Seoul’s ‘standard’ response to our petition on e-People
Following our e-People online petition Seoul, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets., we received from the Seoul Metropolitan Government the following predictable response, trying to assure us of their concern over animal welfare while at the same time waiving responsibility.
They cited inconsistencies in their country’s laws as a reason for their failure to take action to close down their dog meat industry. But this is only an excuse. We have listed the illegality of South Korea’s dog meat industry to them, as documented by the Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA). The response received completely ignores this and highlights their government’s shameful indifference to the plight of these dogs.
This country, one of the most industrialized and wealthy nations – home of Samsung, Hyundai, Kia, and LG Electronics – is lagging behind when it comes to animal welfare. They need to wake up to this fact, so let’s keep up the pressure by sending hundreds and thousands of these petitions. Click below to take action.

Stop the dog and cat consuption in S. korea !!!
Complete and utter sadness overwhelms me when I consider the fate of these precious animals. In so many respects South Korea is such a modern country manufacturing many well known products, yet when it comes to animal welfare you really appear to have “”””lost the plot”” as it were. One might say the West is being hypocritical as they slaughter other animals for human consumption, I was raised to love and respect all animals hence do not eat any meat whatsoever. It is now imperative that Korea issues regulations stopping this dreadful slaughter of these lovely dogs- you lead the world in the automotive industry but unfortunately the same cannot be said when it comes to the slaughter and consumption of companion animals.We love our dogs and cats, as I sit here writing to you my two beautiful dogs are at my side, the mere thought of their being butchered in your country and then eaten horrifies me. In this year 2019 it is with my deepest hope you will gradually stop this oh so cruel practice- please consider. Thank you.
Why GRADUALLY?!! Immediately works for me!
I agree !
Omg … they look like a family dog I had years ago .
shut it down !! Stop eating animals .. there is absalutly no need now
Agree 😞😞😞
stop the cruelty
I agree
South Korea is ignorant barbaric & backward. It is up to them to change peoples views by ending this torture & killing of innocent animals. Prison for those who don’t comply.
Your country is way behind in animal welfare, please the dcmt needs to stop to come in line with civilised countries
this dog meat cruelty must end! please help stop this now!
Don’t buy any products from South Korea! Don’t buy any LG, KIA, Samsung, Hyundai and other products from South Korea. These savages will use your money to torture and kill dogs and cats. Could you imagine that people who have produced your car or TV, eat dog meat for lunch? Disgusting!
I don’t eat any meat because of the suffering caused in rearing and then slaughtering animals. Deliberately inflicting pain, fear and suffering on any living creature is evil and unforgiveable. These people have no compassion and are beyond help. That’s why laws are made, to protect the vulnerable from evil perpetrators. You’ve got the laws, so implement them and stop making excuses.
Hey folks…I have tried to use the list of council members provided on the Seoul page (when you click “take action” button however, most of the emails to these people are kicked back. Not sure if they have blocked emails or have changed their emails
You really get tired of having to do this over and over again because the government just does not do their job
I could not visit S Korea…..if I saw these dog meat markets I would be sick to my stomach. Boycotting Korea and not supporting their economy is the only thing I can do but if enough of us did that they may start to pay attention
Tutti gli animali meritano rispetto ma uccidere e torturare questi poveri animali che provano terrore e dolore inimmaginabile non meritano tutto questo per la loro intelligenza e fedeltà nei confroti dell’uomo
Guardate gli occhi di questi animali che ci guardano con affetto e fedeltà, fermatevi non continuate questa orribile tradizione
Stop 🛑 ✋ cruel to dogs. Dogs are intellectually pet. Unfair to lovely hugs creature done nothing wrong 😡😢😭
Together we will bring about change to these cruelties. Why though do governments hide instead of taking action ?
Your country is meant to be one of the most modern in the whole world, yet your vile and disgusting treatment of animals puts you as one of the WORST alongside equally disgusting CHINA! I do not eat meat, however, if I did I would NEVER eat anything that had been abused and tortured the way your country does. You try to say that dogs and cats are classed as LIVESTOCK, does this mean that you ABUSE & TORTURE ALL of your livestock in the same way???? HOW DARE YOU consider yourselves as part of the human race, this requires HUMANITY which you clearly do not have. I PRAY TO GOD that there is KARMA and you and country get what you deserve!!!!
