
Moon Jae-In’s puppies.

On May 9th, there will be a Presidential election in South Korea. This is following the final ruling by the Constitutional Court on March 10 which upheld a decision by the country’s National Assembly to impeach President Park Geun-hye (the first female president in Korea) over alleged corruption.

Right now in Korea, the presidential hopefuls’ campaigns are in full swing. The unchallenged front runner in the poll is Mr. Moon Jae-In and he is the most likely candidate to strengthen the Animal Protection Law and help the animals in Korea. We support him and his pledge to lead his nation into a more ethical and compassionate society by improving the welfare of animals.

Mr. Moon Jae-In has posted a story about a stray dog who came into his life and what he had learned from that experience. Below is translation of a story shared on Moon Jae-In’s official blog on February 2, 2017.

Moon Jae-In’s puppies.

Art: Cho Deok-Hee

This is a blog post from 2012 when Moon Jae-In was a candidate for president in the 18th Presidential election.
At the time, Mr. Moon pledged plans for animal protection, such as the strengthening of the Animal Protection law.

Moon Jae-In’s puppies.

Moon Jae-In’s puppies.

Mr. Moon’s pledge for animal welfare wasn’t something that his policy team created for him.
This policy came about because Mr. Moon is someone who has always loved dogs.
In December of 2015, Mr. Moon posted on his Facebook page, “The story of a stray dog.”
The story is about a stray dog named ‘Jisoon’ and his pet dog ‘Maru’ and their love, and finding homes for the puppies born between them. We would like to share that story with you.

Last July, I tweeted about the news that our dog had puppies.
The mother dog ‘Jisoon’ used to be a stray who was wandering around the outskirts of the village.
This dog, who looks like a mutt with a mix of brown Jindo dog, was so afraid of people that she never came close.
Even when she sees people from a far distance, she would run away.
The place where she usually hangs out was in the mountain behind our village.
When I take a walk, i would often see her from a distance, wandering around.
People called her a wolf dog.
I cannot remember when, but one day she started to visit our yard. It was to visit our male dog, Maru.
When I wake up in the morning and go outside, I would often see her standing next to the pan around Maru’s kennel, and then quickly run away.
I found the hole where she escapes and blocked it, but it was of no use.
In a not well constructed fence, she quickly found other holes.

Then one day, while we were taking a walk together on the mountain behind our village, Maru had found something.
Near the entrance to the walking trail, there was a pavilion, half-built and never completed, from a long time ago.
It is a place where I usually pass, without paying much attention, but when Maru started acting strangely, I looked inside and saw that there was a gap barely big enough for a dog to pass through under the floor where there was a cave-like space deep inside it.
And my goodness!
There were six to seven puppies less than a month old inside.
When I saw that, I could not help but worry about them.
I went there a few more times, but the mother dog could not be found, perhaps looking for food. Only the puppies welcomed the people.
It was dangerous to leave the puppies there alone.
After weaning, it would not be easy for the mother to find the food to feed them, and if the puppies went out of the cave, they may get lost or harmed by wild animals like weasels.
“What should we do?” My concerned daughter eventually brought all the puppies to our home.
Then we took care of the puppies until they were able to eat solid dog food and found homes for them with our neighbors.
The people in the village took care of the stray puppies.

Since we brought her puppies, Jisoon came even more often and took care of her puppies when people were not around.
As I had guessed, Jisoon was the mother.
The fact that she gave birth to her puppies and raised them all alone in the cave, was amazing.
The puppies were distributed to the neighbors, and as they grew, it became clear who was the father of the puppies.
The puppies were either white or brown, and the white puppies surprisingly resembled our dog Maru, who is a ‘Poongsan Dog’.
I do not know when it happened, but our dog Maru was their father.
It turned out that it was our responsibility to take the puppies and take care of them, after all.

As her puppies had all gone, Jisoon came to our house even more often as if it was her home, and circled around Maru.
She was still afraid of people, so when she sees a person, she would run away and go back to Maru.
She loved Maru, and faithfully followed him around.
When I would take Maru for a walk, she would appear out of nowhere and always follow us from a distance.
Even though she ate dog food which was left out in the yard, she would often startle us by bringing animals she caught such as weasel, baby elk, and rabbit.
She would hide these animals somewhere and eat them. However, what is surprising was that she would not eat them by herself, but she would bring the meat for Maru.
Jisoon’s devotion and love for Maru became well- known among the neighbors.
That’s how she got the name ‘Jisoon’(지순) which means ‘absolutely pure’ in Korean, because of her absolute love for Maru.

