
Yeoungam County’s response to our e-People petition asking to shut down their dog farms 10/5/2021

Application No.: 1AA-2109-2450601
Application Date: 2021-09-21
Jeollanam-do Special Judicial Police Unit: We strongly request that the illegal dog farm in Yeongam-gun be investigated for animal cruelty, inspection and all illegal matters.
전라남도 특별사법경찰단: 영암군에 있는 불법 개농장에 대해 동물학대 행위, 점검과 모든 불법적인사항에 대한 수사를 해주시기를 강력히 요청합니다.

👎🏼 This so-called response from Yeoungam County is another one of countless shameless lies from the South Korean government.

📌 Please note: The South Korean government continues to deceive us with lies and excuses. Click HERE to learn more.

Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 전라남도
staff in charge 정권영
contact 061-470-2506
processing date 2021-10-05
result There are no dog farms, slaughterhouse, market, and restaurants offering dog meat on a commercial basis in Yeongam-gun.
Please refer to the following regarding your civil petition:
Dogs are not considered livestock as per Article 2 of the Livestock Hygiene Control Act.

영암군에는 개농장, 도축장, 시장, 개고기 전문점이 없다.
귀하의 민원에 대해서는 다음 사항을 참조하십시오.
개는 가축위생관리법 제2조에 따라 가축으로 간주되지 않는다.
End date 2021-10-07 23:59:59

This so-called response from Yeoungam County is another one of countless shameless lies from the South Korean government.

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