
CARE raids an illegal dog slaughterhouse in Yeongcheon

Update – 6/17/21: Response from National Police Agency regarding our petition to prosecute and punish the animal abuser of the dog slaughterhouse in Yeongcheon, South Korea who illegally slaughtered countless dogs over the decades in business.

Civil Petition Results
organization in charge National Police Agency 경찰청
staff in charge 이성희
contact 054-339-1266
processing date 2021-06-17
result This is the response of the Yeongcheon Police Station investigation support team to your complaint for the punishment of the dog butcher. The intelligent crime investigation team at Yeongcheon Police Station investigated the dog butcher and sent it to the prosecution office on charges of violating the Animal Protection Act. Thank you.

(개 도살자 처벌을 요구한 귀하의 민원에 대하여 영천경찰서 수사지원팀의 답변입니다. 영천경찰서 지능범죄수사팀에서 개 도살자를 조사하였으며, 동물보호법 위반 혐의로 검찰청에 송치하였습니다. 감사합니다.)
End date 2021-06-21 23:59:59

Video: 👉 Watch 3 minutes clip, MBC TV Program 실화On, June 5, 2021.

Video: 👉 Watch the full program, MBC TV Program 실화On, June 5, 2021.

In the early morning hours, trucks with dogs assembled at this location to buy and sell dogs. Dogs in the wire cages were trembling in fear. The trade scene was exposed and the trucks hurriedly drove away. This market clandestinely operates in the early morning, for about 2 hours, and then disappears.

Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE) rescuers raided an illegal dog slaughterhouse in Yeongcheon, South Korea. This slaughterhouse uses the barbaric and illegal method of slaughter by hanging by the neck. The dog butcher admits to feeding the internal organs of slaughtered dogs to the other dogs still in their wire cages.

The butcher protested with anger because he was targeted while other slaughterhouses were also slaughtering dogs. Evidently the butcher feels no wrong-doing as their government leaves the dog meat industry in a legal grey area.

CARE reported this slaughterhouse to the police for all the violations of the Animal Protection Act that they were caught committing. CARE also filed a complaint and requested prosecution and the demolishment of this facility.

CARE rescued the remaining 3 dogs and 1 goat from this slaughterhouse.

👉 Click HERE for the campaign, Yeongcheon, South Korea: Shut down the illegal dog farms!

👉 To donate by Paypal:
💗 Hana Bank Account no: 350-910009-40504 CARE
💗 For recurring donations: Hana Bank Account no: 350-910009-41104 CARE
📧 CARE’s email: [email protected]

Call for Action

  • 👉 Click HERE to file a petition with the South Korean government through e-People online.
    We need you to file 2 e-People petitions:
    1. To the city of Yeongcheon
    2. To the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office
    (You can use our “Suggested message” below or your own words.)
    📌 Need help with the e-People petition? Click HERE for instructions.
  • Suggested message to the city of Yeongcheon

    Title: To the city of Yeongcheon: Please close down the illegal dog market documented in the MBC TV program and shut down all dog meat farms, dog slaughterhouses, and dog markets operating in your city immediately.

    * Please respond to my petition in English and Korean using the Microsoft Word Document. The Hancom word processor program is not used outside Korea, and we cannot open Hancom’s .hwp file.

    To Choi Gi-Moon Yeongcheon Mayor and the members of the Yeongcheon City Council,

    Please watch the MBC TV program that aired on June 5 here:

    Please immediately close down the illegal dog market documented in the MBC TV program and shut down all dog meat farms, dog slaughterhouses, and dog markets operating in your city.

    Suggested message to the Supreme Prosecutors’s Office

    Title: To the Office of the Supreme Prosecutors: Prosecute and punish the animal abuser of the dog slaughterhouse in Yeongcheon, South Korea who illegally slaughtered countless dogs over the decades in business.

