
🐶🐕 April 2023 – Monthly update from ARK shelter in Korea 🌼

Sharing for Animal Rights Korea (ARK) Shelter.

Dear Supporters,

We hope you are enjoying the spring weather. Here at Animal Rights Korea (ARK) shelter, the only shelter in the world where all the dogs are dog meat farm survivors, we are busy fixing and repairing the old shelter, getting dogs socialized in different settings for their potential adoption, and promoting volunteering opportunities at ARK.

We have some good news! We are setting up a second shelter so dogs can run around in a larger space. The new pens will be about 5 times larger than the ones at our current shelter. Due to the small available space at our present shelter, the dogs eat their food, sleep, defecate and urinate in the same space. The Incheon city council has prevented us from rebuilding/remodeling our current shelter, so we could only do limited repair work.

We know it’s late, but dogs’ lifespan is short, and they have limited time with us. The expenses for staff, food, and other utilities required to maintain our shelter is at least $5,000 a month. Please help us continue to look after these brown fur angels. They are the breed suffering the most in South Korea’s dog meat industry. Yet they are just as loving as other dogs.

Again, thanks for your continuous care and love for ARK.

From ARK Team.

“Monthly ARK”, the April 2023 video is also available on our youtube channel:

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Thank you!
🙏 💗 🐕

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