Yet, there was a problem.
Jisoon was going around attacking the female dogs in the village.
Strangely, she left the male dogs alone and only attacked the female dogs and sometimes the injury was so severe that it almost killed them.
People in the village thought that she was just a jealous female who wanted to keep Maru for herself.
Eventually, we decided to catch Jisoon and send her to the animal shelter.
After the discussion, we reported her to the 119 rescue team and captured her with an anesthetic injection gun.
When we captured her, we saw that she was still wearing the collar that was put on as a puppy. When her neck got thicker, the collar pierced deep into the skin, causing wounds that were severely infected.
The animal shelter said that they had no choice but to euthanize Jisoon because adoption is impossible in her condition.
We ended up not sending Jisoon to the animal shelter, but to the veterinary hospital for surgery on her wound.

After the wound healed, we had to capture her again and take care of her.
However, she was so clever and agile that we could not catch her.
We tried to entice her with food, corner her with several people, even tried tranquilizer and sleeping pills prescribed by a veterinarian, but none of it worked.
Even when she seemed to have fallen asleep with the tranquilizer, when peopled approached she ran way frantically.

Finally, what captured her was a method that was beyond our imagination.
While our family was out, leaving Maru in the yard unleashed, Maru and Jisoon were copulating. When our family returned, Maru dragged Jisoon into his house.
Jisoon, captive in the dog house, became pregnant and gave birth to a litter of puppies.
Another amazing thing is that through those puppies, we were able to find out who the father of Jisoon was.
Among 7 puppies, 3 puppies were brown and 3 puppies were white like the mother and father’ colors.
However, one was totally unexpectedly ‘4 eyes’ Jindo dog with black fur.
He was a rare breed of Jindo which has black fur with a white spot above the eyes which makes it appear to have four eyes.

We had a dog named ‘Kam’, a companion to Maru, who I had left with my neighbor while I was running in the general election and he was a ‘4 eye’ Jindo.
And there were no other ‘4 eye’ Jindos in the area.
Therefore, we knew that Kam was the father of Jisoon.

All seven puppies grew up in good health and as I promised on the tweet, they were all distributed on a first come, first served basis to applicants from Seoul, Busan, and Yangsan.
When you see how the stray Jisoon was able to reproduce, we don’t know how her puppies will again reproduce.
If we think about it, there is no life in the world that is not precious.
Through stray Jisoon and her puppies, I think about the preciousness of life and the mystery of destiny/relationships/fate.

Mr. Moon and his dogs’ happy moments

Moon Jae-In’s puppies.

Moon Jae-In’s puppies.

Moon Jae-In’s puppies.

Moon Jae-In’s puppies.

Moon Jae-In’s puppies.

Moon Jae-In’s puppies.

Moon Jae-In’s puppies.

Moon Jae-In’s puppies.

Mr. Moon does not just love dogs.
Professor Yu Hong-Joon, author of “My Heritage Exploration”, said that Moon Jae-In loves trees, and his knowledge of wild flowers is on a professional level.
It’s to a level where he visits all the arboretums around the country.
The reason why he often climbs mountains is to see the trees and the grass.
We became close because we have similar hobbies.
There was a tree which looked like it was dying in his house in Yangsan. It looked as though it wasn’t going to live, so I told his wife, Kim Jeong-Sook, “Wouldn’t it be better to just cut it down?”. Then she replied, “No. I thought about that too, but I saw my husband holding the tree and talking to it saying ‘Tree, please get well soon and grow. If you don’t, my wife will cut you down. We cannot let that happened. Can we? Get well soon.”

Moon Jae-In’s puppies.

Moon Jae-In loves not only dogs and cats but even the plants.
You can watch tonight at 11pm SBS [Presidential Candidate Interview].

Moon Jae-In’s puppies.

Moon Jae-In’s puppies.

Moon Jae-In’s Campaign poster states:

Our animal friends are asking Moon Jae-In:
Can we be happy too?
Can we live our lives without worries, with the people who love us and we can love in return?