    * Please respond to my petition in English and Korean using the Microsoft Word Document. The Hancom word processor program is not used outside Korea, and we cannot open Hancom’s .hwp file.

    To the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office:

    Please watch the MBC TV program that aired on June 5 here:

    Prosecute and punish the animal abuser of the dog slaughterhouse in Yeongcheon, South Korea who illegally slaughtered countless dogs over the decades in business and causing unthinkable agony and brutal deaths!

    This dog butcher clearly violated many clauses of the Animal Protection Act and is guilty of egregious cases of animal cruelty that must be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

CARE’s post on June 6, 2021:
사진 주의: 케어, 영천 개도살장 급습, 동물학대 고발
작은 발바리들이 떨고 있습니다. 큰 개든 작은 개든 염소든 또 다른 동물이든, 닥치는대로 잡아 죽인 이곳은 마치 주택처럼 보이는 소규모 도살장입니다.
산 채로 목을 매달아 죽이고 칼로 자르는, 원시적 도살 방법을 그대로 사용하는 명백한 동물보호법 위반과 현장에서는 구더기가 끓는 폐사체 더미와 얼마나 많은 도살 해체작업 이루어졌는지 짐작케 하는 뼈무덤이 발견되기도 했습니다.
케어는 영천의 이 도살장을 급습하고 모든 위반사항을 적발, 고발과 철거하도록 하였습니다. 또 살아남아 떨고 있는 작은 발바리 3마리와 염소 1마리는 함께 출동토록 한 지자체에 우선 긴급 격리조치를 하게 하였습니다.
어제 MBC 실화탐사대 방영을 보고 치를 떨며 분노한 분들이 많으실 것입니다. 바로 그 도살장입니다.
마지막 도살을 대기하던 어리고 작은 세 발바리들, 그리고 순하디 순한 하나 남은 염소의 간절한 눈빛이 잊혀지지 않아 ‘곧자리를 만들어 돌아오마’ 고 약속했습니다. 많은 수도 아니라서 외면이 안됩니다.
마음 모아 함께 동참해 주실 분들 계실까요? 🙏🏿
케어의 개도살장 철폐는 마지막 한 곳이 남을 때까지 계속됩니다.
#개도살장철폐 #개도살금지
💜긴급모금통장 (하나은행, 케어) 소액도 감사합니다!🙏🏿
입금시 입금자명 옆에 코드번호 34” 를 (예: 홍길동 34)를 표시해 주세요!
➡이메일: [email protected]

CARE’s post on June 7, 2021:
“도살장의 남은 그들!”
지난 토요일, mbc 실화 탐사대에서 방영한 영천의 소규모 도살장을 본 많은 시민들은 경악했습니다.
여전히 대한민국 구석, 곳곳에는 이렇게 무엇인지 외부에서는 알 수조차 없는 도살장들이 존재하고 있으며 크든 작든 닥치는대로 동물들을 잡아 도살하고 있는 현장을 낱낱이 보여 주었기 때문입니다. 이곳의 행위들이 적발되고 공개 되지 않았다면 오늘도 이곳에서는 여러마리의 동물들이 참혹한 도살을 당하고 있을 것입니다.
케어는 대한민국 개도살장이 단 한 곳도 남지 않을때까지 추적할 것이고 없애나갈 것입니다.
케어는 영상 속의 살아남은 개 3마리와 염소 1마리를 오늘 구조했고 지금 이 시간, 이들과 차를 타고 올라오는 중입니다!

  1. roni unger
    roni ungerJune 10,21

    Horrific and downright cold-blooded

  2. Morag Deans
    Morag DeansJune 12,21

    This is horrific and barbaric and must be stopped immediately. Dogs are Man’s Best Friend, they’re not food.

  3. Paula Müller
    Paula MüllerJune 17,21

    Stoppt den Wahnsinn und das Tierleid

  4. Gerolynn Laukevicz
    Gerolynn LaukeviczJune 17,21


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