
Response (or lack thereof) from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs regarding Gangwon-do Fire

We received the below response from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to our petition – “South Korea, punish the people who abandoned their chained up dogs to be burned to death or injured in the fire!” – which was sent to the Prosecutor General of Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office Moon Moo-Il, Minister of Justice Park Sang-Ki, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Lee Gae-Ho. The response claims that my petition is a duplicate issue and that they have already responded to my other petitions. But that is not the case. The other petitions that they are referring to here are regarding the banning of the dog and cat meat trade. This petition is asking Korean government to punish the people who abandoned their chained up dogs to be burned to death or injured in the fire! Why are they the same? The Prosecutor General of Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Minister of Justice office did not respond. This is an example of typical indifferent and neglectful attitude of South Korea’s government.

Click HERE to see our campaign.

Response from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs:

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
농림축산식품부 축산정책국 동물복지정책팀
이효열 contact +82-044-201-2373
2019-05-07 11:28:24
본 민원은 2회 이상 처리결과를 이미 통지한 민원으로, 민원처리에 관한 법률 제23조(반복 및 중복 민원의 처리) 제1항에 따라 종결처리합니다.
이후에 접수되는 동일한 내용의 민원은 별도의 통지 없이 종결될 예정이니 양해하여 주시기 바랍니다.

< 2회 이상 처리결과 통지 민원 >
1. 신청번호 : 1AA-1902-248637 (2019.02.18 신청)
민원제목 : 외국어민원(영어)

2. 신청번호 : 1AA-1902-307027 (2019.02.21 신청)
민원제목 : 외국어민원(영어)

< 관련 법령 >
※ 민원처리에 관한 법률 제23조(반복 및 중복 민원의 처리)
① 행정기관의 장은 민원인이 동일한 내용의 민원(법정민원을 제외한다. 이하 이 조에서 같다)을 정당한 사유 없이 3회 이상 반복하여 제출한 경우에는 2회 이상 그 처리결과를 통지하고, 그 후에 접수되는 민원에 대하여는 종결처리할 수 있다.

  1. Ally Hamilton
    Ally HamiltonJuly 12,19

    The petitions are not the same!!! Stop making excuses for these pathetic animal abusers!!Punish these losers!

  2. Sandra Lytle
    Sandra LytleJuly 13,19

    Why can’t the government just do their job. There is a second petition addressing the confinement of pets that resulted in them burning to death or maimed. Kick these basta%ds out since they are so indifferent to animals/pets…..these officials make SK people look bad to the world.

  3. Patricia Ohldag
    Patricia OhldagJuly 13,19

    Stop making excuses do the same to them as they do to these innocent animals

  4. Eva Carrillo
    Eva CarrilloJuly 13,19

    Please Government of Korea: stop animal abuses. Make laws for their protection. Compassion for them.

    • Heidi Gjerde
      Heidi GjerdeJuly 15,19

      Please Korea, stop animal abuses. Animal can feel love and pain like human, so please, stop this horrible abuses and be kind to animals.

  5. derek stephenson
    derek stephensonJuly 14,19

    stop messing around and help the poor animals. hang the people who left them chained up to die in that fire

    • Marguerite J White
      Marguerite J WhiteJuly 18,19

      Yes punish them,these poor animals should not have been left to die and suffer.

  6. Mariana Weinberger
    Mariana WeinbergerJuly 15,19

    Irresponsible government of korea ! you will have a history of cruelty that makes shame of the human species 😡

  7. haustete sylvie
    haustete sylvieJuly 15,19


  8. Dana Orságová
    Dana OrságováJuly 16,19


  9. Peter Sweerman
    Peter SweermanJuly 16,19

    Don’t do this anymore, the time is always right to do what is right. Let it be Now!

  10. beata tyszkiewicz
    beata tyszkiewiczJuly 17,19

    stop cruelty

  11. Vera Milcic
    Vera MilcicJuly 19,19


  12. alessandra
    alessandraJuly 24,19


  13. Wunderlich Simone
    Wunderlich SimoneJuly 25,19

    Sie sollten sich schämen. In der heutigen Zeit Lebewesen so zu behandeln! Die ganze Welt ist entsetzt von Ihren Zuständen! Das ist absolut unterstes Niveau und ich verachte Sie dafür!!!

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