
Monthly Archive for: ‘November, 2016’

[Busan KAPCA] We need your support for the press conference urging an appeal of the Sangae-dong Dog Meat Market cruel slaughter case.

Sharing from Busan KAPCA (Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals): We need your support for the press …

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Campaign Update – Annapolis, Maryland responds it is NOT a Sister City to Changwon, South Korea

We have received a response on November 28, 2016, regarding our Sister City Campaign with the Changwon, South Korea, and …

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Sister City Campaign – Jincheon, South Korea –Vallejo, California

Mayor Bob Sampayan of Vallejo: Tell Sister City, Jincheon, South Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture and Consumption of …

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Sister City Campaign – Jecheon, South Korea –Spokane, Washington

Mayor David A. Condon of Spokane: Tell Sister City, Jecheon, South Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture and Consumption …

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Sister City Campaign – Sokcho, South Korea –Gresham, Oregon

Mayor Shane Bemis of Gresham: Tell Sister City, Sokcho, South Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture and Consumption of …

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Sister City Campaign – Changwon, South Korea –Annapolis, Maryland (Campaign Closed)

[Update November 24, 2016]Campaign Update – Annapolis, Maryland responds it is NOT a Sister City to Changwon, South Korea. We …

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Newsletter – November 24, 2016

Thank you for caring! Click HERE to see this newsletter from our homepage. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!   We here …

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Supportive Chattanooga responds to call to action against the dog meat trade

Andy Berke, Mayor of Chattanooga, has replied to our Gangneung Sister City campaign/petition that we sent to his office (see …

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Sister City Campaign – Changwon, South Korea –Jacksonville, Florida

Mayor Lenny Curry of Jacksonville: Tell Sister City, Changwon, South Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture and Consumption of …

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Sister City Campaign – Donghae, South Korea –Federal Way, Washington

Mayor Jim Ferrell of Federal Way: Tell Sister City, Donghae, South Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture and Consumption …

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“Meat dogs” in wire cages feed on rotten food waste slops while they wait to be slaughtered. (In Chinese)

籠裡的肉狗吃腐爛的食物廢渣同時等待被屠宰 Click HERE for English. Click HERE to read the article in Korean. 쓰레기 음식 먹고 도축 기다리는…철장 속 식용견들 …

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Sister City Campaign – Changwon, South Korea –Jersey City, New Jersey

Mayor Steven M. Fulop of Jersey City: Tell Sister City, Changwon, South Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture and …

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