
Monthly Archive for: ‘June, 2022’

Imprisoning dogs in raised wire cages in South Korea’s dog meat farms is extreme cruelty!

👉 Please help Watchdog continue their important work of shutting down the dog meat industry in South Korea by …

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Sister City Campaign – Incheon Dong-gu District, South Korea – Miami, Florida

Miami, Florida: Tell your Sister City, Incheon Dong-gu District, South Korea, that you are opposed to the torture and consumption …

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Friendship City Campaign – Ulsan Jung-gu District, South Korea – Bergamo, Italy

Bergamo, Italy: Tell your Friendship City, Ulsan Jung-gu District, South Korea, that you are opposed to the torture and consumption …

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Friendship City Campaign – Taebaek, South Korea – Zakynthos, Greece

Zakynthos, Greece: Tell your Friendship City, Taebaek, South Korea, that you are opposed to the torture and consumption of dogs …

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Friendship City Campaign – Iksan, South Korea – Barneveld, Netherlands

Barneveld, Netherlands: Tell your Friendship City, Iksan, South Korea, that you are opposed to the torture and consumption of dogs …

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