Call for Action: South Korean government must end dog and cat meat consumption now!
In September of 2021, South Korea’s President, Moon Jae-in, stated, “Hasn’t the time come to prudently consider prohibiting dog meat consumption?” With that statement, the South Korean government finally acknowledged that they needed to end dog and cat meat cruelty. However, the Korean government decided to leave the specifics to the dog meat farmers, butchers, dog meat shop owners, and the Animal Welfare Nonprofit Organizations by asking them to debate the subject. This is shameful and further proof that the South Korean government lacks the moral leadership, courage, and genuine commitment to ending the dog meat industry. Therefore, we need to continue putting pressure on the Korean government, urging them to prioritize this issue and not delay the process while the millions of poor animals suffer unspeakable cruelty and agony every day in the horrific dog meat industry.
Would you please take action today to file a petition, and pick up the phone and call the Korean government and send them a message? We have recorded a recommended phone message in the Korean language. All you need to do is to call and play this recording.

Call for Action
- 📧 Click HERE to file a petition with the South Korean government through e-People online. (You can use our “Suggested message” below or your own words.)
📌 Need help with the e-People petition? Click HERE for instructions. - 📧 Send emails to the South Korea’s dog meat issue Pan-Government Council and the South Korean National Assembly members:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 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- ☎️ Make the calls to the Korean government:
Subject: Consultative Discussion Committee on Ending Dog Meat Consumption and the Pan-Government Council, please stop the torture and consumption of dogs and cats immediately.
To: The Consultative Discussion Committee on Ending Dog Meat Consumption
Pan-Government Council
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
Ministry of Environment
Office of Government Policy Coordination
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Ministry of the Interior and Safety
Ministry of Economy and Finance
National Assembly
Currently, the countries among Asian Nations that eat dogs are Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, and most of China.
The consumption of dogs has been banned in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, and some autonomous provinces within China.
Korea, which ranks among the more advanced nations in the world, is a country that has both economic and cultural influence on a global scale.
Therefore, it is shocking that companion animals such as dogs are still allowed to be abused, cruelly killed, and eaten in such a country that has laws against their slaughter and abuse.
In September of 2021, President Moon Jae-in ordered a review of a potential ban on the consumption of dog meat.
We ask that Korea specifically ban eating dog meat as soon as possible to stop the horrendous animal cruelty and become a truly advanced nation that respects all lives.
To this end, we will closely watch the efforts of relevant government ministries, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, and the Ministry of Environment.
On behalf of all the dogs suffering in the dog meat industry, we thank you for all your help.
대한민국 개식용의 공식적 종식을 위한 사회적 논의기구(개식용 문제 논의를 위한 위원회)와 범정부 협의체는 잔인한 개, 고양이 식용을 즉각 종식 시켜주시길 촉구합니다!
사회적 논의기구(개식용 문제 논의를 위한 위원회)
범정부 협의체
현재, 아시아 국가들중 개를 식용하는 국가는 한국, 베트남, 캄보디아 정도입니다.
홍콩,대만,싱가폴, 인도네시아, 중국 일부 자치 성에서도 개식용을 금지하고 있습니다.
선진국의 반열에 든 한국은 경제성장뿐 아니라 전세계 문화에 파급력도 지닌 국가입니다.
그러한 국가에서, 반려동물인 개를 학대하고, 잔인하게 도살하여 먹는 행위를 아직도 허용하고 있다는것은 전세계가 경악할 일입니다.
한국에서도 개를 잔인하게 도살하고 학대하는것은 위법한 행위입니다.
지난 9월, 문재인 대통령도 개식용 금지를 검토하라고 지시하셨습니다.
한국이 하루빨리 개식용을 법적으로 금지하여 잔인한 동물학대를 멈추고 생명을 존중하는 진정한 선진국이 되기바랍니다.
