
President Moon Jae-In, please help your country’s “animal friends”: end the horrific dog and cat meat trades.

[UPDATE: October 25, 2020]

We were very hopeful when South Korean president Moon Jae-In, took office in 2017. President Moon Jae-In has a pet dog, and we hoped that he might finally bring the dog and cat meat trade to an end in South Korea. However, President Moon has done absolutely nothing to improve the lives of companion animals. The dog and cat meat trade continues while President Moon’s administration supports the shameful and illegal industry by turning a blind eye and taking no action to end it. Let’s urge President Moon to end the unethical and cruel dog and cat meat trade in his country once and for all and to bring honor to his country and its citizens. Please take action today!

South Korea now has a new President who is more concerned about animal welfare than his predecessor, Park Geun-Hye, who was impeached for corruption. Now there is a real opportunity for our message to be heard by this new government and to bring about the changes we have been working so hard for. During his campaign, President Moon Jae-In promised to improve the welfare of “animal friends.” So let’s not waste any time: call, write or email President Moon and ask him to address the most urgent and important animal cruelty issue existing in South Korea today – ask him to put a permanent end to the dog and cat meat trades!

Call for Action

Moon Jae-In's Puppies 5

No matter where you live PLEASE SHARE these actions with your friends!🙏🐕

Video: The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea. The Korea Observer.

Suggested message in French

Excellence Président Moon Jae-In, veuillez mettre fin à l’horrible commerce de viande de chien et de chat.

Votre Excellence le Président Moon Jae-In et le Gouvernement sud-coréen,

Veuillez regarder ces vidéos: Shocking Cruelty of South Korean Dog Meat Industry
Part 1 of 2:
Part 2 of 2:
The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea

Je suis extrêmement bouleversé par la torture et la consommation d’animaux de compagnie en Corée du Sud.

Avec l’omniprésence des réseaux sociaux, nous voyons chaque jour des images et des vidéos choquantes et déchirantes de chiens innocents torturés et tués dans votre pays.

Même si la Corée a établi une loi sur la protection des animaux pour les animaux de compagnie, les chiens sont toujours battus, pendus, électrocutés et traités brutalement par les agriculteurs et les abatteurs. En outre, les chiens et les chats sont toujours battus et bouillis vifs pour des soi-disant élixirs, qui n’ont pas de propriétés médicales, sauf dans l’esprit des clients ignorants et crédules.

Ces pratiques n’ont pas leur place dans le monde moderne. D’autres pays asiatiques ont interdit la consommation de viande de chien et l’industrie cruelle qui va avec, comme Taiwan et les Philippines. Pourquoi la Corée persiste-t-elle à être à la traîne de ces pays et d’autres sociétés civilisées?

Il est de la responsabilité du gouvernement coréen de mettre fin une fois pour toutes aux industries cruelles de la viande de chien et de la médecine pour chats en Corée. Il est temps de rejeter les mythes enfantins et la propagande entourant ces industries et leurs produits ignobles. Il est temps de quitter les traditions arriérées et inutiles.

Et il est temps pour la Corée de commencer à prendre au sérieux le bien-être animal et de montrer qu’elle a vraiment une société compatissante et éthique. Cela signifie qu’il est temps que le gouvernement coréen commence à mieux éduquer le public sur l’importance de la stérilisation et de la stérilisation, de ne pas abandonner les animaux de compagnie et de traiter les animaux de manière appropriée.

Tant que ces choses ne seront pas faites, la réputation de la Corée au sein de la communauté internationale continuera de souffrir. Ses citoyens continueront d’être confrontés à la honte et à l’embarras. Et la Corée continuera d’être considérée comme un «tiers monde», malgré sa modernisation et ses tentatives de pensée mondialisée.

Par conséquent, je vous demande de faire tout ce qui est en votre pouvoir pour arrêter immédiatement cette barbarie et cette cruauté.

Désormais, je boycotterai les produits coréens, et je ne soutiendrai pas les entreprises coréennes et je ne visiterai pas la Corée tant que les abus contre les chats et les chiens n’auront pas finalement pris fin.

  1. Perczak Ewa
    Perczak EwaMay 15,17

    I can not imagine how they manage their image throught the whole world !!! now, since I am aware about what happens in these countries, especially in S. Korea, I pay attention when I buy the products made outside of France !!! the first thing coming into my mind, when I hear “South Korea ” is horrendous trade of dog and cat meat ! I ask myself, when the korean people would change this !!! I put all my hope into their new president, Mr Moon, and wait to see ! this situation, this trade, must be banned ! it shows that these countries, where this torture and this consumption of dogs and cats, exist, there is no place for compassion, so I think, they are so cruel also with the all living beings, including the humans !!