Moon Jae-In responds to animal friends:
I was happy because I had companions like Jjingjjing and Maru.
They gave me much comfort and joy.
Now, it’s my turn to help them.
I will strengthen the Animal Protection Laws and Animal Administration.
There will be no more cruel slaughter or burying alive of animals.
In order to stop the animals being killed in laboratory testing, I will ban all animal testing in the cosmetic industry and I will invest in researching the alternatives.
I will try to improve the lives of abandoned and stray animals.
You must be happy before we can be happy.
Now together, we may dream of happiness.

Mailing Address for Moon Jae-In:

The Honorable Moon Jae-In
#722 National Assembly Member’s Office Bldg.
1 Uisadang-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu,
Seoul 07233
Republic of Korea

Click HERE for Moon Jae-In’s homepage.

  1. stella maris argento
    stella maris argentoMarch 1,17

    thank you !!! Help Dogs please !!!!!!!!!!!

    • Susan Fanning
      Susan FanningMarch 2,17

      Thank you so very much for being so very compassionate. That is so wonderful to see. Animals just want to be loved and they so deserve it. God Bless You.

      • rose guarini
        rose guariniMay 10,17

        thank you but I do it for them ,since they cant speak and I`m always signing petitions for animals they do not deserve this kind of treatment god didn`t want that we need more people specality those with a good heart.

    • Janette Warren
      Janette WarrenMarch 3,17


    • Karen
      KarenMarch 3,17

      There’s still hope!

    • marga terstal
      marga terstalMarch 3,17


      • rose guarini
        rose guariniMay 10,17

        and cats and all other animals you forgot them ,please do not forget these beautiful animals

    • P BDIWIW
      P BDIWIWMay 1,17

      Please .. the world needs your kind heart and appreciation of innocent animals..

      • rose guarini
        rose guariniMay 10,17

        please the world needs lots of people to help and speak up for thesescats and dogs and all animals god wouldn’t allow this kind of crulity

  2. Paula
    PaulaMarch 1,17

    Beautiful!! Thankyou

    • tina michetti
      tina michettiMarch 3,17

      Thank you very much! Earth needs people like yoy!

  3. Hazel harvey
    Hazel harveyMarch 1,17

    Please stop the cruelty to your lovely dogs, please please please, and thank you.

  4. Barbara Alves
    Barbara AlvesMarch 1,17

    Please – help to stop the pain and the crying from dogs and cats.

  5. Alberto Subtil
    Alberto SubtilMarch 1,17

    Thank you very much and may Good bless you all. Greetings from Portugal

  6. Heather Warner
    Heather WarnerMarch 1,17

    Please stop this cruel practice. No creature should be tortured as animals feel pain as much as we do.

  7. Nathalie Welter
    Nathalie WelterMarch 1,17

    Please , help us to stop the torture and suffering to millions of animals.
    Help us to stop this horrific trade and barbaric festival.

  8. Ronnie
    RonnieMarch 2,17

    Need to put this on Twitter too

    SUSAN TUCKERMarch 2,17

    Thankyou,may you always love and strongly defend and protect these dogs.blessings,you will be rewarded for goodness

  10. Jo Street
    Jo StreetMarch 2,17

    Stop this barbaric torture of companion animals Dogs and cats

  11. selena selena
    selena selenaMarch 2,17

    Que Dios los Bendiga siempre,siempre.Estas personas son Ángeles en la Tierra.Todo mi Amor y Luz hacia ellos.

  12. Royston in curtis
    Royston in curtisMarch 2,17

    Wonderful news

  13. Cora Barnes
    Cora BarnesMarch 2,17

    Thank you for everything you are trying to do for the dogs in Korea. You are a truly wonderful person and I hope and pray that you succeed in stopping the barbaric treatment of cats and dogs.

    • Lisa Maccaro
      Lisa MaccaroMarch 2,17

      Please have the dogs neuteted and and Jisoon spayed. That would be true compassion for animals to not be bred!!

  14. Maria Stochmanska
    Maria StochmanskaMarch 2,17

    Beautiful story but a sterilization programme must be established. That’s the humane and practical side of this story.

