
Category Archive for: ‘Boknal’

The Animals’ Battalion 2019 ‘Boknal’ Demonstrations in New York

We are very excited that the New York based animal rights group “The Animals’ Battalion” will be organizing demonstrations in …

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Seattle – End the Korean Dog Meat Trade Demonstration 2018 (Day 2) July 27, 2018

We are very grateful to Stephanie and Peter Holman for organizing and Ollie, Victoria, Sylvia, Ilsa, Bill, and Elissa who …

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Join us from your home! Phone Blitz in solidarity with the 2018 Boknal Demonstrations in New York and Seattle

For the fourth year in a row, the Animals’ Battalion will be holding a series of demonstrations outside the South …

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2017 Blitz telefoon Actie uit solidariteit met de Boknal betogingen van het Dieren Bataljon in New York.

2017 Phone Blitz in solidarity with the Animals’ Battalion’s Boknal Demonstration in New York in Dutch. Wij danken het Dieren …

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2017 Telefon-Blitz-Aktion in Solidarität mit der Boknal-Demo des Animals’ Battalion in New York

2017 Phone Blitz in solidarity with the Animals’ Battalion’s Boknal Demonstration in New York in German Vielen Dank an Animals’ …

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Telefonski blitz 2017 v solidarnosti z demonstracijo The Animals’ Battalion proti Boknal v New Yorku

2017 Phone Blitz in solidarity with the Animals’ Battalion’s Boknal Demonstration in New York (In Slovenian) Hvala, The Animals’ Battalion …

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2017 Phone Blitz in solidarity with the Animals’ Battalion’s Boknal Demonstration in New York (In Chinese)

2017電話閃電聲援動物營 The Animals’ Battalion在紐約的Boknal示威 感謝動物營Animals’ Battalion為在南韓狗和貓肉貿易中的動物說話! 第3天的示威:2016年8月16日的照片:動物營The Animals’ Battalion 。 動物營The Animals’ Battalion 將在紐約市裡的南韓領事館外繼續第三年舉行一系列示威活動,使該政府意識到我們憎惡對有感情的動物造成極大的壓迫和痛苦,在狗和貓肉貿易之內;以及該政府未能終止這些邪惡行為。 與動物營The Animals’ Battalion以及KoreanDogs.org相互支持,無論你身在何方,我們希望你能夠表達你自己的感受和支持,通過加入我們,成為“一個聲音”的一部分,我們要求你在這些示威活動期間同時參加電話和郵件“閃電戰”,將自己的信息傳達到你所在國家的南韓領使館來支持他們; 詳情可以在這裡找到: 你也可以在這裡找到更新的信息。 …

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Blitz Telefônica em solidariedade com a Passeata do Batalhão dos Animais anti-Boknal em Nova Iorque.

2017 Phone Blitz in solidarity with the Animals’ Battalion’s Boknal Demonstration in New York (In Portuguese) Obrigado, Batalhão dos Animais, …

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2017 Blixtinsats via telefon, I solidaritet med Animal’s Battalion’s Boknal-demonstration i New York

2017 Phone Blitz in solidarity with the Animals’ Battalion’s Boknal Demonstration in New York (In Swedish) Tack Animal’s Battalion, för …

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2017 Phone Blitz in solidarity with the Animals’ Battalion’s Boknal Demonstration in New York (In Turkish)

2017 Phone Blitz in solidarity with the Animals’ Battalion’s Boknal Demonstration in New York (In Turkish) 2017 Phone Blitz, Animals’ …

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