    • Monika Kox, Germany
      Monika Kox, GermanyJuly 5,17

      Dear Ewa, you write what I also feel! Thank you!

    • Karton Weston
      Karton WestonOctober 11,17

      I will not buy anything from South Korea.. period..LG, Samsung etc

    • Gordon Freeman
      Gordon FreemanMarch 1,18

      Perczak, I am in Vancouver, eights months have gone by since you posted I see, I want a larger TV, it will not be a Samsung, it will not be Korean.

    • marley Carr
      marley CarrApril 20,18

      I will also never buy from South Korea. I will tell all my friends and acquaintances what you are doing. How backward and cruel. I will tell them what products not to buy. Disgusting!!!!

    • Mary Bobadilla
      Mary BobadillaMay 3,18

      I also agree with Perczk Ewa! I will never buy anything from South Korea! These people are too cruel and disgusting!!

  2. Alberto Subtil
    Alberto SubtilMay 15,17

    I got a ggod feeling about this gentleman president…i feel that he is very compassioned with the animal wellfare

    • rose brooks
      rose brooksJuly 5,17

      I do hope you are right, Alberto.

  3. Prish Hackman
    Prish HackmanMay 15,17

    P L E A S E for these innocent animals’ sakes, S T O P N O W, THESE HORRENDOUS TORTUROUS AND BARBARIC ACTS. The abhorrent cruelty

  4. Katie
    KatieMay 15,17

    I please urge President Moon and the people of South Korea to put an end to this horrific “meat” trade. It is cruel and torturous and completely unsanitary on top of all the inhumane and unethical issues. These animals live in terrible, frightening and cruel conditions that inflict only pain and misery on these animals. They are not meant for consumption but are sensitive animals that are meant to be companion animals. This is sickening how this industry thrives and it shows extremely poorly of South Korea and other countries like it that allow this to happen. The world is wathcing in horror and someone and something must change this ASAP! Animals suffering is not okay by most world standards and dogs and cats are not animals to eat! I urge you to move to ethical choices and end this NOW!

  5. Geraldine Briggs
    Geraldine BriggsMay 17,17

    You Sir, may quite possibly be our only hope in this despicable, barbaric, sadistic, merciless, heartless, soulless, ruthless, sick and twisted bloody mess! Sir, you need to do something! These Cats and Dogs NEVER EVER did anything to harm any of your people over there in South Korea! So why are these precious innocent animals being tortured in the most UNSPEAKABLE way?

  6. Marco Salvetti
    Marco SalvettiMay 17,17

    I just sent messages to the president of Korea !
    Both e-mail and twitter

  7. JoAnn Visaretis
    JoAnn VisaretisMay 21,17


  8. rafael garay
    rafael garayMay 21,17

    it really breaks my heart seeing the complete barbaric slaughter of these poor cats and dogs not only in s korea but throughout asia and anywhere else in the world where this takes place. as humans, we’ve done enough harm to one another, the most intelligent of all beings do nothing but to create ways to inflict pain and death on each other. now, we’ve taken it to indefensible creatures to satisfy greed and hollow self-power. as Mark Twain once said- the more I get to know mankind, the more I love my dog. and that goes for me too, unfortunately……….

  9. Hanny Overklift
    Hanny OverkliftMay 21,17

    How can anyone do this horrific killing and yet being called a human? These poor cats and dogs are more human, they’re honest. Don’t you know that these so called humans are a violence to real people, who respect all animals and nature?!

  10. c
    cMay 22,17

    boycott Korean products and not support Korean companies or visit Korea until the abuse of cats and dogs has finally ended won’t solve the problem. make it lawful nationally and internationally to ban the killing of dog and cat meat will solve the problem. make it lawful that such a ban will be PERMANENT and no one is allowed to UNBAN it. arrest the people and put all dogs and cats into good hands. no illegal breeding is allowed else harsh consequences will await you!

  11. namrata
    namrataMay 23,17

    This is a country that is so superior with technology! and have brands worldwide,BUT in the process have lost their souls!! To be so barbaric and heartless they have to be demons! Its disgusting that the government is doing nothing to puy this barbaric act to an end. The celebrities of Korea, the actors and musicians who are worshiped in Korea have never spoken up against this appalling act. The world should boycott all products made in S Korea.

  12. alessandra
    alessandraMay 26,17

    mi auguro che il nuovo Presidente riesca a convincere il suo popolo che uccidere dei poveri animali, cani e gatti, sono creature che sanno dare solo amore senza chiedere nulla, possedere una di queste creature ti fa capire cosa è l’amore la gratitudine la riconoscenza e la fedeltà.

