
Newsletter – September 18, 2016

Rise above with Thunderclap | Seoul Yongsan’ s Shame

Our new campaigns via Thunderclap:
join us to speak together as ‘one voice’

We are now using a wonderful new online campaign tool, called Thunderclap, which will help to make our campaigns even more powerful.

Some of you may have already heard of it: Thunderclap is a new platform that allows people to pledge a Tweet or Facebook message, so that they can all be ‘unleashed’ for maximum impact, at one, concentrated time. Think of it as a massive flash mob on Twitter.

It’s completely safe and will automatically post exactly one message on your behalf, at the designated time.

We now have two campaigns ready to try out through this platform, which are:

1. To raise awareness of the new proposal that would amend the current Animal Protection Law in South Korea. This proposal is being introduced in Korea this month and we want to ask the Korean Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Kim Jae-Soo, to support and pass this amendment.

2. To urge people to boycott the PyeongChang 2018 Olympics in South Korea.

We are inviting all of our supporters to add your Facebook and Twitter Support.

It couldn’t be easier to help us get the word out, so join us now by using Thunderclap to flood Twitter and Facebook with these important messages.  

​It takes 5 seconds to join. Click HERE to join now.

Animal Protection Law in Korea
Yongsan ‘Land of Last Hope’ –
​but what hope for the dogs and cats
​in their abhorrent meat trades?

The Brand Slogan for the Yongsan District of Seoul is ‘City of Tomorrow’; they call it the ‘Land of Last Hope’, referring to their expectation for modernization and increased prosperity.

But unless their citizens stop living in the past, by clinging on to their post-war, impoverished outlook – unless they stop the brutal dog and cat-meat trades, Yongsan will never be anything more than a city of ‘lost’ hope.

Yongsan is no longer a poor district, their citizens no longer eat dog and cat-meat products out of necessity; yet this is still a place where dogs and cats are routinely treated cruelly, before being brutally slaughtered – so they can be served up as food and drinks for their many (so-called) ‘health food’ centers and restaurants.

Let’s tell Yongsan that the true meaning of a ‘Land of Hope’ is one where the dog and cat-meat trades no longer exist.

Click HERE to learn more and take action.

Sister City Campaign – Seoul Yongsan-District, South Korea – Sacramento, California
T-Shirt Fundraiser to Support Busan KAPCA 

Wear one of our shirts! Help fight the South Korean dog and cat-meat cruelty and bring awareness to our campaign. 100% of the funds raised from the sale of these shirts will be donated to the Busan KAPCA(Busan Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). T-shirts are $15 and long sleeve shirts are $20 plus shipping. Thank you!
Click HERE for our page.  
Busan KAPCA is a registered charity in South Korea.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
 – Martin Luther King, Jr.

“어느 한 곳에서 불의가 있으면 모든 곳의 정의에 위협이 됩니다.”
– 마틴 루터 킹

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