이를 위해, 관련 정부 부서인 농림축산식품부, 식품의약품안전처, 환경부가 어떠한 노력을 하는지 해외에서도 지켜보겠습니다.
After you call the Korean government, click below to play the voice recording of the suggested message in the Korean language.
To call from the USA and Canada:
South Korean National Assembly – Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans, and Fisheries Committee:
Mr. Lee Kai Ho (Committee Chair) ☎️ 011-82-2-784-2165
Mr. An Byung Gil ☎️ 011-82-2-6788-6711
Mr. Choi In Ho ☎️ 011-82-2-784-2195
Mr. Kim Tae-Heum ☎️ 011-82-2-784-4710
Mr. Eoh Kiy Ku ☎️ 011-82-2-784-4360 / 011-82-41-356-2020
Mr. Hong Moon Pyo ☎️ 011-82-2-784-9587
Mr. Jeong Jeom Sig ☎️ 011-82-2-784-6327
Mr. Ju Cheol Hyeon ☎️ 011-82-2-784-6341~3
Mr. Kim Seung Nam ☎️ 011-82-2-784-1091~2
Mr. Kim Sun Gyo ☎️ 011-82-2-784-4195
Mr. Kwon Chil-Seung ☎️ 011-82-2-784-1250
Mr. Park Deok-Heum ☎️ 011-82-2-784-6550
Mr. Lee Man Hee ☎️ 011-82-2-784-5901
Mr. Lee Won Taeg ☎️ 011-82-2-6788-7031
Mr. Lee Yang Soo ☎️ 011-82-2-784-8150
Mr. Maeng Sung Kyu ☎️ 011-82-2-784-6181, 011-82-32-466-9100
Mr. Seo Sam Seok ☎️ 011-82-2-784-9501
Mr. Wi Seong Gon ☎️ 011-82-2-784-6450
Mr. Yoon Jae Kab ☎️ 011-82-2-784-1460
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Task Force:
Director, Kang Dong-Yun ☎️ 011-82-44-201-2683
Deputy Director, Yang Seong-Cheol ☎️ 011-82-44-201-2684
Action Officer, Kang Gyeong-Won ☎️ 011-82-44-201-2685
Action Officer, Kim Ja-Eun ☎️ 011-82-44-201-2392
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety Task Force:
Deputy Director, Kim Chung-Hyeon ☎️ 011-82-43-719-3259
Action Officer, Jeong Hyeon-Suk ☎️ 011-82-43-719-2013
To call from the UK, France, Germany, and many parts of Europe:
South Korean National Assembly – Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans, and Fisheries Committee:
Mr. Lee Kai Ho (Committee Chair) ☎️ 00-82-2-784-2165
Mr. An Byung Gil ☎️ 00-82-2-6788-6711
Mr. Choi In Ho ☎️ 00-82-2-784-2195
Mr. Kim Tae-Heum ☎️ 00-82-2-784-4710
Mr. Eoh Kiy Ku ☎️ 00-82-2-784-4360 / 00-82-41-356-2020
Mr. Hong Moon Pyo ☎️ 00-82-2-784-9587
Mr. Jeong Jeom Sig ☎️ 00-82-2-784-6327
Mr. Ju Cheol Hyeon ☎️ 00-82-2-784-6341~3
Mr. Kim Seung Nam ☎️ 00-82-2-784-1091~2
Mr. Kim Sun Gyo ☎️ 00-82-2-784-4195
Mr. Kwon Chil-Seung ☎️ 00-82-2-784-1250
Mr. Park Deok-Heum ☎️ 00-82-2-784-6550
Mr. Lee Man Hee ☎️ 00-82-2-784-5901
Mr. Lee Won Taeg ☎️ 00-82-2-6788-7031
Mr. Lee Yang Soo ☎️ 00-82-2-784-8150
Mr. Maeng Sung Kyu ☎️ 00-82-2-784-6181, 00-82-32-466-9100
Mr. Seo Sam Seok ☎️ 00-82-2-784-9501
Mr. Wi Seong Gon ☎️ 00-82-2-784-6450
Mr. Yoon Jae Kab ☎️ 00-82-2-784-1460
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Task Force:
Director, Kang Dong-Yun ☎️ 00-82-44-201-2683
Deputy Director, Yang Seong-Cheol ☎️ 00-82-44-201-2684
