
Newsletter – August 6, 2016

Swift response and immediate action from Irvine Mayor.
Swift response and immediate action from Irvine Mayor

We have just received a response to our campaign/petition, shown below, from the City of Irvine – and it’s a positive one! We are very grateful to Mayor Choi and all of Irvine City Council, and its staff, for taking such prompt action to help the Korean dogs in the meat trade, and for being their voice! We are pleased to say that this is our 5th victory, even though we don’t yet know what response Seoul Seocho District will give to Mayor Choi’s request.

Click HERE to see our campaign.

Everyone has a responsibility to make a difference – and everyone can.

Please send an email thanking the Mayor and the City Council members for responding to our concern. You can use our suggested message or your own words. Click HERE to send thank you email!

Photo: Gyeongdong Dog Meat Market, Seoul, South Korea.  Dogs are slaughtered while you wait. SaveKoreanDogs.

Will Pasadena keep the ball rolling?

We have been successful, so far, with five victories through our Sister City campaigns (Brea, Bakersfield, Glendale, Irvine which are all Californian Cities; and Bologna, Italy).

For example: as a result of Bakersfield’s Mayor contacting the Bucheon Mayor, and the ongoing campaign by the SaveKoreanDogs (Nami Kim and her team), the Bucheon Mayor has taken a historic step towards actively addressing the dog-meat trade issue.

We must keep that ball rolling by keeping the pressure on, and getting more Sister City Mayors to contact their counterparts in South Korea: those Korean cities can’t keep ignoring the issue, once they realise that the ‘spotlight’ is on them. And they now have a City to take the lead from: Bucheon.  So let’s keep going!!

This time we are targeting Paju. Its Friendship city is Pasadena, California.

Speak out against the Paju’s horrendous cruelty and shameful indifference TODAY!

Click HERE to take action.

Photo: Dog farm in South Korea.  SaveKoreanDogs.

Friendship City Campaign – Paju, South Korea – Pasadena, California
Donate to SaveKoreanDogs (Nami Kim and her team) to help them save Korean dogs
​and fight the horrendous South Korean dog meat industry!
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women) to do nothing”
~Edmund Burke

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