
Category Archive for: ‘The Animals’ Battalion’

2019 Phone Blitz in solidarity with the Animals’ Battalion’s Boknal Demonstration in New York

The Animals’ Battalion will be holding a series of demonstrations for the fifth year in a row, in New York …

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The Animals’ Battalion 2019 ‘Boknal’ Demonstrations in New York

We are very excited that the New York based animal rights group “The Animals’ Battalion” will be organizing demonstrations in …

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Join us from your home! Phone Blitz in solidarity with the 2018 Boknal Demonstrations in New York and Seattle

For the fourth year in a row, the Animals’ Battalion will be holding a series of demonstrations outside the South …

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The Animals’ Battalion 2018 ‘Boknal’ Demonstrations in New York

We are very excited that the New York based animal rights group “The Animals’ Battalion” will be organizing demonstrations in …

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Blitz telefonico 2017 in solidarietà con la Manifestazione del Battaglione degli Animali di Boknal a New York

“2017 Phone Blitz in solidarity with the Animals’ Battalion’s Boknal Demonstration in New York” in Italian. Ringraziamo il Battaglione degli …

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