You are disgracing yourself in the eyes of the worls
Its important to ecology of this planet,
Slaughtering, animal testing , entertainment through animals is not just beyond painful its also very unethical..
Future generation need to see all these natural heritage and beautiful natural forms on earth.
Its urgent and high time we understood that we are not superior, all form of life on earth are interdependent.
Extinction of any single specie may cause hoax and eventual destruction of the planet…
People are always getting deadly diseases and planet is already getting so over polluted, bcz of the endangering of the wild and natural habitats…
if humans are extinct the earth will flourish but the earth can never do without absence of other species..
So lets not wait for that and reverse the damage done to the planet already…
Stop the barbaric absurd activities of animal hurting or killing of any kind. There are a lot of substitutes for animal products on earth, which are torture free so lets adopt those
Stop this horrible killing and abusing to out best friend. That animlas. Wr all over the world are in chock
Stop this barbaric trade Now!
Mayor and others are mentally damaged, I wouldn’t be surprised if you eat dogs and cats, this HAS to stop and sounds like you wont do nothing, is anyone pay you tons of money? you are purely digesting. You IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHUT IT DOWN, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. WORLD IS WATCHING.
It is complete unreal qhat south korea is doing with those animals who have demostrate so much love, company, with humans.
Damm South Korea, so blind.
Stop with this massacre: you are not human
Koreans, the whole world respects your high technologies and your products and the whole world at the same time hates you for cruel eating of dogs, which is considered almost cannibalism! Correct this perverted tradition and the whole world will be grateful to you for it !!!
I am appalled that Koreans eat our precious dogs and cats. It is barbaric and the world now knows what goes on in that country. #BoycottSouthKoreaTourism
Filthy country
Please stop the korean dog trade! Have compassion for these gentle dogs who just want to live peacefully in a loving home!
I think the government sees the businesses as a tax base and are afraid of putting family “business” out of a job, but they could easily incentivize these people with a replacement crop. That is what has worked with other locals, and mostly the breeders of these dogs are willing to make the change when they have been given the aid and the guidance as to how to do it. Please find a way – Korea – to end this horrific abuse of these amazing and intelligent animals who are only wanting to be your companion and are most loyal. Dogs would give you their all and even sacrifice their lives protecting you, and this treatment is beyond WRONG.
Please this is disgusting, dirty and not any kind humane people would do. Educate yourselves regarding this horrible practice. Stop this now!!!!!
Please stop
It’s the 21st century so please stop this disgusting cruelty to innocent feeling animals who help mankind so much
Dear Mayor Park Won-Soon – please be a true leader of Seoul by shutting down all of the disgusting dog farms and slaughter houses in your city. South Korea’s barbaric treatment of innocent, loyal and loving companion animals is truly horrific! Please lead the way for other cities and towns in your country by wiping out this vile, inhumane behavior towards your precious dogs and cats.
Please cease this evil, disgusting practice NOW. You obviously are without any humane feeling and also don’t care about human health either – including your own childrens health – what an example for the young ones. Shame on you. I doubt that anything thousands of other people say will touch your stone hearts. Come on – you can change – start to CARE – for these innocent, intelligent animals, so terrified – try imagining you are one of them! Night,arish – yes.yes!!
I am so sad in the world we live in. Dogs are pets, not food. Please, people of Korea, wake up!!!
Boycott Samung, Hyundai, Kia, and LG electronics. Never again .
so sad so cruel so wrong so ignorant you tell a country by the way it treats its animals and this is animal cruelty please stand up and stop the torture and killing of dogs and cats thank you
Evil bastards without souls.
Come on Korea! You are a respected nation in the world and world class in so many things yet your country is shamed by the sadistic treatment of animals but especially dogs who were domesticated by man and now clearly betrayed by man. The world can only change because of powerful people and in this case this is you, there only hope for a better life is by powerful people like you making this happen….please, I implore you 🙏🏼