Victory! Incheon Munhank dog farm #4 forced to pay fine and closing down
Sharing from Nami Kim and her team‘s Facebook post on April 23, 2016.
It is my turn to announce a victory today! Four dog farms in the city of Incheon had been under investigation and I had recently received an official letter from the city’s inspection bureau. I am more than happy to announce that this illegal dog farm will not only be going out of the dog meat business, but will also be paying huge fines for occupying the state and city lands. The Inspection Bureau had demanded that the dog farmer vacate and restore the land.
It has been four months since I filed complaints, charging the dog farmer for violations of various environment laws. The bureaucratic “red tape” takes time, but one by one, I have been receiving positive replies from the offices.
Unfortunately, the bureau had asked me to stay away, as it can be dangerous to go near them. The dog farmer is calling me a “mortal enemy”. The last time I was there, there were a total of 100 dogs, but sadly, we are not able to save the dogs.
► Click HERE for the Nami’s Facebook post!

Inspection Bureau Notice Regarding Incheon Dog Farm Photo: Nami Kim Team.
I don’t know if I have been ever so happy to hear that news and it finally is really good news. This is a very good day to celebrate and keep up all of the good work and the poor animals will finally be safe. Thank You for doing all of that good work and I know it was a very hard and long fight so all of you there be happy but also be very proud of what you have done.
This is great news!! Whats going to happen to the dogs now? Will they be adopted?
Stop stop this horrible killing place for dogs. I cant belive this is true. Clothes this place now and give all dog happy life And show them respect
It is a very good news indeed, however we can not stop until all dog farms in all corner of the worlds be abolished for good. I can not believe that south korea would been chosen for winter olympics. how can that be. they should have been banned.
Amen to that Marjon White.. it sickens me and most here I am certain. Dogs Man’s Best Friend. In a heartbeat Dogs will lay down their lives for their Master and his or her Family. I have loved Dogs all my life and they have been in our family from Grand Parents, and Most other family members. My Grandfather hunted to keep food on the table . His loyal Dogs were always part of the Hunt ,. After this My Grandfather taught my Father to Hunt , He had never considered hunting until Marrying My Mother and becoming close with Her Dad and Mom .. No food in our family ever got wasted.. Dad and Mom had gone through the depression and they were fortunate that Pop Pop hunted , they planted 2 large fields they owned and used only for food crops. getting away from the subject at hand. I cannot imagine any abuse to animals.. and Dog’s loyalties always there for those that were raised by loving Masters..
Can’t some one save the dogs , contact another group , please
Sherry it is a difficult situation, the Dogs are Korean and we have no jurisdiction in other countries especially Korea . The best our Officials and Ambassadors can do is request an audience with the Korean Government and have a dialogue. Likely if anything was accomplished it would be monetary assistance to Korea . There would be many Here in America that would not support talks with these kind of requests. As in the past agreements were put in place and thereafter a fast return to normal would come about and America if any type of agreement were met would be footing many more bills to a foreign country who is still not considered friends.
I am so happy this has happened, are they going to be closely monitored so they don’t do it secretly? This is a big step!!!!! I hope it will all stop soon.
I can’t think of better news! Thank you for your hard work and dedication, your courageous compassion and humanity is beyond inspiring. I am so grateful for your continuous momentum no matter what obstacles you are faced with, I pray everyday that someday the cruelty will end. I just wanted you to know how much it means to me and I’m sure 100’s if not 1000’s of others that all to often ache with helpless agony so far away. I’m saddened by the thought of not being able to save those who had to endure such hell at the hands of ignorance, greed and corruption. I am proud to be considered one of his “mortal enemies”, I say damn right I am, and don’t you forget it!!!
Thank you Nami, I emailed the Humane Society International about trying to save the dogs, I hope you hear from them and maybe we can find new homes for all the mistreated dogs and cat.
Congratulations for the success. However, I have a question: why were you not able to save the dogs? What was their fate?
Praise the Lord wow answered prayer
Great work. Keep it up. And let us all know if more money will help your efforts
Thank you for the good news!