2019 Phone Blitz in solidarity with the Animals’ Battalion’s Boknal Demonstration in New York

The Animals’ Battalion will be holding a series of demonstrations for the fifth year in a row, in New York City, outside the South Korean Consulate, to make that Government aware of how strongly we abhor their indifference to the mass cruelty and suffering inflicted on sentient animals, within the dog and cat meat trades; and also of the failure of that Government to bring about an end to these evil trades.
Click HERE for more info on The Animals’ Battalion 2019 ‘Boknal’ Demonstrations in New York.
In mutual support with the Animals’ Battalion, and KoreanDogs.org, no matter where you are in the world, we really hope that you can show your support and make your feelings known, by joining us to be part of ‘one voice’: we are asking you to take part in a telephone and mail ‘blitz’ at the same time as these demonstrations are being held, to back them up by getting your own message across to the South Korean Embassy within your country; details of which you can find here: http://www.mofa.go.kr/eng/wpge/m_5756/contents.do.
These are the dates, and information on the three events:
Day 1 – Friday, July 12, 2019 : Click HERE to join.
Day 2 – Monday, July 22, 2019 : Click HERE to join.
Day 3 – Friday August 9, 2019 : Click HERE to join.
- Send letter:
South Korean Embassy in Washington DC
2450 Massachusetts Avenue N.W.
Washington DC
District of Columbia 20008
USA - Websites: Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Korean Embassy in USA
Korean Consulate General in New York, USA - Telephone:
Korean Embassy in USA: 1-202-939-5600
Korean Consulate General in New York, USA: 1-646-674-6000 - US Fax: 1-202-797-0595
- Email Addresses: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
- For written protests:
Subject: The South Korean Dog and Cat Meat Trades
Dear Sir, or Madam,
I am contacting you today, as I wish to register my strongest protest to the indifference you, your countrymen and your government show to the suffering and cruelty that is carried out, by many people, within the dog and cat meat trades.
This cruelty and suffering must end, and I cannot see it ending until your country puts a complete stop to these aberrant trades – trades which have no place in any modern day society.
South Korea is a country that boasts a wealth of high-profile companies, with a 14th GDP rating; and if it still wishes to be seen as a modern, forward-thinking, civilized society, then your government must rethink its policy on allowing these illegal and unjustifiable trades to continue.
I sincerely implore your government to immediately begin policing and enforcing your animal protection laws; and, until it brings about the end to both the dog and cat meat trades, I will boycott all forms of tourism, all products, and all services from your country; and I will urge others to do the same.
- For telephone protests: We recommend that the best way forward, when calling an Embassy, is to politely ask to speak to a representative who has the authority to talk about the dog and cat meat trades within South Korea. The representative may well deny all knowledge of any illegality/wrong doing within these trades, or say that they are unable to help on this issue. If they are not forthcoming, then you might make the following statement or similar wording of your own – and please ask them to keep a record of your call and what you have said.
“As an animal lover, and part of a high-profile animal rights group, which has supporters across the globe, I wish to register my deep concern about the unregulated, cruel and abusive dog and cat meat trades with your country, South Korea.
I sincerely ask that your government immediately begins policing and enforcing your animal protection laws; and until it brings about a permanent end to both the dog and cat meat trades, I will boycott all forms of tourism, all products, and all services from South Korea; and I will urge others to do the same.”
Dogs and cats are our faithful companions. They have feelings and emotions, please stop this horrific barbaric mentally.
Stop this cruelty to man’s best friend …shame on YOU .
Please stop eating our Cats znd Dogs we have as pets. We !ove a d enjoy allour pets and feel you should think our way and stop your cruelty to our dogs and. cats now because it has gone on much too long a!ready. Thank You God Bless You!😁😁😯😊☺😁😀
STOP THIS 🤬🐕🐕🐕🤬🤬🤬
Stop the HORROR NOW.
Stop the torture. Stop eating dogs and cats.
Fermate questo orribile massaro
All this cruelty has got to stop. Dogs are one of the most loyal creatures on this planet. Please stop treating all animals with no respect , this world is not just ours . Live happy and in peace with every living creature .
It makes me physically and emotionally sick every time I see a picture or read about the horror these innocent animals, dogs and cats, are subjected to. PLEASE END THE HORROR!
STOP cruelty to animals now!!!!
Torturing animals to death is sick.what kind of decent civilisation would own to doing this. Shame on any who condone such behaviour and fail to pass laws to stop this pschopathic cruelty.
Please stop this animal cruelty. Humans have no right to impose our will on other animals. There are other forms of food. Dogs, cats, cows, pigs, sheep, goats should not be food. We dont need to eat animals to get protein. Especially, please stop eating dogs and cats. Thank you for reading this and thank you for stopping eating animals. We don’t eat humans, we shouldn’t be eating any other animals, either.
Stop hurting these dogs you all that do this should die the way they torture these dogs. Let’s chain you up and leave you there and see how you like it!!!
If you could only for a moment feel the horror and terrible pain that dogs and cats experience while waiting when they will be cooked , I think you would be more quick in your decision to help them. That is abnormal for the civil society not to have strong animal protection laws. Is it so difficult to resolve this situation? For many years so many people from the whole planet ask you to help these animals, but where is a result? STOP IT! This horror hurt not only that poor animals, but makes feel sick millions of people. Such tragedy for animal broke hearts of all normal people! STOP THIS CRUELTY!
Please STOP this eating dogs and cats they are our friends and will do anything for us
E-mails sent! Please speak up for these beautiful creatures!!
We may be human but while this goes on we are certainly not humane…..
You have disgraced yourselves in the eyes of the world with this unevolved barbaric behavior and obviously are beyond shame. In that special place in hell reserved for you may you be eaten alive by dogs. It is only fair.
Let’s protect the ones that have no voice
The cruelty must be stopped. There is NO justification for this inhumane behaviour.