Yeongcheon’s response to our e-People petition
Application No.: 1AA-2007-0716860
Application Date: 2020-07-29
Yeongcheon, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets.
대한민국 영천시는 불법 개농장, 도축장, 시장, 보신탕집을 폐쇄하라!!!
👎🏼 An English translation was not provided so we had asked for it through the “satisfaction survey on the petition handling process”.
Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 경상북도
staff in charge 김유진
contact 054-339-7175
processing date 2020-08-03
result (Korean)
국민신문고를 통해 신청하신 영천시 불법 개 농장, 도축장, 시장, 보신탕집 폐쇄 촉구에 대한 검토 결과를 붙임과 같이 제공코자 합니다.
붙임 국민신문고 답변 1부. 끝.
Attachment (20. 7. 31) answer(korea).hwp 다운로드

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