  15. Michelle Hayward
    Michelle HaywardMarch 2,17

    This is great news. Please advise him about getting his dog fixed though. There are only so many dogs one village can take in.

  16. Christine Auf der Maur
    Christine Auf der MaurMarch 2,17

    Hope is permitted. Praying that Mr. Moon Jae In will be elected. He truly is a man of the 21st century.

  17. Z.Juppenlatz
    Z.JuppenlatzMarch 2,17

    Thank you so much, Mr Moon Jae-In, for your actions and compassion for animals. The reputation of South Korea is being severely damaged by the shameful treatment of animals that is occurring in your country. I hope you are successful in your election campaign and that you will act to stop the unbelievable cruelty that is occurring. I and many others will unfortunately have to stop buying South Korean products until animal cruelty is stamped out in South Korea. Thank you for your care and good luck.

  18. matet
    matetMarch 2,17


  19. Basabi Banerjee
    Basabi BanerjeeMarch 2,17

    Keeping the fingers crossed for the victory of Mr Moon Jae-In for the sake of the animal world and the environment

  20. louis gauci
    louis gauciMarch 2,17

    Hopefully he will be the next President. It will be a great VICTORY to animals.

  21. vicki hood
    vicki hoodMarch 2,17

    Mr Moon sounds and looks like a lovely person. If so, many of us hope for his winning the election that will stop the cruelty of south Korean torture and murder of pets. Mr. Moon loves his dogs and so do we.

    • rose guarini
      rose guariniMay 10,17

      yes mr moon maybe you can change this world to have a great heart just like you to treat animals with lots of love and affection and also forever home thank you my god bless you and your family

  22. Michelle Hoskins
    Michelle HoskinsMarch 2,17

    thankyou so much for your compassion and care ,i hope for a good outcome in forthcoming elections .

  23. pamela kelly
    pamela kellyMarch 2,17

    I will pray that you get elected and all the dogs and cats will be protected from these horrible people who continue to torture and inflict pain on these innocent animals.Thankyou for having a heart and to be their voice

  24. LMSutherland
    LMSutherlandMarch 2,17

    Thank you, Sir, for the kindness, love & respect you have shown to cats and dogs who have had the good fortunate to befriend YOU throughout their and your life. And thank you for being a role model, a teacher and advocate for humane treatment of animals who cannot speak for themselves and have hearts larger than most people around them. Thank you for everything you do and will do to end their needless and barbaric abuse and suffering. Our world becomes a far better place with each act of heartfelt kindness!!
    L. Sutherland
    Massachusetts, USA

  25. Anna
    AnnaMarch 2,17

    Thank you for being so kind to the voiceless. Your love and compassion is an example that all humans should follow. Please don’t stop.

  26. Nancy Lowe
    Nancy LoweMarch 2,17

    I hope this man gets in and puts an end to the cruelty happening over there to the animals.

  27. tjitske minzinga
    tjitske minzingaMarch 2,17

    I am so sorry for I cannot believe these stories anymore. For me personally South and North Korea are a shameful race. A for us pet eating country. Both, North AND South. What is the difference? Both eat dogs and cats prepared on an horrifying way. Never will I have respect for those human beings. Maybe and I hope for you he can be your new president. So what. Korean people still will be eating and torture animals in an incredible , not a for us normally way. I wish you , (for us, house pets with cuddles and sleeping in our beds) a good decision for the future. Pets give us people so much joy and happiness.

  28. Perczak Ewa
    Perczak EwaMarch 2,17

    oh how beautiful it is !!!now, when you know the dog’s love, when you know how it is when you love a dog ! can you imagine the puppies like these you saw, be put into the hot oil when these puppies are still alive ? can you imagine the dog boiled or skinned when he is still alive ? can you imagine, that the dogs have a legs cut off when they are still alive, only for one reason : the restaurant’s client wishes to eat a fresh dog’s leg ? Leonard de Vinci said : ” The day will come when the men as you and me will consider the murder of an animal in the same way as they consider the murder of a man today “” so please help us ! please do everything you can to ban this horrendous torture and consumption the dogs and cats in S. Korea and other asian countries !!! help us and be one of us, who will allow this famous day come soon !!! as quickly as possible !!

