[Update] KARA: Horrific conditions at the “Dog Training Center” in Uijeongbu where dogs are abused and left to die
Sharing for Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA).
👉 Click HERE for the previous post on this case.
There are 28 dogs in the training center. KARA called for emergency rescue measures for the abused animals, and showed our will to rescue all of the animals there. However, the trainer did not give up the ownership of the dogs, and eventually gave up ownership of only eight dogs that needed urgent medical assistance. KARA has rescued eight dogs those eight dogs first.
They were in urgent need of medical assistance, including a total of six Border Collies (one Border Collie wasn’t able to use hind legs, five Border Collies that were in bad condition), one pregnant Welsh Corgi that was wetting itself with rainwater, and one Pomeranian in bad condition.
KARA secured evidences of the white-bone carcass through a preliminary on-site investigation, and then went through the site with the Uijeongbu Animal Protection Center and the Gyeonggi Provincial Special Judicial Police Officer to present the evidences we found. The evidence was clear, including poor conditions of the dogs and the white-bone carcass found, and the trainer admitted to unauthorized breeding.
We also rescued a Siamese cat “Dolce” near the training center during an on-site investigation. We predict that she was abandoned by the training center. Dolce is dehydrated and is currently receiving medical care at the hospital.
It’s heartbreaking, but for now all we could do for the remaining dogs was to give water and feed in their empty bowls. We don’t know how many days they’ve been starving.
The trainer told officials and KARA that they were preparing a new training center and would move the dogs to clean and pleasant facilities. But we never know. KARA will do the best to closely monitor the condition of the dogs and to rescue more lives.
The dogs rescued today now live under the names Laurent, Lanvin, Coco, Chanel, Terry, Lush, Kenzo and Malone. They are diagnosed of dehydration and anemia, and there are dogs that are about to give birth. We are not letting go of the tension yet because we don’t know what kind of disease will be found soon.
Because KARA The Bom Center is full, the rescue animals are now at consigned animal shelters and waiting for medical care. In the midst of the hard times due to Covid-19, we would like to ask for your support for our rescue animals. Please be with us so that we can rescue all the remaining dogs can be rescued as well. Click HERE to see more photos.
💙 KARA is funded entirely by donations. To support & donate to KARA via PayPal, please click this link.
👉 https://www.ekara.org/support/donate
#KARA #Korea_Animal_Rights_Advocates #AnimalRights
Call for Action
👉 Click HERE to file a petition with the South Korean government through e-People online. (You can use our “Suggested message” below or your own words.)
📌 Need help with the e-People petition? Click HERE for the instructions.
📝 Suggested message
Subject: Uijeongbu, South Korea, Shut down the illegal “dog training center” immediately and rescue all the remaining dogs.
To the City of Uijeongbu and the Special Judicial Police in Gyeonggi Province:
The “Dog Training Center” located in Gyeonggi-do, Uijeongbu, Sangok-ro, in the land purchased by YG Entertainment, is in violation of the Animal Protection Act. This center must immediately be shut down and all remaining dogs rescued, and the dog trainer prosecuted for animal cruelty under the Animal Protection Act. More information about this case can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/karakoreaanimalrights/posts/3809212819105407
Your reply is requested.
[Your Name & City/Country]

[Update: August 3, 2020] Response from Uijeongbu to our e-People petition.

Civil Petition Results
organization in charge: 경기도
staff in charge: 박귀화
contact: 031-828-4032
processing date: 2020-08-04
result (Korean) 1. 항상 시정에 대한 관심과 사랑에 감사드리며, 귀하의 민원상담에 대하여 답변 드리겠습니다.
2. 해당 민원은 불법 동물생산업 및 동물학대에 관한 사항으로 확인되었으며, 지난 7월 22일, 29일 양일에 걸쳐 현장(산곡로 44 및 자일동 408번지)에 경기도 특별사법경찰관, 동물권 운동단체【(사)동물권행동/카라】와 집중 합동 단속한 결과
3. 동물보호법 제34조(영업의 허가) 및 동법 제7조(적정한 사육관리)에 따라 불법 동물생산업 운영 및 사육·관리의무 위반사항을 확인하였습니다.
4. 이에 따라 현장 단속 당시 개(28마리)는 동물보호단체(카라)에 소유권을 이전 등록 및 보호 조치를 완료하였고, 해당 견주의 불법사항에 대하여 적법한 절차에 따라 처리할 예정임을 알려드리며, 향후 동물보호 업무 추진에 철저를 기하겠습니다.
5. 기타 자세한 사항은 도시농업과 축산방역팀(☎031-828-4032)로 연락주시면 친절하게 답변 드리겠습니다. 감사합니다. 끝.
I have posted your urgent call for the rescue of these dogs. What needs to happen to get these dogs transferred to a shelter? Please reply.
Merci de faire le nécessaire pour sauver ces chiens
Thank you so much for what you do. These breeders and farmers are liars and it is a shame that authorities ‘enable’ the animal abuse that these abusers carry out, instead of protecting the dogs. The black dog looks so depressed and ill. I hope it gets a good home forever in another country away from there.
I have carried out the actions and given the satisfaction surveys a negative rating. PLEASE KEEP PUBLICISING AND SHOWING THE WORLD WHAT IS HAPPENING AND DO NOT GIVE UP ON THE REMAINING DOGS. Please.
Sono molto contenta che questa associazione si interessi seriamente di questo dramma dei cani e gatti in Corea, vorrei aiutare in qualche modo magari con delle donazioni, anche piccole, ma essendo in un altro paese ci vorrebbe la possibilità di usare la propria banca per donare in sicurezza
Merci de les sauver, merci pour votre dévouement.
C’est terrible ce qu’ils vivent.