
Monthly Archive for: ‘December, 2021’

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs’s response to our e-People petition 12/17/21

Application No.: 1AA-2112-0426298 Application Date: 2021-12-14 There’s no need for a meaningless survey about dog meat consumption. End the dog …

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Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’s response to our e-People petition 12/17/21

Application No.: 1AA-2112-0426821 Application Date: 2021-12-14 국조실, 농식품부, 식약처, 환경부, 문체부, 행안부, 기재부: 위법행위에 부여해온 ‘사회적 논의’ 라는 면책, 43년으로 …

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Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs’ response to our e-People petition 12/28/21

Application No.: 1AA-2112-0191028 Application Date: 2021-12-07 유기동물 보호소 표방한 ‘신종 펫숍’ 수사, 단속을 강력히 촉구합니다. Application Form Title 유기동물 보호소 …

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Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs’ response to our e-People petition 12/22/21

Application No.: 1AA-2112-0426821 Application Date: 2021-12-14 국조실, 농식품부, 식약처, 환경부, 문체부, 행안부, 기재부: 위법행위에 부여해온 ‘사회적 논의’ 라는 면책, 43년으로 …

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Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs’ response to our e-People petition 12/22/21

Application No.: 1AA-2112-0428567 Application Date: 2021-12-14 국민 세금으로 ‘개식용 합법화’ 연구 예고한 농식품부, 본 연구용역 취소하고 ‘개식용 종식’에 더욱 매진하라 …

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Incheon Seo-gu’s response to our e-People petition 12/22/21

Application No.: 1AA-2112-0471521 Application Date: 2021-12-15 인천시, 인천 서구청, 인천 경찰, 경기도 특수경찰, 검찰: 인천 서구에서 방치하여 극심한 고통을 받게한 …

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Call for Action: South Korean government must end dog and cat meat consumption now!

In September of 2021, South Korea’s President, Moon Jae-in, stated, “Hasn’t the time come to prudently consider prohibiting dog meat …

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Happy Holidays to you!

Dear friends and supporters of, Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones! Thank you for all your compassion …

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Important new ally in the fight against dog meat

United States Congressman Brad Sherman has joined the campaign against the torture, killing, and eating of dogs. Congressman Sherman is …

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The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs’ plan for a study on the ‘legalization of dog meat,’ is canceled, for now.

Sharing from Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA) Previous post: The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs announced a study …

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Update: “Stop eating dogs!” Establishment of the consultative discussion committee on ending dog meat consumption

Below is a translation of a news article published by Aju News on December 12, 2021: December 10th every year …

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The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs announced a study on the ‘legalization of dog meat,’ wasting taxpayer money. Cancel this research and focus more on ‘ending dog meat.’

Sharing from Korean Animal Welfare Association (KAWA) and Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA): Joint Statement by the Animal advocate …

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