  29. Katy Khoshfahm
    Katy KhoshfahmMarch 2,17

    On behalf of the entire Animal Kingdom, thank you Moon Jae-In for your love and kindness towards animals. They are citizens of this Earth, too, and they have just as much a right to be here as we do. These innocent creatures deserve our respect and protection…

  30. Jacquie Munoz
    Jacquie MunozMarch 2,17

    What a wonderful and heartwarming story. Thank you.



  32. Margaret Upama
    Margaret UpamaMarch 2,17

    Thank you . You offer hope for millions of beautiful creatures. You will also make your country be respected by the world if you pursue this aim to stop the evil dog and cat meat trade.

  33. Lucy
    LucyMarch 2,17

    A million thanks to you Mr Moon Jae In, please stop this barbaric cruelty. Times are different now and this is unacceptable. You will be forever remembered and loved and biggest wishes to you to take over from that monster evil woman in charge now. Looking at you you seem to feel the love and have the compassion. We as humans, will rally around you from all over the world. MOON JAE IN TO TAKE Charge of South Korea YES YES YES MOON JAE INxxxxx

  34. Julie GEORGE
    Julie GEORGEMarch 3,17

    I hope he gets elected and pass these new animal protection laws.

  35. Verónica
    VerónicaMarch 3,17

    This is wonderfull! This man is so much need it!! I’d vote him a million times!

  36. Cherrie Le Fevre
    Cherrie Le FevreMarch 3,17

    You sound like an angel. I’d vote for you and I live in Australia. I wish you were running foir election here. We are so saddened by the live export trade an our govts personal interests in it and total disregard for the suffering they endure. The lucky ones die before destination. I have been following the progress of a few who rescue from live dogmeat trade and from dogmeat farms. Some of the pics and stories of Boknal are my worst nightmares. The unimaginable terror and torture the dogs and cats suffer is like a horror movie. And each one is alone with no one to help them only the cruel torturer. Imagine them looking in the eye of the torturer and crying for kindness and being lifted out of the hot water as if rescued and next to the poor animal horror being put back into the near boiling water imagine the total confusion and betrayal. The dogs have seen what happens when one of their cagemates get taken out. Every dog is terrified to be taken when rescued from a cage or from a cage at a dogmeat farm. Its just so heart breaking to realise they know, they have seen….I do hope your sucessful at election. I wish I could vote for you. I may not be able to vote for you officially but I can make a peoples choise vote-yes for Mr Moon Jai-In.

  37. Roxaan Cruz
    Roxaan CruzMarch 3,17

    It is so fantastic to read about this exceptional human being! This man is truly kind and compassionate what a great heart! If he is elected president of Korea he will take that nation out of the dark ages it finds itself in right now and bring it to the 21st century! Korea will no longer be despised worldwide for their unbelivable cruelty towards dogs and cats but respected and admired for their compassion! You can see the goodness and gentleness of this great man’s soul in his face! God bless him!

  38. faithy
    faithyMarch 3,17

    i really hope u win the election, u will be an angel to these poor doggies!!

    • rose guarini
      rose guariniMay 10,17

      once people realize that when you give all that love to the animals ,you will get millions back ,

  39. Vickey Baker
    Vickey BakerMarch 3,17


  40. Ros Giliam
    Ros GiliamMarch 3,17

    God Bless you for all that you have done and continue to do – if only the world had more people and leaders like you – I pray to God that you win the election, and continue to speak out for your people and for all the animals that do not have a voice !

  41. Anne Smee
    Anne SmeeMarch 3,17

    what a lovely man. I only hope that he is able to do something to stop the terrible thing of Dog and Cat consumption.

  42. marilena tavella
    marilena tavellaMarch 3,17

    I am GLAD that exist a SUCH BEAUTIFUL MAN in S.Korea hope he can help these poors animals and we will thank you for all our life !! We are with you

  43. Sasha Patrick
    Sasha PatrickMarch 3,17

    Thank you for being a voice for these poor animals.I will be praying that you win the election!

  44. Pilar Buchan
    Pilar BuchanMarch 3,17

    Yes please never stop fighting for their life. Would love to save all beings suffering in this world :'( … and thanks because we know you do a lot of work to help them. One day hope this will stop forever.

