
Newsletter – May 3, 2018

Korean governments using taxpayer money to support meat dog farms | Appeal to Samsung

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Appeal to Samsung to Help Stop Dog Meat Cruelty in South Korea

Samsung is the most powerful company of all the conglomerates in South Korea. When Samsung management talks, the president of Korea listens, but Samsung has shown indifference to helping in the fight to end the practice of dog and cat meat cruelty in their country. It’s time for Samsung to speak up and do their part to bring an end to this illegal and unethical practice of brutalizing and eating man’s best friends. Write to the management of Samsung today as a member of the international community and request that they become a catalyst for positive change by ending the dog meat industry.
Click HERE to take action.

Korean local governments are using taxes from their citizens to support meat dog farms. Are they out of their minds?

This is translation of post from Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA) on 7/6/2017.

​Whenever the problems with dog meat farms are raised, the Korean government – at federal and local levels – have always made excuses that there’s nothing they can do because dog farms are not regulated under the “Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act”. Therefore, the majority of Koreans, along with animal protection groups, have long criticized the government for ignoring the issue of dog meat farms. However, there is an error in the criticism they’ve received so far. It isn’t that the government was ignoring the issue; it has been revealed that they have been actively supporting dog meat farms. The dog meat industry is a declining industry due to the decline in demand. However, the government has been acting like an artificial respirator to prolong their life, not only helping them through neglect but by actively supporting the industry. We are outraged and strongly condemn the actions of the municipal governments that have used taxpayer money to support dog meat farms.

Click HERE to learn more.

[Call for Action] Is the food waste recycling business
​ just another ‘license to kill’ in the filthy, dirty dog meat trade?

The Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA) has exposed another shameful side to the dog meat trade – and more Government failures. Not only does the South Korean Government neglect to enforce their animal welfare laws by continuing to allow the appalling and blatantly cruel dog meat trade, but Government Departments, such as the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, fail to properly monitor the food waste disposal business, being carried out as a lucrative side-line to dog meat production – and thereby ensuring continuation of these trades.

The Korean Government must step up and take responsibility, the Moon Jae-In Administration must keep its promise to survey the dog meat farms throughout the country, and act on illegal practices – it must bring about change.
Click HERE to learn more and take action.

Photos: Dog farm in South Korea. KARA.

Adopt dogs rescued from dog meat industry by

ogs rescued from dog meat industry in South Korea by Nami Kim and her team are waiting for their loving and caring forever homes.  Thank you for opening your heart and your home to these angels!

Click HERE to see the dogs available for adoption.
Click HERE to follow on Facebook for the latest updates.

Photo: Can anyone give Tony a place called “home”? Tony craves love and attention. Tony is an affectionate boy, done with all the veterinary care, medically cleared, one of the rice mill tonic farm rescued a month ago.

Can anyone give him a place called "home" Tony craves love and attention. Tony is an affectionate boy, done with all the veterinary care, medically cleared, one of the rice mill tonic farm rescued a month ago. I've had an application for him but fell through. They seem being unable to afford the flight cost.

Please donate to team so that they can continue to rescue these angels and continue their fight to end the horrific dog meat trade.  Thank you!!


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