Action Officer, Kang Gyeong-Won ☎️ 00-82-44-201-2685
Action Officer, Kim Ja-Eun ☎️ 00-82-44-201-2392
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety Task Force:
Deputy Director, Kim Chung-Hyeon ☎️ 00-82-43-719-3259
Action Officer, Jeong Hyeon-Suk ☎️ 00-82-43-719-2013
To call from within Korea:
South Korean National Assembly – Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans, and Fisheries Committee
Mr. Lee Kai Ho (Committee Chair) ☎️ 02-784-2165
Mr. An Byung Gil ☎️ 02-6788-6711
Mr. Choi In Ho ☎️ 02-784-2195
Mr. Kim Tae-Heum ☎️ 02-784-4710
Mr. Eoh Kiy Ku ☎️ 02-784-4360 / 041-356-2020
Mr. Hong Moon Pyo ☎️ 02-784-9587
Mr. Jeong Jeom Sig ☎️ 02-784-6327
Mr. Ju Cheol Hyeon ☎️ 02-784-6341~3
Mr. Kim Seung Nam ☎️ 02-784-1091~2
Mr. Kim Sun Gyo ☎️ 02-784-4195
Mr. Kwon Chil-Seung ☎️ 02-784-1250
Mr. Park Deok-Heum ☎️ 02-784-6550
Mr. Lee Man Hee ☎️ 02-784-5901
Mr. Lee Won Taeg ☎️ 02-6788-7031
Mr. Lee Yang Soo ☎️ 02-784-8150
Mr. Maeng Sung Kyu ☎️ 02-784-6181, 032-466-9100
Mr. Seo Sam Seok ☎️ 02-784-9501
Mr. Wi Seong Gon ☎️ 02-784-6450
Mr. Yoon Jae Kab ☎️ 02-784-1460
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Task Force:
Director, Kang Dong-Yun ☎️ 044-201-2683
Deputy Director, Yang Seong-Cheol ☎️ 044-201-2684
Action Officer, Kang Gyeong-Won ☎️ 044-201-2685
Action Officer, Kim Ja-Eun ☎️ 044-201-2392
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety Task Force:
Deputy Director, Kim Chung-Hyeon ☎️ 043-719-3259
Action Officer, Jeong Hyeon-Suk ☎️ 043-719-2013
👉 To call Korea from other countries, please click HERE for dialing instructions.
Make sure that you call during Korea’s office hours. ⏲️ Click HERE for a time zone converting tool.
Show how you feel by not purchasing anything that is made in South Korea and the other countries where there is a Dog and Cat Meat Trade. Hit these countries where it hurts them most – financially!
Le pido a estos paises que dejen de lado esta crueldad con inocentes animales. Los animales son nuestros hermanos pequeños. No voy a comprar, ni comer, ni usar nada que venga de estos paises crueles y despiadados donde no respetan a los animales. Boicot
This trade is barbaric – how can South Korea turn a blind eye to this when it’s ILLEGAL??? Shame South Korea, Shame!!
Please help
It is one thing when you don’t know any better because you are ignorant and uneducated. However, South Korea is not this way and therefore, makes this situation all the worse. There are no excuses and change is long overdue. South Korea has a choice. Join the first world or stay in the 3rd. There is no acceptance for animal cruelty, barbarism or abuse/torture in the 1st world. Change your ways or remain the cruel country the world recognizes you as.