  45. Laura Keith
    Laura KeithMarch 3,17

    Thank you !!!! GOD BLESSS YOU !!!

  46. Kantor
    KantorMarch 3,17

    Puisse ce Monsieur devenir le président de la Corée du Sud, croisons les doigts que les citoyens coréens lui donnent toutes leur voix.

  47. Michael
    MichaelMarch 3,17

    I pray that you win;
    I have hated Korea with all my being for its brutality I did not consider Koreans as human, felt no sympathy nor empathy and hoped for your demise, I boycotted Korean products – I was, are not alone !!

    You are the defining moment in Koreas history, you have what it takes to nurture the moral development of your Country, you carry not only our wishes and hopes but our blessing..

  48. Monica Randell
    Monica RandellMarch 3,17

    You are an answer to our prayers!!! I was moved by your beautiful story about Maru, her love, the puppies, and you & your family’s great compassion and actions to do the right thing! I am keeping you in my hopes and prayers for you to win the election.

  49. Joy Lisi
    Joy LisiMarch 4,17

    It is so wonderful that this man loves animals and soon he is going to do his best to end this horror

  50. Dawn Nelson
    Dawn NelsonMarch 4,17

    I am glad this man has compassion for animals. That is indeed wonderful.
    However……do these people not understand about the responsibility of spaying
    and neutering so there aren’t a billion puppies to find homes for??????

  51. Angelina Miranda
    Angelina MirandaMarch 4,17

    A Beautiful Person and Humanitarian…will make a great Leader!

  52. saba
    sabaMarch 5,17

    Wonderful sir, God bless you.

  53. Carmela Quinlan
    Carmela QuinlanMarch 6,17

    Thank you for your compassion to those without a voice. Your story is an inspiration to everyone that respects all life. The barbaric treatment of animals in your country is disturbing by all civilized people. I pray you will be the change in your country that will allow animals their right to live and be treated humanely. PLEASE DO ANOTHER IMPORTANT THING FOR THE ANIMALS IN YOUR COUNTRY…YOU MUST ENCOURAGE SPAY/NEUTER TO PREVENT MORE ANIMALS BEING BORN AND SUFFERING.

  54. Marijke Beldman, Netherlands
    Marijke Beldman, NetherlandsMarch 6,17

    Thank you for loving animals and plants. I hope very much you will win the election and make Korea a better place for all the animals and end the dog and cat meat trade.

  55. Pam Sheeler
    Pam SheelerMarch 7,17

    What a blessing you are in your support of these sensitive animals who bring much joy into our lives. Thank you for supporting the end to this atroicious cruelt in the dog and cat meat trade. Please also consider educating all people with whom you come in contact along with your using your political power to help all people understand the importance of spaying/neutering all animals. Sending positive thoughts you win the election – the animals need you along with the people in your country.

  56. vicki hood
    vicki hoodMarch 11,17

    Respect for South Koreans will grow as the torture and killing stops. Mr. Moon will be loved by people who despised South Koreans. If Mr. Moon is true to the compassion he demonstrates, happiness follows.

  57. Frances Stent
    Frances StentMarch 12,17

    Bless you and your family for caring for dogs and cats,our hope is with you for the future and an end to the torture and slaughter of this companion animals ,it’s good to know that there is still people out there who have a big heart ❤️

  58. luis
    luisMarch 12,17

    ellos también tienen derecho a existir y ser felices!!

  59. Dave and Rita Cross
    Dave and Rita CrossMarch 12,17

    We admire you so much for your compassion and respect for animals! We so hope you will be the new President of S. Korea and will ban all dog and cat meat in your country! Punishment for those who disobey your Animal Protection laws is a must! Thank you and we hope you will make changes that will bring S. Korea into the 21st century!! Many, many thanks!

  60. joan conde
    joan condeMarch 13,17

    May God bess you , and all the dogs in South Korea. Please put an end to the barbaric dog meat trade in your country.

  61. Lynn J
    Lynn JMarch 13,17

    Mr. Moon Jae-In You are an angel on this earth! A wonderful, kind, caring soul who will be blessed for your compassion. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  62. Line Guertin
    Line GuertinMarch 13,17

    Vous avez et montré beaucoup d’amour et de compassion pour les animaux. Vous êtes l’exemple parfait de votre pays. Je vous envoie beaucoup d’amour et amitié. Je souhaite de tout mon coeur, que les animaux ne souffre plus. Merci de tout mon coeur, Line

  63. Luz Pusec
    Luz PusecMarch 14,17

    Thank you for caring about animals and nature! From USA we love you and wish you the best!!

