
Do you remember the dogs rescued from the dog farm in Yangsan?

Below is a translation of the Facebook post by Busan Korea Alliance for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (KAPCA) on December 12, 2019.

Click HERE to learn more about the Busan KAPCA’s Yangsan dog farm rescue.

We wrote about them two years ago, and many are still waiting for a home. We had received a report from a concerned citizen about this dog farm, which is located near a stream where there were dogs tied up near the water. Some of the dogs were untied and some locked up in cages.

We then went to the farm accompanied by a district officer from the city of Yangsan. The owner of the dog farm admitted that these dogs were for sale. The city of Yangsan had ordered the closure of the dog farm due to violation of laws. Our organization Busan KAPCA, had decided to rescue the dogs with the owner’s surrender of ownership.

However, while we were looking for temporary shelters and a veterinarian for the rescue dogs, the dog farm owner had been selling the dogs. When we returned to the dog farm, we discovered that the owner had put the dogs in a large sack inside his car. We immediately stopped him, and he fled from the scene.

That night, we could not find a safe place for them, so we made a temporary shelter in order to save them.

Among the dogs, 11 were rescued, and 4 of them were puppies at that time. Small-sized dogs went to a temporary homes and large-sized dogs were separated to be placed in three different shelters. As of today, 4 dogs were adopted, but the 7 large dogs had still not been placed in homes. Among the 3 puppies from the same litter, 2 puppies were adopted, but one black puppy could not be placed, because of its color which is generally more difficult to get adopted.

All the remaining dogs are ready for adoption. Vet check-up, all vaccinations and sterilizations are completed. At the shelter, the untamed dogs are learning how to be a friend with humans. One of the dogs adopted was returned due to barking at strangers so we sent him/her to a dog training school and his/her behavior is improving.

These dogs had been forgotten by people like you who could be their beloved friend and companion. Please don’t forget them and consider making them part of your family.

If you are interested in adopting and want to learn more about the dogs available for adoption, please click HERE to send a message to Busan KAPCA through Facebook.

Photos: Busan KAPCA. Yangsan dog farm.

  1. Alessandra Trois
    Alessandra TroisJanuary 18,20


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