Turn up the heat on the Mayor of Seoul
The Mayor of Seoul is feeling the heat! The Korea Bizwire reported on February 11 that “Park Won-soon, the mayor of Seoul, said he plans to shutter all dog slaughterhouses in the South Korean capital.” Click HERE to read the article.
With 500+ dog meat restaurants and hundreds more so called “Health Food Shops” that commonly sell dog and cat elixir in the vicinity of Seoul Metropolitan City, the Mayor is not being entirely truthful about the number of slaughterhouses that still exist in Seoul. But with continued pressure, there are signs that he may finally be willing to face up to the problem. We must keep up the pressure. Our campaigns against Seoul and its 25 Seoul districts will do just that.
Call for Action
🚩✍️ Click the below to take actions today:
Seoul, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets.
Sister City Campaign – Seoul, South Korea – Washington, DC
Sister City Campaign – Seoul, South Korea – San Francisco, California
Seoul District Campaigns.
Korean TV news about Seoul Gyeongdong Dog Meat Market: https://koreandogs.org/street-horror-dog-slaughterhouses-heart-seoul/
The Injustice of the Innocent & Voiceless! All animals deserve lives free from human-inflicted suffering. As the highest created being, humans have a moral obligation to be wise stewards of animals. Just because we happen to be the most powerful species on earth, we humans have the ability, but not the right, to abuse the so-called lower animals. The ends do NOT justify the means!
We all know that there is something seriously wrong with a food system where the best day of an animals’ life is the day that it is finally over.
For a civilized man every killed dog or cat for fun or food — is a direct shot at the heart! Eater cats is the killer of each animal protector. I demand the death penalty for killing and eating dogs and cats.
Stop this cruel practice! You monster!
For a civilized man, every killed dog or cat for fun or food is a direct shot at the heart. Eater cats is the killer of each animal protector. I demand the death penalty for killing and eating dogs and cats.
A horrendous and very cruel travesty.
To eat dog meat is unnatural and horrible! I cannot think of words horrible enough to describe this. We in Canada treat our farm animals and birds that we eat better than you people treat these dogs. We treat the animals on the farm in a dignified manner, we cannot mistreat them as I think it would taint the meat and make it uneatable. When we sell them for slaughter they are still treated in a dignified manner. They are stunned so that they feel nothing when they are killed. I lived on a farm most of my formative years and was taught to NEVER MISTREAT ANY ANIMALS. I was raised Mennonite and we do not believe in violence of any type. The violence and misery you heap upon these wonderful animals that want no more than to be loved and to give love UNCONDITIONALLY. Why do you feel you have to mistreat, kill and eat these wonderful creatures that were put on this earth to help and protect us. They were never meant for consumption. STOP THIS HORRIBLE TREATMENT AND TRADE OF DOG MEAT AND STOP IT NOW.
Please Stop :,(
The dog meat trade is a stain in the history of South Korea. Unfortunately, I cannot help meeting a Korean and thinking that he/she belongs to a culture that allows that kind of cruelty against these beautiful animals that have been coevolving with us for the last 30 thousand years. They are no food; they are pets. Stop that practice, Mr. Park Won-Soon, Mayor of Seoul.
Please let these sweet innocent animals free. Shame on anyone harming innocent animals, and you are the one who decides if your city will be an immoral shame or an example of creating a better society.
This has to stop! Show the rest of the world that you are better than this!
This is evil and disgusting
Stop this cruelty now. Dog meat is not health food.
Allen Asiaten einen grauenvollen Tod.Allen die sich aufs schlimmste an Tieren vergehen
You will forever be remembered as the one who allowed the cruel & horrific deaths of so many innocent animals for your disgusting eating habits. These dogs & cats are abused throughout their lives & suffer the most horrible deaths possible. Can’t you see that these are living breathing animals that suffer the agony, just as you would. In the name of all that is good, stop eating cats & dogs.
have a heart .this is inhumane to hurt and have these loving animals suffering and such cruelity, be on anything .when all they need in love and a home .would you do this if it were your children, so please stop this torture to them
Please stop this terrible cruelty to these poor dogs!
I have decided to stop buying all products made in South Korea until this eating of dogs stops.
You have a sick country, and should be ashamed of the abuse on animals and all the dog meat trades, your tradition is ridiculous and disgusting!
These animals are helpless ,you fucking pieces of shit. Leave these poor dogs alone. Who the fuck are you to fo this to them. Karma will find you.
Stop this inhumane torture of these defenseless animals these are Gods creations just like you & I. Shut down these slaughter houses. Save these precious animals!! Stop the murder, these are man’s best friend, we DON’T eat our best friend!!!!
South Korea should be ASHAMED that this is going on…..ASHAMED of their ignorance to think that slaughtering these poor animals has any medicinal value….all of my friends and family are working diligently to AVOID purchasing ANYTHING from South Korea — that includes cars ,phones, any of your products….I hope your country from within, which it obviously is already doing. So many other countries are LAUGHING at SOuth Korea, and have lost all respect for your population. CRUELTY at its worst…..EVERYONE BOYCOTT SOUTH KOREAY PRODUCTS!
You will be punished sooner or later … just saying… they have e feelings!
stop this terrible cruelty to these poor dogs ,this is inhumane
Re: The Dog Torture Farms
Look long and hard.
Don’t look away.
What do you see?
Look at what you have done to them.
Keep looking. You need to see in their eyes…
Because you don’t look in their eyes you have become blind.
What you see is unspeakable.
It is shameful. It is vile. What has been done to them.
They are better than human…
All they want is to LOVE YOU.
Just touch them with kindness.
Save them.
Realize that you have the power to stop this; and YOU OWN THIS KARMA.
In your next life this may well be your suffering.
If you have the power to stop this abomination do it now, before your fate is sealed.
Let this be the moment you end their agony and you will end your own.
Look in your heart.
End this misery.
Save them.
May God Empower You,
April B. ~ Rochester, New York,USA
There is never any excuse or reason to torture an animal. Never. It’s barbaric.
This madness must stop now!! Why this evil? Treat all animals with respect and love not hate and torture
Stop!!! Stop be so wild and stupid!!!
Poor dogs!!!
Barbari crudeli senza cuore torturatori di animali innocenti e indifesi
Siete i peggiori esseri umani i più crudeli torturatori e assassini dei megliori amici dell’uomo
Must stop this barbaric practice of slaughtering intelligent and affectionate human companions for consumption.