  64. Dog Advocate
    Dog AdvocateMarch 29,17

    Thank God for the angels on the earth.
    God bless all you do to help Gods great creations, Dogs.
    Dog Advocate

  65. Shelley
    ShelleyApril 8,17

    Thank god for Mr Moon, hope he wins the election. Reading that put tears in my eyes and faith that there are a lot of animal lovers in countries that are condoning dog and cat meat trade

  66. brenda hilton
    brenda hiltonApril 9,17

    dear sir I am asking you or should I say begging you we you please be a voice for these poor souls if you love your dogs and puppy’s pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee end this murder for food a dog gives love it’s your companen not food please show compassion and end this evil

  67. Jocelyne Peiffer
    Jocelyne PeifferApril 21,17

    Thank you!!!!

  68. Marco Salvetti
    Marco SalvettiMay 1,17

    Can I vote from Italy? I hope he wins….

  69. Steve
    SteveMay 9,17

    Thank you President Moon. We hope here in America you END the dog meat trade FOREVER and change History!!!!

  70. Kristin Hulka
    Kristin HulkaMay 10,17

    Congratulations president Moon. I was very moved by your story and trust you will be truly a modern president with compassion for your people and all living things. Please put the animal protection law in place, and thank you!

  71. Anne Grice
    Anne GriceMay 10,17

    Thank you President Moon for being a man of compassion, love, empathy, kindness and respect for animals which are the best qualities we can all have and hope would underpin changes in Animal Welfare laws in your country. These guiding principles we hope would push the ban of the dog and cat meat trades for good and close down every breeding farms. With much sadness I appeal to you to make this happen soon to save the living dogs and cats from the upcoming festival.

  72. Merinda Sharp
    Merinda SharpMay 10,17

    Oh please help the animals please please kind man <3

  73. Dee curry
    Dee curryMay 10,17

    Please please stop the dog and cat meat trade. Our hearts in the US break over this terrible act of cruelty. We beg of you!?❤️

  74. Kimberly Stiles
    Kimberly StilesMay 10,17

    PLEASE stop the dog meat trade!! Thank you and God bless you!

  75. Chris Sante
    Chris SanteMay 11,17

    Nous vous souhaitons le succès Monsieur le Président pour un gouvernement prospère et gestes de compassion pour ces êtres qui souffrent d’une tradition “horrible”.
    La paix et le bonheur pour Vous et votre gouvernement.

  76. Leila Lappin
    Leila LappinMay 12,17

    Mr Moon, Thank you for being a man of compassion. Dear sir, you carry the hope of compassionate people everywhere in the world. I wish for you a happy and successful presidency filled with policies towards the welfare of animals including cats and dogs. Thank you
    Thank you

  77. Angélique LE GALLIC / France
    Angélique LE GALLIC / FranceMay 16,17

    Honorable President,
    I entreat you with all the strength of my heart and soul to ban the trade in dog and cat meat and to banish the annual Boknal Festival in July.
    I beg you to take example on Taiwan, who has forbidden this trade once and for all. This decision was applauded by the whole world.
    I thank you very much in advance for helping, continuing and taking part in this change of mentality.
    Angélique LG
    Citizen of the world, concerned.

  78. Angela Fowles
    Angela FowlesMay 17,17

    you beautiful man love your doggies Lucky Korean people to have you as president . Please pass the law soon to help your doggies friends who are tortured in the worst way for food :'( All the very very best for you and your family and pets xxxx Ange from New Zealand

  79. Linda Badham
    Linda BadhamOctober 2,21

    I remember Moon saying this before and nothing happened to end the horror. How can you have dogs yourself and not stop the evil your country does ? How can you have laws but ignore them ? I don’t have much faith in you, but, prove me wrong .

  80. Decaluwe Eric
    Decaluwe EricOctober 2,21

    Stop dierenleed,

  1. South Korean president's rescue pets are so popular they have their own fan art - Global News05-15-17

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