  13. Frances Brotzel
    Frances BrotzelJune 25,17

    A civilised society should not act in this manner. Animals share the planet with us. They should not be subjected to such cruelty. Please rethink your policies and make a more enlightened decision on animals in the future. They are not here for us to do what we please with.

  14. Jonas White
    Jonas WhiteSeptember 10,17

    Although the practice of eating dogs may be in the culture of South Korea, I feel if South Korea wants to be part of the global family and not to be looked upon by the rest of the world, like its near neighbours then surely they cannot continue with this practice of abusing dogs in this way.

  15. Linda Badham
    Linda BadhamDecember 14,17


  16. claire ogorzaly
    claire ogorzalyDecember 15,17

    The dog and cat meat industry in S. Korea is a stain on this beautiful country’s reputation.

  17. christine warman
    christine warmanJanuary 21,18

    How can any country deal with this sadistic nation when they still are allowed to treat animals like a piece of meat whether it is alive or dead,someone needs to get the bolt cutters out and set these dogs free,and the owners should be chained up outside instead,at the end of the day no one can call them human.

  18. Brit Helle Aarskog
    Brit Helle AarskogMarch 3,18

    Criminal and brutal acts that reflect a primitive society without moral values if no immediate action is taken.

  19. Tonya Gallo
    Tonya GalloMarch 9,18

    Please stop all dog meat trades and festivals and your people from hurting and Killing abusing and cruelty and eating of these dogs . Please put your people in jail , fine your people for hurting or injuring and consuming these wonderful animals and friends and family members . This is very sad what is happening in your country and many people in other states are very upset angry and displeased about what you are allowing to happen to thesee beautiful dogs . Please have a heart and compassion for these dogs and put a stop to this now .

  20. Barbara J Neumayer
    Barbara J NeumayerApril 6,18

    These primitive Asian customs and the resulting acts of cruelty on animals are unconscionable. This must be stopped, once and for all, for the dogs and cats who have been and may continue to be victims of such barbaric acts and are helpless, voiceless animals. We must sign all petitions calling for a permanent end to these criminal and brutal acts and be the animals voices. Agape love to all the animals everywhere who need us to help and protect them and to those who stridently act on their behalf. BJN

  21. Berit Augustsson
    Berit AugustssonApril 18,18

    Varför dödar man och äter sällskapsdjur i Sydkorea och flera andra länder?
    När det finns gott om vegan och vegetarisk mat.


    Just Have a Heart

  23. rose guarini
    rose guariniSeptember 11,18

    would you eat that awfull food ,or give it to your children ,please stop this torture and meaness that they are doing to these animal god did not intend for this kind of treatment ,it is in humane put a stop to this please you must have a good heart if you help these poor animals

  24. Julie
    JulieSeptember 1,19

    Shame on you KOREA, and your people.Stop this now, it’s WRONG

    SUKETU PATELOctober 26,20

    Please Korea, be a role model for all other Asian countries and help put an end to dog farms!! NO MORE DOG MEAT!!!

  26. David Velásquez
    David VelásquezOctober 26,20

    Que indefensos los animales BASTA YA.

  27. Helena Maleňáková
    Helena MaleňákováOctober 26,20

    save all these dogs and cats, stop the abuse, torture and killing !! help them !! please help!

  28. Lin
    LinOctober 26,20


  29. Mia Hellstroem
    Mia HellstroemOctober 26,20

    No country can call themselves civilized sanctioning sadistic cruelty to
    What’s wrong with you? How can you not understand that the animals you
    slaughter in the most disgusting way FEEL PAIN just as you do!?
    These henious crimes of sadistic torture of animals are a disgrace to humanity.
    This is NOT how humans conduct themselves and still call themselves humans!

    History will judge you hard!

  30. Cristina Economides
    Cristina EconomidesOctober 27,20

    Dear Sir,

    I was shocked to see videos/photos of animals being tortured in the most horrendous ways, such as bludgeoned, skinned, baked, boiled alive, due to ignoramus beliefs of solving health and virility issues.

    When animals are tortured the excess of adrenaline released is harmful for humans due to toxins, leading to cancer in the long run, also considering rabies due to that. Moreover preventing the enhancement of covid 19, as the next wave of pandemics.

    We are in the 21st. century and it’s a big shame your culture’s country to stay in dark ages.

    I will do my best to share with everyone the atrocities committed from South Korean, so people can be aware of this horrendous costume, with a purpose to boycott whatever comes from this Country, being a form of riot.

    Looking forward for your action as a knowledgeable intellectual person.

    Cristina Zois- Clinical psychologist, Greek Ambassador’s wife.

