
2017 Phone Blitz in solidarity with the Animals’ Battalion’s Boknal Demonstration in New York (In Chinese)

2017電話閃電聲援動物營 The Animals’ Battalion在紐約的Boknal示威

Boknal Demo Day 3_NY Korean Consulate_the Animals' Battalion
感謝動物營Animals’ Battalion為在南韓狗和貓肉貿易中的動物說話!
第3天的示威:2016年8月16日的照片:動物營The Animals’ Battalion 。

動物營The Animals’ Battalion 將在紐約市裡的南韓領事館外繼續第三年舉行一系列示威活動,使該政府意識到我們憎惡對有感情的動物造成極大的壓迫和痛苦,在狗和貓肉貿易之內;以及該政府未能終止這些邪惡行為。

與動物營The Animals’ Battalion以及KoreanDogs.org相互支持,無論你身在何方,我們希望你能夠表達你自己的感受和支持,通過加入我們,成為“一個聲音”的一部分,我們要求你在這些示威活動期間同時參加電話和郵件“閃電戰”,將自己的信息傳達到你所在國家的南韓領使館來支持他們;
詳情可以在這裡找到: 你也可以在這裡找到更新的信息。


第1天: 2017年7月12日,星期三。. 點擊 這裡 HERE加入.

第2天: 2017年7月21日,星期五。. 點擊 這裡 HERE加入.

第3天: 2017年8月11日星期五。. 點擊 這裡 HERE加入.

  • 發信:
    South Korean Embassy in Washington DC
    2450 Massachusetts Avenue N.W.
    Washington DC
    District of Columbia 20008
  • 網站:
  • 南韓駐美國使館電話: 1-202-939-5600
    南韓駐美國紐約總領事館電話: 1-646-674-6000
  • 南韓駐美國使館傳真: 1-202-797-0595
  • Email for New York Consulate: [email protected]; [email protected];
    電子郵件: 點擊 這裡HERE看電子郵件地址!
  • 無論是寫作還是打電話,以下是你可使用的措辭:

  • 書面抗議:



    這個殘殺和痛苦必須結束,在你的國家完全停止這些異常交易之前,我看不到它能結束,- 這個交易在現代社會是沒有地位的。




    Subject: The South Korean Dog and Cat Meat Trades

    Dear Sir, or Madam,

    I am contacting you today, as I wish to register my strongest protest to the indifference you, your countrymen and your government show to the suffering and cruelty that is carried out, by many people, within the dog and cat meat trades.

    This cruelty and suffering must end, and I cannot see it ending until your country puts a complete stop to these aberrant trades – trades which have no place in any modern day society.

    South Korea is a country that boasts a wealth of high-profile companies, with a 14th GDP rating; and if it still wishes to be seen as a modern, forward-thinking, civilized society, then your government must rethink its policy on allowing these illegal and unjustifiable trades to continue.

    I sincerely implore your government to immediately begin policing and enforcing your animal protection laws; and, until it brings about the end to both the dog and cat meat trades, I will boycott all forms of tourism, all products, and all services from your country; and I will urge others to do the same.

  • 電話抗議:





    “As an animal lover, and part of a high-profile animal rights group, which has supporters across the globe, I wish to register my deep concern about the unregulated, cruel and abusive dog and cat meat trades with your country, South Korea.

    I sincerely ask that your government immediately begins policing and enforcing your animal protection laws; and until it brings about a permanent end to both the dog and cat meat trades, I will boycott all forms of tourism, all products, and all services from South Korea; and I will urge others to do the same.”

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