
Yeongwol’s response to our e-People petition

Application No.: 1AA-2008-0144270
Application Date: 2020-08-05
Yeongwol, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets.
대한민국 영월군은 불법 개농장, 도축장, 시장, 보신탕집을 폐쇄하라!!!

Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 강원도
staff in charge 남효준
contact 033-370-2664
processing date 2020-08-27
result (Korean)
귀하의 민원은 ‘개고기를 공급하는 불법 개 농장, 도축장, 시장 및 음식점 단속’에 관한 것으로 판단됩니다.

관내 개고기 취급 음식점 점검 결과 원료 보관 및 위생적 취급에는 특이사항이 없었으며 인접한 도시의 도축장에서 도축된 원료를 납품받고 있는 것으로 확인되었습니다. (우리 군에는 개 농장, 도축장이 없습니다.)

향후에 위생적으로 점검이 필요하다고 판단될 경우 해당 도축장 관할 기관과 협의하여 도축 방법, 원료의 위생적 관리에 대한 점검을 실시할 계획입니다. 본 민원과 관련된 모든 부서에 민원 취지를 공유하고 불법적인 개 도축이 일어나지 않도록 조치하겠습니다.

귀하의 질문에 만족스러운 답변이 되었기를 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

Guide to Petition Handling Results
1. Information on Civil Petitioner
Name Giny Woo
Application No. 1AA-2008-0144270
Date of Application 2020-08-05
2. Civil Petition Results
Summary of requested petition
The crackdown on illegal dog farms, slaughterhouses, markets and restaurants that supply dog meat.
Hello, we would like to inform you of the results of your handling of the civil petition(Apply No.1AA-2008-0144270) you submitted through “”
as follows :
We think main content of your petition is judged to be about “the crackdown on illegal dog farms, slaughterhouses, markets and restaurants that supply dog meat”.
We inform you, as a result of the inspection of the restaurant handling dog meat in our county, there was nothing unusual to raw material storage and sanitary treatment, and it was investigated that the slaughtered raw materials are supplied from slaughterhouse of an adjacent city.
(There are no dog farms or slaughterhouses in our jurisdiction)
When it is judged that sanitary inspection is necessary, we plan to conduct an inspection method of slaughter and sanitary management of raw materials in consultation with the relevant slaughterhouse authority. In additon, We will share the intent of this petition to all departments related to this concern, and take an action to prevent illegal dog slaughter.
I hope that it was a satisfactory answer to your question.
Thank you.
Organization Youngwol County
Department Department of Environment & Hygiene
Date of processing 2020. 8. 27.
Staff in Charge Hyojoon Nam([email protected])

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