    Dear Sir,

    I was shocked to see videos/photos of animals being tortured in the most horrendous ways, such as bludgeoned, skinned, baked, boiled alive, due to ignoramus beliefs of solving health and virility issues.

    When animals are tortured the excess of adrenaline released is harmful for humans due to toxins, leading to cancer in the long run, also considering rabies due to that. Moreover preventing the enhancement of covid 19, as the next wave of pandemics.

    We are in the 21st. century and it’s a big shame your culture’s country to stay in dark ages.

    I will do my best to share with everyone the atrocities committed from South Korean, so people can be aware of this horrendous costume, with a purpose to boycott whatever comes from this Country, being a form of riot.

    Looking forward for your action as a knowledgeable intellectual person.

    Cristina Zois- Clinical psychologist, Greek Ambassador’s wife.

    Dear Sir,

    I was shocked to see videos/photos of animals being tortured in the most horrendous ways, such as bludgeoned, skinned, baked, boiled alive, due to ignoramus beliefs of solving health and virility issues.

    When animals are tortured the excess of adrenaline released is harmful for humans due to toxins, leading to cancer in the long run, also considering rabies due to that. Moreover preventing the enhancement of covid 19, as the next wave of pandemics.

    We are in the 21st. century and it’s a big shame your culture’s country to stay in dark ages.

    I will do my best to share with everyone the atrocities committed from South Korean, so people can be aware of this horrendous costume, with a purpose to boycott whatever comes from this Country, being a form of riot.

    Looking forward for your action as a knowledgeable intellectual person.

    Cristina Zois- Clinical psychologist, Greek Ambassador’s wife.

    Dear Sir,

    I was shocked to see videos/photos of animals being tortured in the most horrendous ways, such as bludgeoned, skinned, baked, boiled alive, due to ignoramus beliefs of solving health and virility issues.

    When animals are tortured the excess of adrenaline released is harmful for humans due to toxins, leading to cancer in the long run, also considering rabies due to that. Moreover preventing the enhancement of covid 19, as the next wave of pandemics.

    We are in the 21st. century and it’s a big shame your culture’s country to stay in dark ages.

    I will do my best to share with everyone the atrocities committed from South Korean, so people can be aware of this horrendous costume, with a purpose to boycott whatever comes from this Country, being a form of riot.

    Looking forward for your action as a knowledgeable intellectual person.

    Cristina Zois- Clinical psychologist, Greek Ambassador’s wife.

    Please stop using sentient beings animals as commodities, due to Korean ignorance to consider that torturing animals, will solve their virility and health issues. To my understanding, they must search for a good psychiatrist to solve mental serious issues. STOP destroying our friends animals, our ecosystem and planet. Consider preventing the next covid 19 wave of pandemics, by closing all unethical wet markets, in which covid 19 did its first appearence. STOP abnormality in the XXI century. Cristina E. Zois, Greek Ambassador’s wife

  31. Dora Hardegger Animal Life
    Dora Hardegger Animal LifeOctober 29,20

    As an animal lover, and as a founder of Animal Life and part of a high-profile animal rights group, which has supporters across the globe, I wish to register my deep concern about the unregulated, cruel and abusive dog and cat meat trades with your country, South Korea.

    I sincerely ask that your government immediately begins policing and enforcing your animal protection laws; and until it brings about a permanent end to both the dog and cat meat trades, I will boycott all forms of tourism, all products, and all services from South Korea; and we will urge others to do the same. We will also urge all our members to boycott every form of tourism and all products from South Korea.
    Actually, don’t be ashamed of the indescribable suffering you inflict on animals?

  32. vier eva
    vier evaOctober 29,20


  33. Maria
    MariaNovember 15,20

    This President is a liar. Do you have another one?

  34. Gareth A Rickards
    Gareth A RickardsDecember 7,20

    This cruelty to our furry friends must be stopped. Cruelty must be stamped out.

  35. Angela Joyner
    Angela JoynerJanuary 22,21

    The email addresses are invalid. Please put new ones up. Thank you!

    • team teamJanuary 22,21

      Dear Angela,
      I just sent the emails again and they did not bounce.
      If your email bounces please take a look to see what is the cause for bounce.
      Is your email blocked? I would like to suggest that you try sending from another email.
      Thank you!

  36. Marco Salvetti
    Marco SalvettiJune 1,21

    Please, file petition with the South Korean government through e-People online.

  37. Robert Boklund
    Robert BoklundNovember 5,21

    President Moon: Not only is the eating of dogs and cats evil and cruel, it degrade the Korean people and nation, in the eye of the rest of the world. Instead of appearing as a modern, advanced nation this horrendous practice makes you look like stupid, cruel cannibal-like idiots!

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