sur, visite: