Join the Boknal Protests – NYC, Chicago & SF!
Dog consumption peaks especially during Boknal, the Korean “dog days of summer,” when eating dog meat is ritualized. This year, three Boknal days – considered the hottest days of summer – are July 17 (Chobok, the beginning of summer), July 27 (Joongbok, mid-summer), and August 16 (Malbok, the end of summer).
Please join the animal rights activists worldwide in voicing our disgust at the South Korean government’s indifference in allowing this senseless barbaric trade to continue and help us raise awareness about the horrendous suffering inflicted upon our best and most loyal friends – the dogs and cats with whom we share our homes and our lives.
New York, US – July 27, Wednesday International Day of Action for South Korean Dogs and Cats (Day 2). Organized by The Animals’ Battalion. Click HERE for Facebook Event.
Chicago, US – August 13, Saturday Stand Against Bok-Nal, Speak for the Innocent. Click HERE for Facebook Event.
San Francisco, US – August 13, Saturday Leafleting and Informational Event on South Korean Dog Meat Trade Click HERE for Facebook Event.
New York, US – August 16, Tuesday International Day of Action for South Korean Dogs and Cats (Day 3). Organized by The Animals’ Battalion. Click HERE for Facebook Event.
Phone Blitz in solidarity with the Animals’ Battalion’s Boknal Demonstration in New York Click HERE to take action.
Join by Tweeting! Click HERE to promote upcoming New York Demo by tweeting. Click HERE to promote all ‘Boknal’ protest events.
Video: Dozens of Activists Protest Dog Meat Eating Festival At Korean Consulate.
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