Response from Anyang
We have received the response below from the city of Anyang’s Welfare and Culture Division, Food Safety Department regarding our campaigns/petitions:
Anyang, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses, markets and restaurants.
Anyang Dongan-gu, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses, markets and restaurants.
Anyang Manan-gu, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses, markets and restaurants.
Their response here is disingenuous. Dogs are still being bred in horrible conditions and are brutally slaughtered in this dog meat industry. Two internet search results on Naver (the most popular search engine in Korea) – one was for so-called “Health Food Shops” which commonly sell dog elixirs and cat elixirs (also known as dog soju and cat soju); and the second one was for “dog meat restaurants” shows: 128 Health Food Shops and 50 dog meat restaurants in and within the vicinity of Anyang.
Before you buy Samsung, Hyundai, Kia, or LG products, or visit Korea and spend your hard-earned money there, please remember how the Korean government is supporting criminals in the cruel dog meat industry by turning a blind eye to the unimaginable suffering of millions of sentient animals.
Response from city of Anyang:

Summary of requested petition: illegal acts of slaughtering dogs or selling dog meat at marketplaces or restaurants
1. This has reference to your petition concerning “illegal acts of slaughtering dogs or selling dog meat at marketplaces or restaurants.”
2. First, this city has neither farms raising dogs for food nor slaughterhouses that slaughter dogs for food.
3. Furthermore, the current statutes do not have any particular provisions on the selling of dog meat. According to Article 2 of the Act on the Control of Livestock Products Sanitation, the term “livestock” means cattle, horses, sheep (including rock goats, such as goats; the same shall apply hereinafter), swine (including raised wild boars; the same shall apply hereinafter), chickens, ducks, and other animals prescribed by the Presidential Decree as animals for food.
Article 2 of the Enforcement Decree of said Act also stipulates that “Animals prescribed by the Presidential Decree” in Subparagraph 1, Article 2 of the Act on the Control of Livestock Products Sanitation mean the following animals:
Deer, Rabbits, Turkeys, Geese, Quails, Pheasants, and Donkeys.
In other words, dogs fall under the livestock category as per the Livestock Industry Act but not under livestock according to the Act on the Control of Livestock Products Sanitation.
The Act on the Control of Livestock Products Sanitation has a provision punishing illegal slaughter. Since dogs do not fall under livestock, however, dog slaughterhouses are not subject to any permit, license, declaration, registration, or punishment.
4. For further information, please contact Sang-jin Park, Food Safety Division, Anyang City Government (031-8045-5563).
Thank you.
Organization: Anyang City Government
Department: Food Safety Division
Date of processing: 2019.4.23.
Staff in Charge: Chan-Yeong Min ([email protected])
Video: The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea
Let’s keep taking actions until Anyang bans the dog and cat meat industry.
Our campaign is effective because now they are aware that the eyes of the world are watching what’s going on in their city’s dog meat industry and bring this issue the attention and action from their government. Let’s keep up the pressure by taking action!
Below is our comments on the satisfaction survey regarding their response:
We are not satisfied with the response to our petition, due to the following key reasons:
it fails to substantiate and evidence what direct actions the city of Anyang is taking to enforce existing laws to disrupt the entrenched dog meat trade in South Korea. We have not been provided, in this response, with any evidence of any direct actions taken by the city of Anyang, such as recorded information relating to inspections, monitoring and actual enforcement action taken against violators, in relation to dog meat farming, slaughterhouses and businesses selling dog meat and dog meat products (such as dog meat soup, dog elixir and dog soju); and
it fails to show what actions the city of Anyang is taking to support the proposed legislation in the National Assembly that will help end the dog and cat meat trade.
Response from city of Anyang in Korean:

민찬영 contact +82-031-8045-2364
2019-04-23 19:12:46
○ 귀 가정에 건강과 행복을 기원드립니다.
○ 귀하께서 문의하신 ‘식용견 사육, 시장 및 식당에서 개고기를 판매하는 불법행위’에 대한 민원사항에 답변 드립니다.
○ 우리 시에는 식용견 사육 농장이나 개를 도축하는 도축장이 없습니다. 현행법은 개고기
판매에 대하여 규정이 없습니다. 축산물위생관리법 제2조에서 ‘가축’이란 ‘소, 말, 양
(염소 등 산양포함), 돼지(사육하는 멧돼지포함), 닭, 오리, 그 밖에 식용을 목적으로 하는
동물’로서 대통령령으로 정하는 동물을 말하며,동법시행령 제2조에서 ‘대통령령으로 정하는
동물’ 이란 ‘사슴, 토끼, 칠면조, 거위, 메추리, 꿩, 당나귀’로 규정하고 있습니다.
○ 따라서 개는 축산법의 가축에는 적용되나 축산물위생관리법 가축에는 해당하지 않습니다.
○ 기타 궁금하신 사항은 안양시청 식품안전과 축산방역팀(☏8045-2364)으로 연락 주시면 안내 하겠습니다. 감사합니다.
Chan-Yeong Min and Sang-jin Park of the Anyang City Government Food Safety Division can’t be decent man if they won’t step in to stop this horrible practice of torturing and killing dogs and cats. It is possible for them to change the system if they really want to do something honorable for these poor creatures. There is no good excuse for anyone to torture any living being. It seems like the only thing that will work is for the world to totally boycott South Korea – boycott their goods, boycott their companies, boycott their diplomats, boycott travel to South Korea, and any other way to boycott them. We should also boycott any US company that is based there or does business with South Korea. They don’t care about the animals, but they do care about their money. Momentum to stop the dog and cat meat trade is growing and it will become overwhelming, forcing South Korea to stop this barbaric practice! The US should pull its military troops and support out of South Korea until this abomination ends.