We, as human beings have duty of care, to each other, ALL animals and the planet. If we fail in this duty we fail our humanity. These animal meat markets, must be stopped, and we need to educate people on our humanity and how we need to protect, not abuse, slaughter or kill.
I urge you to stop this barbaric, inhumane & cruel practice! You are dealing with emotional, loving & sentient beings, that only deserve love, kindness & respect. If you don’t realize this, I wonder what your soul & heart is made of …
Murdering innocent Animals for what. This is evil. This is barbaric. This is illegal. Poor defenseless dogs and cats are being killed for human consumption. This is against the law. Dogs and cats were not put on this earth to be tortured and abused. They were not put on this earth for human consumption. Shut down these illegal farms NOW. Those involved in the brutal killing of innocent Animals should be prosecuted and imprisoned for there act of cruelty and MURDER.
This is so barbaric, it should have been stopped years ago. The world is watching and is demanding that this cruel barbaric practice is stopped immediately.
The horrific suffering these poor dogs are subjected to is heartbreaking and unimaginably cruel. No living creatures should be forced to lead such miserable lives and die such excruciatingly painful and terrifying deaths all so humans can have a bite of their flesh. This practice must end.
I can’t believe this is STILL an issue!! Dogs and cats are NOT FOOD!! There is no excuse for the way you treat and then kill and eat dogs/cats…..some are stolen as pets. This is so disgusting to me…..the act and the people who continue to think it’s ok. IT’S NOT OK!!!!!!!! Each of you who participate in or support this should be punished in the same way you treat these animals!! Poor excuse for humans!
Die ganze Prozedur dauert lange und wird immer weiterhin gezögert, das hat den Anschein, dass die südkoreanische Regierung kaum Interesse daran hat, diese Greueltaten endlich gesetzlich, ohne Ausnahme ,zu verbieten oder aber nicht in der Lage ist, diese mafiösen Strukturen einfach für immer zu zerschlagen! Eine Schande für das gesamte Land!
Please stop this cruel evil treatment of poor defensive animals , the have feelings and hurt like humans. Your government must help educate on how to treat and look after these lovely kind animals. Please stop eating them
This is absolutely disgusting. South Korea is educated, considered first world and THIS! Seriously. I am tired of hearing the argument; it’s just a dog (animal). If you kick said dog it yelps just like human do when kicked, meaning it FEELS and not just physically but emotionally. Those poor dogs (and cats) KNOW what is coming and suffer in misery and for what selfish greedy people who like dog meat. South Korea should be doing more WAY MORE to not only stop it but eradicate it from it’s culture. Imprison the culprits for lengthy sentences. Consider it as murder and maybe it will drive the message home.
Emails sent and petition filed
My wish is you suffer the same cruel fate.
We are in the 21st century and it is time for the mistreatment of all living beings to stop, whatever the reason for that mistreatment. It is time to evolve as human beings and stop behaving like savages. All of us who inhabit this planet have the right to be treated with respect, not to be tortured, to be cared for and cured in the face of disease, to be cared for when we need it. What do humans believe gives us the right to mistreat others? This must stop
Despicable people!
People of UKRAINE do their best to SAVE thousands of pets, cats and dogs, from the BLOODY WAR because pets are family members! At the same time SOUTH-KOREA BESTIALLY MURDERS our FAMILY MEMBERS, cats and dogs! HOW DISGUSTING and DISRESPECTFUL of SOUTH-KOREA!
yes they are the most evil pukedvscumsbon our earth i wish my president MR Biden would go war on them and we gain enough control in the process to save and end all animal
abuse for dog meat for good and i don’t even give a damm if any of them get killed in our war on them to end dog meat eating cruelty at the very worst i think war is the only way to make them dtop the dog killing!!
This barbaric act against cats and dogs must stop. It is nothing more than for human entertainment. These companion pets are treated worse than livestock and many are stolen family pets. This act makes ALL Koreans look like heartless barbarians and disgusting. I will not travel to or support any country that condones this cruel practice